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Lich King action against classes

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Took the time to put together a list of what the Lich King does on his first turn against every class

Shaman - All Minions in hand and deck turn into 1/1
Paladin - All minions killed go to LK
Rogue - All spells in hand and deck destroyed
Priest - Can't emote
Warrior - Lich King gains 100 armor 
Druid - Destroy all minions that cost 3 or less
Mage - Set health to 1
Hunter - Deal 2 damage for each minion in their deck
Warlock - Deal 2 damage for each duplicate in deck

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What crossed my mind so far:

Shaman - Malygos
Pally - OTK Anyfin Can Happen (faster murlocs, yay)
Rogue - Tempo, but not really sure here
Priest - Literally any decent decks teched enough
Warrior - Fatigue warrior
Druid - Taunt Druid
Mage - Secret Mage (Counterspell block the 29 damage)
Hunter - Yogg and Load
Warlock - Reno

Sadly, as it is available on the NA server only, I don't have the chance to test anything beside Renolock as I simply do not have sufficient collection there. 

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Priest is def easiest, all you need is one copy of shadow word: horror and get a good curve and you should win. I used dragon priest, shadow ascendants and inner fire/divine spirits.

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Little luck with draw and it is doable

for now with priest  and mage, 5-6 restart and mulligan till right card is in hand and go on :D


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Hmm, I defeated him with priest first...but I want my Arthas! So...still a lot to do from here on out.

Priest, Warlock and Druid seem the easiest. Their downside is not very threatening (oh no! I have to play Renolock!).

Mage, Rouge and Shaman look manageable. (even so Shaman should get pretty big issues in the transition-phase, since Doomsayer probably doesn't work). Paladin could maybe abuse the mechanic...

Hunter and Warrior seem the hardest. I have actually no clue how to even begin here. Their downside is pretty huge and Hunter and Warrior got a terrible cardpool to begin with (ugh, I hate playing Warrior).


So...this might take a while...yai!




Edited by Taan

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So far, I've beaten it with Warrior, Shaman, Rogue, Druid, and Priest. Have attempted with Mage, Paladin, and Hunter. To be honest, Paladin and Hunter were so soul-crushing I need to rest up before I attempt Mage again and Warlock.

Haven't given Mage an honest effort - I picked it first without knowing the gimmick and obviously died pretty quickly. Reset with Priest. Horror is clutch during the transition phase. I opted to go Raza + DK Anduin for reach, so I included lots of backup removal: Confusion + Holy Nova or Circle of Healing, or Dragonfire Potion with some extra spell power. Got the horror, so I didn't need anything else, and the reach with Void Form helped.

Warrior is tricky. You can't play a standard control game because you'll never outlast 160 health, and aggro fell really flat. Went with the Dead Man's Hand combo with Arcane Giants to close the game. Brawled during the transition and never finished off the last last soul. 7 damage a turn is honestly nothing when you're recycling Shield Blocks for days. After I had more than enough giants, I popped the last soul and steamrolled him.

Shaman is all about Devolve and Bloodlust. Jades are super effective. Not much else to say.

Rogue demands value minions, so I went with a Jade/deathrattle + N'Zoth strategy. You can get really cheeky with Baron Rivendare - the AI doesn't seem to prioritize it very highly.

Druid taunt/jades, whatever... standard ramp game. If you draw badly, you lose. If you ramp fast and the cards start coming along how they're supposed to, you win.

So... Paladin and Hunter...

I really don't know how to win. Aggro paladin gets roflstomped. Playing taunts is absolutely the worst since you'll just have to fight through them when they die. Control cards are bad because they come down too late... and you just have to fight through them when they die. I've gotten very close with an Exxodia-style OTK deck using Auctionmaster Beardo to reset your hero power so you can just spam DK Uther for an alt win-con. The issue I run into is I can't reliably generate coins with Burgaly Bully. Emp cost-reduction helps the setup, but getting every piece in time in the right order while having to wipe the board over and over again...

Doomsayer is a champ though. Paladin transition is easiest by far. Drop a Doomsayer on turn 7, LK hits your face and passes back, Doomie blows up the spirits, you can play some spells (probably Forbidden Healing for 16, but ymmv), pass back and Doomie cleans up a second time on the other side.

I don't even know where to start with Hunter. Might need to run Doomsayer for that setup also - Hunter doesn't have any clean ways to deal with the transition.

Anyway, that's my experience so far - hope someone finds it of use!

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58 minutes ago, Galby said:

So... Paladin and Hunter...

I really don't know how to win.

I think a good place to start with Paladin is to use buff cards like Spikeridged Steed and Blessing of Kings. Maybe you could go super-cheesy by combining Dinosize and Blessed Champion for a otk or two-tk. Haven't tried it, though.

58 minutes ago, Galby said:

Went with the Dead Man's Hand combo with Arcane Giants to close the game. Brawled during the transition and never finished off the last last soul. 7 damage a turn is honestly nothing when you're recycling Shield Blocks for days. After I had more than enough giants, I popped the last soul and steamrolled him.

