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I apologize in advance as this is very very OT. This is the best forum on Icy-Veins and it seems the others don't get much foot traffic.



Latest logs.

What can we do better?

Again I apologize for posting here. Though the 2 warlocks in the raid (myself included) can always improve.

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You know those little baby corruptions?  They cast bolts at the boss.  When the bolt touches the boss it increases all damage the boss does in the form of "Fusion" stacks.  On your first 2 minute attempt he gained 16 Fusion stacks.  On our 5 minute kill he gained 13 total stacks.  I think the boss is just destroying your raid because your damage on the adds isn't high enough.  Have your friend ditch Demo for this fight, it's not good enough.  Destruction is amazing, but Affliction also gets the job done well.


Priority needs to be on killing the adds ASAP, barring that, standing between the boss and them so that you soak up the damage from the bolt rather than the boss getting another Fusion stack.  They can also be stunned, so Shadowfury is great here.  Get a couple of your higher DPS to phase first so they can do more damage to the Amalgam sooner.  Make sure that people about to go inside a phase are picking up the black corruption balls so that it clears right away.


But seriously, Blizz made it so damage done to the adds is done to the boss as well.  You can double(triple?) dip with Destruction using Havoc.  Overall though, most people need to step up their add damage.  You just need a huge priority shift to them.  Stun them, block them, kill them.


Edit: I looked a little further, and it seems like some attempts you're much better at preventing Fusion stacks, but it also seems very inconsistent.  You have people dying to the laser beam as well, which isn't good.  Make sure people pick up the Residual Corruption (black balls left by the larger adds) sooner rather than later.  That seems to be getting people.

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Omaric is 100% on with this one, and his strat could be used for Heroic as well.  Heroic is essentially normal mode with a tighter enrage timer.


TL;DR of Norushen normal and heroic:

1) KILL ADDS - I mean it.  Kill them IMMEDIATELY.

2) Get between smaller adds and boss.  Stun them.  Silence them.  Interrupt them.  Permanently silence and interrupt by killing.

3) KILL ADDS - really, saying this twice because it's really the only mechanic to worry about besides...



If you kill adds and don't die to cutter, this fight is largely a joke.  We one shot it with the changes they implemented to Heroic mode this week.  If your DPS is awesome, do it on heroic.  If you're struggling on normal, see steps 1-4.

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Our best attempt was a 3% or so enrage wipe. Would you suggest the top 3-5 dps tunnel vision the boss once they are pure?


As long as adds are going down quick, sure?  Generally they're top DPS for a reason, either numbers inflation or they're just good.  The latter of those 2 options you will want to have stick on the adds for consistency.

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As far as minimizing damage taken and maximizing healing goes, it looks like your Disc priest is going in first (took me a bit to figure out the log is his POV). I don't know how well it works in 25-man vs. how my guild does it in 10-man, but we have a stack point we only move from to get away from the beams. Have the rdruid drop his mushroom there, and the rsham can put healing rain there. It can also help you to take better advantage of some raid cooldowns like PW:Barrier, AMZ, and Smoke Bomb. A good trick for the stack point strat, especially with multiple locks, is to put your gateway on either side of the stack point. Once the beam comes across and is getting to your stack point, the raid can run ahead of the beam and gate across it. If people can avoid dying, that's easily 3%. The damage you lose in being dead for a few seconds is quite a bit, and then you figure in the loss of food buff for the rest of the fight, the time it takes to get rebuffs out, the time it takes to re-summon or revive hunter/lock pets. Nuking the adds quicker and having people not dying to the beams will probably get you the kill.

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