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[Lightbringer] [A] <Novus Sanctum> (9/9 H) LF M/Ranged DPS

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[Lightbringer][A] <Novus Sanctum> (9/9N 9/9H ToS) LF Melee/Ranged DPS

Melee DPS
• Rogue
• Demon Hunter

Ranged DPS
• Hunter
• Mage
• Warlock
• Priest

Raid Times (PST):
• Tuesday: 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM
• Thursday: 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM
• Saturday(fun raid): 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM



Please fill out the application if you are interested in joining. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Wiretwister#1209 on battle net, Breebird, or Melyssana

About <Novus Sanctum>:
9/9 N TOS : 9/9 H TOS

We’re looking for a few good players to join our ranks so that we can push into Mythic Tomb of Sargeras as well as get ready for Argus raids.

What you need:
• Be knowledgeable about your class—know: optimal talents, stats, gear, gems, enchants, rotation
• Pull 700k dps minimum
• Be ilvl 900
• Have at least 60 points in Artifact Weapon (for Netherlight Crucible unlocks)
• Have the appropriate addons and keep them up to date (DBM, EPGP, Weak Auras,RCLootCouncil EPGP, etc.)
• Have a positive and constructive attitude. 

We expect all our raiders to come prepared before raid. This includes flask, pots, tomes, and being ON TIME. 

Why should you join Novus Sanctum?

We are not only a progression raiding guild, we are a friendly home for everyone who joins. The atmosphere of the guild is friendly, helpful, supportive, and rewarding. When it's time for business to be handled in raid, we do it, but we have fun at the same time.

We regularly run dungeons, Mythic+, and even old content if we get the urge. To add a bit onto this, we're mainly worried about the points into your weapon. We can gear you up to where you need to be pretty quickly but we can't level your weapon for you. So, as long as your weapon is in a pretty good spot and your gear isn't 825, hit Aachoo or Melyssana up in game.

We would rather bring players who are willing to learn and execute mechanics even if their DPS might be a bit lower than those who only care about the meters and nothing else.

If you have any questions, contact our raid lead Melyssana or recruiter Aachoo or Breebird

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Still looking for motivated and skilled Melee and Ranged DPS!


**Updated DPS and Addon requirement

Edited by Aachoo

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Don't bother with this group of people. The main core of this guild is only interested in themselves and their friends. Will always ask for help doing their errands and helping their many, various alts, without barely ever helping others with their tasks. Guild is compromised of mostly men, but has a large number of female players. This results in overly PC conversation, rules and regulation so if you don't want to be reprimanded for casual talk then watch what you say.  Raid leader doesn't communicate with team members individually and will be rude and passive aggressive in private communication. This happens because your game play will be secretly scrutinized until they decide its time to verbally attack you and invite you to reapply as a raider when you "get better." There are many other great raiding guilds on the server that are actually worth your time.

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Drexxle is totally right. If you are looking for a guild to carry you, this is not the guild for you. The guild has lots of fun, badass female players. If you're that guy who thinks that typing explicit lyrics to them is going to make them hot for you, THIS IS NOT YOUR GUILD. If you're the guy that wants his AOTC achievement, but comes to his trial without flasks, doesn't know the fights, is dead most of the time, gets out dpsed by all 3 healers, and then gets angry when they don't get promoted... we're not your guild. 

If you're not THAT GUY, apply! You might just have fun. 


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This is great, proves my points. I could explain more but these idiots do it for me. Do yourself a favor, don't waste your time, five minutes after /gquit im in a better, mature guild =D.

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I have refrained from saying anything to your previous posts within the last 24 hours, but since you persist in following our different threads and posting misinformation, I will go ahead and address this publicly.

You were the first to die on 3 different fights to simple basic mechanics, your average DPS was 600k, and you took more healing per fight than most people. 

In addition, your unwelcomed sexual banter towards a member of the guild was addressed by an officer and you took offense to us asking you to stop making other people uncomfortable. If you cannot control how you speak to others and that is your best performance on raid, then I am glad you are no longer in the guild.

The only mythic+ above 10 you've completed, you completed with our guild group, so I guess that's you thinking we "don't help" others.


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It's ok go ahead and misconstrue information. If you want to join a guild of losers and pansies go for it. Fill there many slots for raiding and progress them. Otherwise if you want to progress and have a good time doing it, spend your valuable time elsewhere.

  • Haha 1

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Please, refrain from derailing the thread and keep it civil. Also @Aachoo: The reported thread has been deleted.

  • Thanks 1

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