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[Kel'Thuzad][A] <Ninja Pirate Monkeys> 3/9M 2 Night EST

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[A] Ninja Pirate Monkeys of US-Kel'Thuzad is currently recruiting for Mythic ToS. We have finished strong in Mythic NH (10/10M) and are ready to step into mythic progression once again in Tomb of Sargeras. 

Our raid schedule is:
Tuesday 8:00 - 11:00EST
Thursday 8:00 - 11:00EST

If you are looking for a progression guild, but don't have the time or desire to commit to 3+ days of raiding, we could be a great fit for you. Many of us have come from hardcore raiding backgrounds but no longer can sustain the lifestyle required due to work, school, family etc. Our hope is that we can continue progressing at a healthy rate while having a fun and enjoyable raiding atmosphere that is so often absent while raiding hardcore.

We require at minimum, 920+ ilvl with your main spec artifact weapon lvl 52+ (Concordance). Current logs of your performance in N/H/M ToS are required.

We are currently recruiting these specific classes and specs for core but will consider any exceptional applicant.

Melee DPS -

Ranged DPS -

Healing -
Currently not looking for any healers

Currently not looking for any tanks

About Us:
We are fairly laid back guild whose goal first and foremost is to have fun along side friends and peers. With that said we take progression seriously and value efficiency. Some of us have been raiding since Vanilla. Our plan is to keep raiding at a high level, while maintaining our laid-back atmosphere, for many years to come. Each new raid tier our goal is to progress and clear as much as possible with the time we are allowed. Being a two day raiding schedule means that we demand productivity. No room for lazy raiders. We expect you to come prepared and be ready both physically and mentally.

If you feel like we may be a good fit, please feel free to get in contact with on of our recruitment officers: Elonismilan#1800| Auralae#1669

We look forward to hearing from you. (Also Asmongold is on our server so you get to hear Asmongold spam in general ToS chat for 6 hours a week!)

Edited by Elonismilan

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