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Patch 7.3: Official Patch Notes

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Patch 7.3 is hitting servers next week and here are full patch notes with all new features and class changes.

Cinematics and the release date (August 29) were unveiled today during the reveal ceremony at Gamescom 2017. For more information about Patch 7.3, feel free to visit our Argus hub.

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World of Warcraft Patch 7.3

New Features


Following recent events in the Broken Isles, a link has been created between Azeroth and Kil'jaeden's homeworld of Argus, bringing the Burning Legion closer than ever to destroying Azeroth. In order to stop them once and for all, Illidan and Velen are taking the war directly to the surface of Argus, where they hope to join forces with Alleria, Turalyon, and the Army of the Light to launch an all-out assault on the Legion's primary base of operations.

Board the Vindicaar, a vessel that will serve as your mobile base of operations on Argus, as well as one of your few safe havens on the planet.

As you explore Argus, you’ll visit new locations across the planet, experiencing the epic conclusion to the Legion storyline and unlocking new world quests and other content along the way.

Invasion Points

Azeroth isn’t the only world connected to this hostile place. While on Argus, you’ll unlock the ability to enter the very portals the Burning Legion use to transport to other worlds. Once there, complete an event or defeat a boss to earn epic rewards.

New Dungeon: Seat of the Triumvirate

Once the heart of the ancient eredar civilization where Velen, Archimonde, and Kil’jaeden ruled their people, this temple has fallen to ruin. Return with Velen to retrieve an ancient relic of power, and battle the darkness that has overtaken this sacred place, in a new 5-person dungeon among the ruins of Mac’Aree on Argus, featuring four bosses:

  • Zuraal the Ascended
    • Zuraal represents the Shadowguard’s first success at creating a Void-infused Broken whose mind has not fallen into madness. A renowned brawler in his past life, Zuraal uses his newfound dark strength to empower his attacks and decimate his foes.
  • Saprish
    • The ever-tactical Saprish deploys the forces of the Shadowguard with calculated precision. Though a skilled commander and strategist, Saprish relishes taking a direct hand in battle. He turns his foes’ weaknesses against them, leaving his vulnerable adversaries at the mercy of his voracious pets.
  • Viceroy Nezhar
    • Like others of his ilk, Viceroy Nezhar is obsessed with harnessing the power of the Void to serve his own ambitions. Drawn to the Seat of the Triumvirate by the immense darkness emanating from deep within, Nezhar will stop at nothing to claim it for his own. Given the viceroy’s experiments at infusing vessels with the power of shadow, the implications of what he might accomplish on Argus are dire indeed.
  • L'ura
    • When Velen and his followers fled Argus aboard the Genedar, the naaru L’ura stayed behind to buy the draenei time to escape. Kil’jaeden, enraged by this betrayal, ordered the wounded naaru sealed away in the Seat of the Triumvirate. Over the long millennia that passed, L’ura fell from Light to Void. Her elegant song of courage and hope became a shadowy dirge of despair, luring those seeking to lay claim to her power.

Updated Features

Argus World Quests

As you progress through each of the areas to explore on Argus, you’ll unlock new World Quests and new Emissaries eager for your help.

Artifact Customization

Harness the power of Argus to activate the Netherlight Crucible aboard the Vindicaar, allowing you to augment your Artifact Relics. The Crucible can be used to strengthen and customize Relics, increasing their raw power and allowing players to choose from a set of additional powers, including a second Artifact Trait to improve.

Combat Animations

New and updated animations, effects, and audio are coming to all three Mage specs, all three Priest specs, and Elemental and Restoration Shamans. Restoration Druids have updated animations.

Class Halls, Champions, and Missions

Your Class Hall and its assorted Champions played key roles in the defense of Azeroth, and their keen efforts are needed to succeed with the new challenges of Argus. You’ll find dozens of new missions, along with new Troop types, and an increase in your Champions’ item level to 950.


Loot dropped in Normal, Heroic, and Mythic dungeons is now increased in power by 20 item levels:

  • Normal: item level 845
  • Heroic: item level 865
  • Mythic: item level 885

Mythic Keystone rewards scale up to a maximum of item level 915 in the dungeon, and item level 935 in the weekly chest, both capped at Mythic Keystone 10. This cap in will increase to Mythic Keystone 15 at a future date.

The difficulty of Heroic and Mythic dungeons has increased to reflect the improved rewards. Normal dungeon difficulty is unchanged.

Pet Battles

Venture through the raids of Cataclysm to find new battle pets for the much-anticipated achievement, Raiding with Leashes V: CuteaclysmRaiding with Leashes V: Cuteaclysm. You’ll boast about finding a host of mostly elemental pets when you revisit Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, Throne of the Four Winds, Firelands, and Dragon Soul.

Advance scouts have reported spotting 18 legendary boss pets scattered about Argus, and these miniature monstrosities have otherworldly special abilities that the denizens of Azeroth have never seen before, such as the slightly terrifying Greater Apocalypse ability. Additionally, more than a dozen different capturable wild pets are said to be found on Argus, as well as a number of pets that can only be obtained via reward items and the new Family FighterFamily Fighter achievement.

