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Alt Pestilence Build for necro

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Hey all - I have come up with a pestilence build that I think works decently and gets rid of the problem with no essence use. This is my 1st time out suggesting a build but it works for the style I play. I am however open to suggestions of tweaks

Full Pestilence Master Shroud set minus the shoulders - if u have a good piece - then try tweaking cooldown, resource cost or pickup radius of globes. I put all diamonds in here except helm which has topaz

Shoulders - Corpsewhisper Pauldrons

Belt - String of Ears

Bracers - Reaper Wraps

Amy - Wisdom of Kalan

Rings - Obsidian (absolute must - with max reduction on resource cost and cooldown) and Krysbin Sentence

Wpn - Scythe of the Cycle

Off - Lost Time

Cube - Maltorius' Petrified Spike, Golemskin Breeches, and Ring of Royal Grandeur

Left Mouse Bone Spear/ Teeth   Right mouse Bone Spikes/Frost Spikes ( just to get essence if you start getting tapped out - and it helps your bane out).

Other Skills 1] Bone Armor/ Vengeful armament 2] Command Golem/ Ice Golem 3] Land of the Dead/ Frozen Lands 4] Devour/ Devouring aura

Passives - Life from Death, Dark reaping, overwhelming essence, and Stand Alone

Legendary Gems - Bane of the trapped, Esoteric Alteration and Bane of the Stricken. Stricken is the only one that I think could possible switch out for something better but open to suggestions on all of them.

I ruled out some of the more popular pieces like Walking set - cause Wisdom just more important same with obsidan reductions - you can put this in cube and switch but you don't get the reduction as well.


Anyhow just a thought let me know what you think



Edited by Polne

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How far have you taken this build? It looks like it's lacking a lot of damage. I don't mean to hammer on your build but I've got some questions and points though that feels off.

1. Why use the Corpsewhisper PauldronsCorpsewhisper Pauldrons shoulders when you are not using Corpse Lance? You could use set shoulders and cube Briggs' WrathBriggs' Wrath with a curse to gain control and change Teeth to Shatter for more damage.

2. DevourDevour should never use the Devouring AuraDevouring Aura unless you are using a speedbuild with pick-up radius, that is just a lazy rune with 0 benefits compared to using a useful one.

3. What purpose in the build does Land of the DeadLand of the Dead serve? Since if you are using a golem you can get corpses there.

4. The passive Overwhelming EssenceOverwhelming Essence is not needed in builds that does not make us of Reilena's ShadowhookReilena's Shadowhook since there is no point for having more essence. You just make sure you have enough generation usually.

5. If you cube Requiem CereplateRequiem Cereplate you gain all the essence generation and survivability you can ask for with DevourDevourCannibalizeCannibalize , you should try that instead. With this change you can swap the Reapers for Nemesis BracersNemesis Bracers as well.

6. Your String of EarsString of Ears is really only for toughness and you gain a lot more toughness and consistent damage increase if you use Dayntee's BindingDayntee's Binding and swap either golem or land for a DecrepifyDecrepify so trapped is also always on.


Edited by Arkpit

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Well actually those are good questions but everthing was thought about and here goes the reply.


1] I use Corpsewhisper Pauldrons because the set gives you corpse lance and it directly effects the outcome of their damage.  And I get more damage from them then the set shoulders. Also shatter is more a immediate area whereas teeth gives you a cone. I read from many people they had trouble clearing the screen even with shatter and I don't until I hit upper levels where yes I do get a problem with lack of damage. However I ususally walk around with the 20 stacks to make it power up and same goes with the 100 stacks of bone spear

2] devouring aura - I have been rocking back and for about this one and it does have its benefits which is why I keep coming back to it. It is a tad lazy but in one way but it makes you seek out corpses in another to make your lance engage.

3] Land of dead is like a auto fire corpse lance and just whacks the hell out of everything close even if you don't know they are there and thus is a major killer of elites too. You don't need the corpses for this to get the lances to spread like wild fire.

4] I have been debating this one after I put in spikes and have thought about switching it out. Originally I was getting resource blocked (another reason for land of the dead) so this was in for that reason.

