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[Kazzak][H] <Cartel> (1/9M) 2 day raiding guild LF DPS

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Hey guys,

<Cartel> is a semi-hardcore 2 day raiding guild, with the aim to be as efficient as possible during raiding times whilst maintaining a pleasant atmosphere. We founded towards the end of Nighthold, but with hard work, have managed to form a strong mythic roster and are now looking for certain classes to improve the composition.

We raid:
Wednesday (7:30-10:30pm ST)
Sunday (7:30-10:30pm ST)

Current Progression: 9/9HC, 1/9M

Recruiting: Afflic Warlock, Sub Rogue, Balance Druid, MM Hunter

What we expect from our raiders:
- To Maintain an 80% attendance
- To communicate in Discord during raids
- To have good knowledge on boss tactics before we start the boss

Our aim is to achieve a strong raiding roster who all get along and are focused on getting the best possible progression. We want to build a long lasting roster who are willing to stick together for future content.

Contact Us:
If you are interesting in raiding with the Cartel or have any questions, don't hesitate to add my Battletag: Dommylad#2316

Or, send us an email using the template on our wowprogress page: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/kazzak/Cartel

We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you in our next raid!

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