Professions on a New Planet

Professional development turns a new page on Argus, with new gathering nodes for Herbalism and Mining, new material types for Skinning and Tailoring, and a new soulbound reagent: Primal SargeritePrimal Sargerite. Look for new items that can be created by crafters, as well as a new shoulder enchant that provides materials specific to Argus.

In a related turn of events, six renowned NPCs have emerged in the world of fishing. Every day, visit Akule Riverhorn, Corbyn, Ilyssia of the Waters, Impus, Keeper Raynae, or Sha’leth to earn reputation and explore the new rewards they have to offer, and ultimately earn the Fisherfriend of the Isles achievement to unlock a new alternate appearance for your Underlight Angler artifact fishing pole.



Artifact Knowledge

  • The Orders are now working together to improve Artifact Knowledge, and Artifact Knowledge now increases every week for everyone at the same rate, without the need to submit work orders.


  • The Avoidance stat has been reduced in effectiveness by 27% at all levels.
  • Death Knight
    • Frost
    • The synergy between Hungering Rune WeaponHungering Rune Weapon and Breath of SindragosaBreath of Sindragosa has dominated the spec, leaving little room for variety. We’re adjusting this combo, and overall damage has increased to compensate. The result should be a more competitive talent picture. All three level 100 talents are tweaked for balance and to play more smoothly. Hungering Rune WeaponHungering Rune Weapon should still be hectic to use and require planning, but should not drastically overcap resources anymore.
    • These changes collectively reduce Frost’s propensity to be flooded with resources in many of its talent/legendary setups
    • The following talents have shifted around in the talent tree to provide more choices and allow for better balanced options. This requires targeted balance changes.
    • The utility talent row on level 75 should now provide a better payoff in situations where Frost’s comparative lack of mobility is felt.
      • Volatile ShieldingVolatile Shielding now causes Anti-Magic ShellAnti-Magic Shell to generate 100% additional Runic Power (was: removes Runic Power generation), and no longer deals damage.
      • White Walker replaced with new talent, Inexorable AssaultInexorable Assault: For every 1 second spent in combat with no enemy within 8 yards, you gain a stack of Inexorable AssaultInexorable Assault. Each stack causes your next autoattack to deal additional Frost damage.
  • Druid
    • All Specs
      • Mass EntanglementMass Entanglement is now a 15-yard AoE around the target.
      • ProwlProwl cooldown reduced to 6 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • RebirthRebirth is now castable in all forms.
    • Feral
    • Feral’s updates are focused on addressing two issues with the spec: reducing the dominance of complexifying talents such as Savage RoarSavage Roar, Jagged WoundsJagged Wounds, and BloodtalonsBloodtalons, and reducing the damage gap between learning the spec and playing it perfectly. Feral has traditionally been a high skill-cap spec, and we have no intention of changing that, but this suite of updates should make the spec more approachable and less punishing for those still learning its nuances.
    • The following talents have shifted around in the talent tree to provide more choices and allow for better balanced options.
    • The rhythm and pacing of AoE situations should now feel more consistent with the rest of Feral’s abilities.
      • SwipeSwipe Energy cost reduced to 40 (was 45).
      • ThrashThrash Energy cost reduced to 45 (was 50).
      • ThrashThrash Now generates 1 combo point if it hits a target.
    • Savage RoarSavage Roar is generally maintained at full uptime, so the “deals increased damage for their full duration” on it provided no gameplay, only added complication. In comparison, Tiger's FuryTiger's Fury and BloodtalonsBloodtalons still provide interesting gameplay due to their limited nature.
      • Savage RoarSavage Roar now increases the damage of Feral damage over time effects dynamically, based on whether Savage RoarSavage Roar is active or inactive at the time of dealing damage. Previously, Feral damage over time abilities dealt a set amount of total damage over their full duration based on whether Savage RoarSavage Roar was active or not when the damage over time abilities were cast. Tiger's FuryTiger's Fury and BloodtalonsBloodtalons functionality remains unchanged.
  • Hunter
    • The Porcupine family has been re-named to Rodent.
  • Monk
    • Windwalker
    • Nearly all damage sources are now covered by Versatility, and these were two that didn't need to be left out.
  • Paladin
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
    • Elemental continues to have strong AoE capabilities, but we want to help make their single target damage a bit more attractive.
    • This set of changes gives Elemental much more room to benefit from their mastery stat before reaching the hard cap of 100% proc rate.
  • Warlock
    • Create HealthstoneHealthstone now heals 25% of the user’s health at all levels.
      • Developers’ note: Healthstones should be more useful at current endgame health amounts.
  • Warrior
    • Fury
      • JuggernautJuggernaut damage bonus reduced to 3% per stack (was 5% per stack).
      • ExecuteExecute damage increased by 20%.