5] I can look at this too been debating it too. I don't use the golem for corpses cause it is useless but I use it for the ice to make krysbin do the 3x damage and it works well. I tried the corpse golem at first as I got the core of this build off another site (can't remember who) but I changed it drastically cause it didn't work for me. With obsidian both land and ice golem come back into play often.

6] Must admit been wanting to change this belt but haven't thought of a suitable one. I did try Dayntee's but decripfy not sure it works real well yet - ie am not convinced it is the right move. But I can always revisit it.

Thanx for the imput and I hope you get where I am going with this build.  I really did this cause everyone hates this set. lol



Edited by Polne

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Build this on D3planner and then post a link.  That way, improvements can be paper tested, and the resulting build# posted for comparison, in addition to real game testing.  Telling us that your build can at least Master the set dungeon would also be interesting, since the hated Masters of the Universe conquest haunts this Seasons wannbe-Guardians.

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here is the link - started to fill in stats then figured I shouldn't since your stats would be different anyhow https://www.d3planner.com/448521530

Thanx for the info never used that planner before

I have done gr65 and 70 with this build and a friend and held my own but slow on killing at that level - t10 is pretty easy but it tapers off pretty fast after that. Need more damage as was pointed out and I said also. When lands is going it does kill much better as the stacks go up fast above t10. At t10 and below, I pretty much just walk through and kill everything without much effort and I mean I clear everything without trying much.

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5 hours ago, Polne said:

At t10 and below, I pretty much just walk through and kill everything

Well the problem is that everything in Diablo 3 these days revolve about farming T13 with speed since it offers you 3 GR keys on your nephalem rifts.

I get that people want diversity but building something that works for T10 isn't viable right now but there are options that I tried to expand on that does speedfarm T13 with Pestilence set as follows:


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I did try this build twice now and I don't like it. As reported by another player, I have the same problem with loosing resource. I don't have that problem with my build. I know part of it is my timing and I am not used to your build yet so gonna give some more effort but I couldn't make it work well for me.

OK got the resource thing dealt with some but it is still slower even on t10 for me Briggs does work wonders though and the one shot does work on most elites. Makes me wonder if had a alternative to stun as a back up when get stun immune critters

Update: ok just tested a pseudo side by side - gr45 1shot build had 6min 47 remaining and lance build gr50 7min 34 remaining - so with the equipment I have at hand mine is faster at a harder level. I did take your advice though and switched out Overwhelming Essence for Serration and it does help. Also am thinking maybe swtiching Bane of the Stricken out for Bane of the Powerful as I think that might help taking from your idea.


Edited by Polne

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I'm running the oneshot spear build right now and never have a problem with essence because of the cubed Requiem CereplateRequiem Cereplate

It struggles with damage once you go GR60 but for T13 farming it works well but kinda needs good items still and it's defenitly the weakest set right now sadly. Getting some good buffs in next patch though!

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Definitely some issues I see with this build.

Scythe of the Cycle + Bone Armor seems like a poor choice. If you're going Inarius, Bone Armor is the way to go, but with Pestilence, you're giving up a weapon slot AND a skill slot for an infrequent 400% boost to your damage... when you could just be running Reliana's Shadowhook for a permanent 150%+ bonus to your damage at the cost of just that + a passive (that you already have slotted in anyways).

Bone Spikes - I've been running a build that gets by without a dedicated generator. Take Devour - Voracity, and between the Golem Rune that spawns corpses and Land of the Dead, you can have the resource cost reduction from that maxed out more or less permanently. Bonespear on your L click, Devour on your R click. This frees up yet another skill slot.

With the two free skill slots, your first best option is Decrepify - Dizzying Curse. This gives you an easy trigger for Krysbin's Sentence that can also proc the 300%, plus it turns on Danytee's Binding which is a way better belt than String of Ears for survivability.

For the second slot, you can take Blood Rush for additional mobility, or for maximal damage output, take Simulacrum - Reservoir. Doubling your Essence Reserves doubles the bonus from Shadowhook, while also doubling the number of Bone Spears you shoot, which should triple your damage for the duration.

Teeth is also definitely not the way to go for your Bone Spear Rune. You want to maximize your damage output and also your range. Blood Spear gives you the highest damage output, but the increased life cost is kind of a turnoff. Consider Blighted Marrow or Shatter. Crystalization also guarantees that you've got your enemies pegged by Krysbin at all times.

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