Nice idea! Thank you for that! (I actually drew Dead Man's Hand from the Pack you get for defeating the Lich King the first time and was pretty disappointed...but...maybe it is a sign).

Also I saw some people beating him with a C'thun-Warrior. Might work...

Edited by Taan

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48 minutes ago, SithLordOfSnark said:

I just need a deck to win against him once, keeping in mind I don't plan on getting Kara and I have zero cards from Wild.

Try to pick priest with the good old -Divine Spirit and Inner Fire-Kombo plus Health-buffs and definitly include Shadow Word: Horror. You will also need some luck *cough*.

Health-Buffs, Mass Dispel and Cabal Shadow Priest are also quite good. And don't play Shadow Word: Death, its basically completly useless.

Edited by Taan

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I managed Pala with

Forbidden Healing x2

Equality x2

Seal of Champions

Blessing of Kings x2

Consecration x2

Truesilver Champion x2

Blessed Champion (i have only one copy)

Spikeridged Steed x2

Ragnaros Lightlord

Mistress of Mixtures x2

Ancient Watcher x2

Doomsayer x2

Nat Pagle

Sunfury Protector x2

Humongous Razorleaf x2

Defender of Argus x2

Kel Thuzad


It is important to have Doomsayer and one Ancestral on the Hand at turn 7. Early game goal is to taunt Watcher/Razorleaf/Nat to gain stability as those minions are (next to) useless for Lichi and fill the bord with not so strong 1/1s from hero power. Turn 7 Doomsayer, turn 8 Healing or Truesilver (when heal is not needed). Then build taunts with spokeridged and kill with doubled high attack minion.



Edited by Zeratul

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So...4 Runes, 5 to go.

Priest, Druid, Mage and Warlock...Warlock was extremly close (Reno-Deck plus Bloodreaver Gul'dan). Mage was extremly lucky in my first try and Druid...well...the Lich King actually HELPS Jade-Druid winning the game by removing stuff from its deck.

Still no clue, how to win with Hunter...

Edit: Hunter done! Yeaaaahhhh

Edited by Taan

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Finished Warlock on my first attempt. Reno Jackson deck went as smoothly as expected.

Mage was a little rough. Including enough cards to bounce back plus enough cards to close the game is a puzzle I wasn't interested in figuring out... so instead I decided to mulligan until I had Kabal Lackey and Counterspell in my opening hand. I highly recommend trying it if you don't mind resetting until you get the combo - LK whines about it, it's worth seeing. After that, the basic strategy is the same until the transition - stabilize until turn 7 then nuke the board with Doomsayer. I opted to win with Archmage Antonidas+ 4x Sorcerer's Apprentice combo.

Finally won with Paladin OTK using Auctionmaster Beardo and Uther of the Ebon Blade combo. Buff spells might be easier, but I think it requires a lot of luck either way since LK pretty casually kills almost everything you play and then you have to fight back against it.


12 hours ago, Zeratul said:

Early game goal is to taunt Watcher/Razorleaf/Nat to gain stability as those minions are (next to) useless for Lichi and fill the bord with not so strong 1/1s from hero power.

I love this plan and I'm sad I didn't think of it in time to use it. Be prepared for LK to Bonemare a Razorleaf in phase 3. Wall of death is humongous, but at least it isn't hitting back?


8 hours ago, Taan said:

Edit: Hunter done! Yeaaaahhhh

Mind sharing how you pulled it off? Hunter is my least-played class so I'm still struggling...

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2 hours ago, Galby said:

Mind sharing how you pulled it off? Hunter is my least-played class so I'm still struggling...

If you have Y'Shaarj, a Barnes deck with Y'Shaarj and Rag as the only minions will high roll often enough to be reasonable. 

I've also seen a deck with 2 Molten Giants and just enough minions to get them down to one mana on turn two work. 

If you don't have any of those cards, hunter will probably be a real pain. 

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I mentioned in another thread that I used Reynad's Tempo Jade Druid deck to stomp through LK, easy peezy. With Rogue, I literally just got 100% Murlocs (including the 0 cost Wild ones). No other Rogue cards needed, just all Murlocs. 5 turns to win.  For Priest, I just used Purify Priest and was able to outlast him after the transition. I haven't found a way to defeat him w/ anything else yet. I'm currently trying Warrior Brawl + Arcane Golem/ C'thun, but I don't think I'm supplementing it with the appropriate cards.

EDIT: I just beat LK with Hunter running Molten Giant + Scavenging Hyena + a buncha 1/1's + Unleash The Hounds. beat him in 5 rounds after buffs + controlling the board w/ damage spells.


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4 hours ago, Galby said:

Mind sharing how you pulled it off? Hunter is my least-played class so I'm still struggling...

I had posted the Deck in the "The Lich King"-Thread. My idea was basically to run two Molten Giant with exactly so much other minions, that you drop on 4 or maximum 6 health on turn one.

Here is the link: AAEBAR8C8gX+DA6oArUDhwTJBNsJgQrcCtQRuK0C+LECxLQC6rsCicMCjsMCAA==

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