Class Halls

  • The Tier 3 Class Hall research bonus now costs 1,000 Order Resources (was 2,000).
  • The Tier 4 Class Hall research bonus now costs 2,500 Order Resources (was 4,000).
  • The Tier 5 Class Hall research bonus now costs 5,000 Order Resources (was 8,000).
  • All research durations for changing a bonus have been reduced 1 day (was 3 days).
  • The cost to change the Tier 7 research bonus has been increased to 5,000 Order Resources (was 2,000).

Companion App

  • Added support for Argus world quests and missions.


  • Players can no longer swap equipment in Mythic Keystone dungeons while under the effect of the Bursting or Grievous damage-over-time effects.


  • Attack Power has been removed from all player gear and replaced with Strength or Agility, except in cases where those stats would be inappropriate (such as guns).
  • Many holiday-themed items now have substantially-reduced cooldowns when their associated holidays are active.
  • Many legacy class set items that did not have a sell price now have a sell price.
  • Contributing to a building on the Broken Shore no longer awards a Legionfall RecompenseLegionfall Recompense item, and the Artifact Power value of the Artifact Power token awarded has been reduced.
  • Artifact Power items no longer have a sale price, as they should always be useable.
  • Artifacts
    • Hidden Appearances – You are no longer required to be using your current specialization’s Hidden Artifact Appearance to gain progress towards unlocking its 3 color variants. You can now gain progress towards unlocking the 3 color variants of your Artifact’s Hidden Appearances set while you are in any spec and using any Artifact appearance.
    • Challenge Appearances – You are no longer required to be using your current specialization’s Challenge Artifact Appearance to gain progress towards unlocking its 3 color variants. You can now gain progress towards unlocking the 3 color variants of your Artifact’s Challenge Appearances set while you are in any spec and using any Artifact appearance, as long as you have unlocked the base challenge appearance for a given spec.
    • The Appearance requirement “Defeat all Legion dungeons” has been changed to “Complete 10 different Legion dungeons”, and now includes Seat of the Triumvirate.
  • Druid
  • Shaman

Player versus Player

  • Pets in PvP are now immune to Taunt effects for 20 seconds after being Taunted.
  • Shaman
  • Restoration
    • The totem summoned by Grounding TotemGrounding Totem will no longer take damage from spells that are redirected to it.


  • The Broken Shore now offers an Emissary Quest.

User Interface

  • A “Summon Random Favorite Battle Pet” button has been added to the Pet Journal.
  • Legendary quests now display as orange markers on the world map.
  • Legion dungeon and raid maps now have clickable icons where sub-maps connect, making it easier to navigate between floors.
  • Mount and pet unlocks now have a unique toast.
  • The Dressing Room pane is now larger.
  • The Shop has a new checkout interface.
  • You can now turn left and right with the Move Pad accessibility feature.
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Sooner than expected...Is there a hard date on the next raid?  Assuming it's locked for at least another month or two.   

Also hurray for the prot pally seraphim fix.

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The next raid will come in patch 7.3.5 so ig it would be at least 1 to 2 months before that. This patch (7.3) will be all about the lore related quests and unlocking all the zones in Argus.

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1 hour ago, Migol said:

Sooner than expected...Is there a hard date on the next raid?  Assuming it's locked for at least another month or two.   

Also hurray for the prot pally seraphim fix.

  • January 17: Nighthold opened
  • June 20: Tomb of Sargeras opened

That's 154 days in between raids.

Antorus will open Nov 21 the soonest.

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13 hours ago, Stan said:
  • January 17: Nighthold opened
  • June 20: Tomb of Sargeras opened

That's 154 days in between raids.

Antorus will open Nov 21 the soonest.

Trials though, it was a small raid but a raid none the less.

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1 hour ago, Tri said:

Trials though, it was a small raid but a raid none the less.

Trial counted towards the same tier of content as Emerald Nightmare. While Nighthold and Tomb were accompanied by Patches 7.1.5 and 7.2.5 respectively.

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18 hours ago, Yunaeska said:

The next raid will come in patch 7.3.5 so ig it would be at least 1 to 2 months before that. This patch (7.3) will be all about the lore related quests and unlocking all the zones in Argus.

I really hope so. Argus is a huge part in the lore and I think it deserves the time dedicated to it.

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On 23-8-2017 at 11:33 PM, Stan said:
  • January 17: Nighthold opened
  • June 20: Tomb of Sargeras opened

That's 154 days in between raids.

Antorus will open Nov 21 the soonest.

I hope that math still works out, it usually does with Blizzard.

Some of us not-so-hardcore players still need some time catching up to current ilvls and content on a challenging level!

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On 8/25/2017 at 5:22 PM, Tectonn said:

I hope that math still works out, it usually does with Blizzard.

Some of us not-so-hardcore players still need some time catching up to current ilvls and content on a challenging level!

Despite them constantly releasing content, I definitely think they're keeping this in mind. I doubt they'll rush the release :D

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