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2pc and 4pc t16

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I'm trying to set up some TMW's when it comes to 2pc and 4pc for Desro, Afflic, and Demo but I cannot find the spell names. Does anyone know? I currently can't get to a dummy.

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Destruction 2pc: Destructive Influence - it almost never procs

Destruction 4pc: Ember Master

Demo 2pc: Fiery Wrath

Affliction 2pc: Empowered Grasp

Affliction 4pc: Dark Refund

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Destruction 2pc: Destructive Influence - it almost never procs

Destruction 4pc: Ember Master

Demo 2pc: Fiery Wrath

Affliction 2pc: Empowered Grasp

Affliction 4pc: Dark Refund


You can say that again!  I imported a Weak Aura for it and have never seen it go off.  I've never actually seen the proc, I thought it was broken.  

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Eh, I've seen varying results.  Here are my log results this week:


Heroic Immerseus: Ember Master, 32 procs = 26.3% uptime; Destructive Influence, 6 procs = 9.8% uptime -_-

Heroic Protectors: Empowered Grasp, 149 procs = 80.4% uptime; Dark Refund, 5 procs out of 28 Haunts :D

Heroic Norushen: Ember Master, 17 procs = 22.8% uptime; Destructive Influence, 3 procs, 8.1% uptime -_-

Heroic Sha of Pride: Ember Master, 26 procs = 28.5% uptime, Destructive Influence, 5 procs = 11.2% uptime :)

Heroic Galakras: Ember Master, 45 procs = 28.6% uptime, Destructive Influence, 13 procs, 14.3% uptime :D

Normal Dark Shamans: Ember Master, 14 procs = 33.8% uptime; Destructive Influence, 2 procs = 9.6% uptime :D

Normal Nazgrim: Ember Master, 15 procs = 25.6% uptime; Destructive Influence, 3 procs = 10.9% uptime -_-

Normal Malkorok (#1 Destro): Ember Master, 12 procs = 31.2% uptime; Destructive Influence, 2 procs = 10.2% uptime -_-

Normal Siegecrafter: Ember Master, 13 procs = 24.9% uptime; Destructive Influence, 3 procs, 11.4% uptime :)

Normal Thok: Empowered Grasp, 22 procs, 60.6% uptime, 0 Dark Refund procs out of 21 Haunts :(

Normal Garrosh: Ember Master, 30 procs, 27.3% uptime; Destructive Influence, 1 proc, 1.8% uptime :(


I've attached smiley faces on how happy I was with the RNG of it all.  1 bloody proc on Garrosh for the 2pc bonus is asinine.  I guess there is no proc protection on set bonuses (HI BLIZZARD, PLZ IMPLEMENT PROC PROTECTION ON RNG SET BONUSES!)

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A good way to find the name of a buff you don't know but have on your gear is to just go spam a target dummy and look in Skada/Recount for buff uptimes. It will list all the buffs you gained during the fight, so you can do process of elimination (especially if you know the icon with Skada) to figure out what you're looking for. It's what I do when I'm doing a new Weak Aura for a trinket.

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I agree Kaz. That's what I normally do. At the time of OP I didn't have my 2pc and I still don't have my 4pc so target dummy analysis isn't possible atm. I'd like to have a head start for my TMW strings so I was hoping other lucky warlocks with their 4pc's could help me out :)

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The 4tp of Afflictions sounds crappy when u remember that you need to use 2 pieces with crit on it to obtain this bonus.

I prefer use 2-3 WF pieces.

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The 4tp of Afflictions sounds crappy when u remember that you need to use 2 pieces with crit on it to obtain this bonus.

I prefer use 2-3 WF pieces.

For Affliction, yes.  If you're Demonology or Destruction for any other fights and don't push yourself into one spec, then you'll want the 4pc.  Either swap gear out for Affliction or suck up the minor DPS loss for having a small bit of Crit on gear.  Not sure how your luck with WF/TF pieces are, but we had 13/13H on farm for 10+ weeks and I only had 2 TF pieces from ToT.  As a 10 man, electing to bypass tier for WF is a pretty shady plan.  Just doesn't drop with frequency in 10 man.


Now I'm only missing the 4pc for Demo. Wondering if TMW will show up when it procs.

There is nothing that shows up or counts your procs.  You just get free HoGs or CWs that get thrown in your log with your normal HoGs and CWs.

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For Affliction, yes.  If you're Demonology or Destruction for any other fights and don't push yourself into one spec, then you'll want the 4pc.  Either swap gear out for Affliction or suck up the minor DPS loss for having a small bit of Crit on gear.  Not sure how your luck with WF/TF pieces are, but we had 13/13H on farm for 10+ weeks and I only had 2 TF pieces from ToT.  As a 10 man, electing to bypass tier for WF is a pretty shady plan.  Just doesn't drop with frequency in 10 man.

My chest and Legs are WF from Ordos, also my Thok's ring é WF too.

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Congratulations on getting TWO Ordos pieces in 3 weeks.  You have to realize you are incredibly lucky, right?  Getting two pieces from a world boss is nice, but every piece from him is WF, so that doesn't really factor in here.  Also, WF is a bit different than Heroic WF.  The argument of 4pc vs H WF off-pieces is regarded when you talk about 574 tier vs 580 H WF because of better itemization and stats.  Most of us 10 man raiders don't see the WF/TF pieces of gear we need.  It was hilarious seeing the 25 man guild I left having a higher item level despite never downing H Lei Shen or Raden while my 10 man had those on farm.  Know why?  Ra-den dropped H TF CLOAKS!  25 mans see WF/TF at a much higher frequency because they get more loot per person.  It's basically no argument.

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So if you're rolling mainly affliction it's best to get T15 heroic tier 2pc in combination with T16 heroic 2pc. Only thing to consider is the itemization then. If this is the route to go, what pieces of each tier would be best itemized?

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There is absolutely no way that the 2pc for T15 overrides the 574/580 to 543 item level drop in stats. 

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Is the destro 2pc even worth using if it is poorly itemized? Smashing a dummy for 5 mins I only got 1 proc, and that was with F&B conflagration on all 4

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I'd have to agree, it's pretty bad.  It shines a bit more on a fight like Malakras where you constantly have targets you can FnB a Conflagrate onto.

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Did you mean Galakras?  Malkorok is a boss and Galakras is a boss, but Malakras sounds just down right goofy.

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Lol dammit.  Yeah definitely combined their names there.  Galakras is the correct answer.

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Malakras, a fuckin' Sha imbued General Dragon killer of Trolls ride by Old Gods



Also, I don't play demo in any fights and destro in just a few of them, so I let my 3 other share-token partners receive the tokens first and only rolled gloves and head - I don't have gloves yet /sad - so they can't have 4tp and only when tokens are in excess them I take a couple for Off-spec.



Btw my Heirloom Staff is shining like a diamond in my trollic hands.


I'm just damn lucky in this past, 20 ilvl in 3 weeks, now ilvl 563.6 and I'm even doing heroic yet.

Edited by JvChequer

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