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Guest Statalyzer

"The LIch King does not have any way to do more damage than the damage you can see."

Not true, as he can buff his minions.


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Guest FantasticSky


I did Shaman !First Try! pretty easy with that Murloc Deck, i didnt even used 'Ice Fishing' or 'Devolve'.

I just started with the Quest, Murloc Tidecaller, Sir Finley and played Quest Turn1 the other 2 Turn 2 got the Druid Hero Power and could use it for Doomhammer!

But i think i also got little lucky cause i could play 2times Call in the Finishers and could play Gentle Megasaur on the Frostmourne Turn to trade, while he traded one time into Megafin :D

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On 1. 10. 2017 at 1:46 AM, bigbanjobear said:

I don't think Jade Druid works after the Innervate change

Jade druid is in tier 1 in Tempo Storm's tier list, and in tier 2 of Vicious Syndicate's power ranking, so I am pretty sure the deck works, just not as good as it used it.

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Guest Fluffanator

I did Paladin first try with this deck.

My initial idea was to use the Kel'Thuzad glitch and buff up Kaleidosaur to end the game.

Turns out, I didn't need Kel'Thuzad and I finished by round seven by getting Kaleidosaur out on turn 5. I was pretty lucky getting Primalfin in my opening hand and top decking all my 1-mana spells.

Give this a shot, if you're having trouble.

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I am having an impossible time beating the Lich King with the Druid. I have been using this deck here: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/the-lich-king-cheap-miracle-jade-druid-deck but I am having trouble surviving after Frostmourne comes out on turn 7. By that time, I am usually down to >12 health and can't survive once his minions keep attacking, because none of mine have taunt to draw their attacks. Getting my Jade Golem's out is not an issue, getting to the point where I can deal damage to the Lich King is.


Can anyone offer any tips or advice? I'd really like to keep using this deck, and crafting new cards is not really an option for me since I do not have a wealth of dust.

Edited by MrHearthstone

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I just used the deck and beat the LK on first try.

Unfortunatly Hearthstone Decktracker doesn't record SinglePlayer games.

I had Jade Blossom in my opening hand. You should start with this or Wild Growth to get more mana ASAP.

Let's hope I can recall the game a little:

Turn 1: I did nothing

Turn 2: Heropower

Turn 3: Jade Blossom

Turn 4: second Jade Blossom


Turn 5: I used Gadgetzan Auctioneer and used my first Jade Idol (which I used to get +3 more Jade Idols in my deck) - because I had Innervate and hoped to draw more Jade Idol with this. I was lucky.

I had 7 mana on this turn and used it as followed:

-6 Mana for Auctioneer.

-1 Mana Jade Idol

+1 Mana Innervate

-1 Mana Jade Idol

That left me with a board:

Auctioneer + 3/3 Jade Golem


The KI killed these.

Turn 6:  (8 Mana)

I played second Auctioneer and started to play more Jade Idols. I draw into second innervate. And used more Jade Idols.

-6 mana auctioneer

- 1 mana jade idol (first one to have more jade idols in my deck IIRC)

-1 mana jade idol

+1 mana innervate

-1 mana jade idol


Left me with a board

Auctioneer + 4/4 golem + 5/5 golem


Now the KI kicked in - and was stupid. Instead of going face (which would have killed me a turn or two later) it took out some minions. Auctioneer survived.


Then I flooded the board with golems.

Something up to 12/12 or something like that

It got kind of close to death because he had double Blizzard

Killed a few golems (2 or 3) and I replaced them. Left me with a board of 8/8 to 14/14 or something like that.

Then he had no more mass freeze and I killed him in one turn.



To make it short: Mulligan for Wild Growth and / or Jade Blossom

Restart a few times until you have at least one of them (better both) in your starting hand.

Or one of them and another of your good cards (auctioneer, Jade Idol, Innervate)

Especiqally Jade Blossom is extremly important - it gives you a crystal and starts your jade golems. Maybe restart if you don't have this card early.

On turn 5 you should have at least 7 mana and an auctioneer + 1 innervate. And a Jade Idol.

Or if you have 8 mana you won't need the innervate.

That sounds like: "Hey, what are the chances of getting all these pieces"

They are not that bad - because you don't have many cards in your deck.

And if you play auctioneer + Jade Idol or Innervate he gives you another card, with a high chance of getting the needed next innervate or jade idol or whatever you need.

If you don't draw into your next auctioneer you probably will loose the game, because you need to flood the board on turn 6 (with at least 8 mana and auctioneer that is doable. But not without auctioneer, you will be lacking cards)


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I finally got around to beating The Lich King for the first time today. I tried it with a few of my normal ranked decks and achieved my first win using Murloc Shaman. I just finished skimming over the comments on this thread and can confirm what others have already stated- Murlocs are a cheap and effective way to win...at least in shaman. I will explore the possibilities with other classes when I have time.

The key cards that brought swift victory for me:

Call in the Finishers

Gentle Megasaur

Everyfin is Awesome

You do have to be somewhat lucky with mulligan and/or draw. It took me three attempts to land that combination of cards, but it resulted in a kill by turn 6 before he could even equip Frostmourne.


They got Lightning Speed (windfury) from Megasaur. Couple that with 2x Everyfin is Awesome buffs and it's all over but the crying.

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I just beat The Lich King with Druid using a Medivh Plague deck that I use in Wild. It only took two attempts. (The first was just awful and not worth talking about...)

I used the smaller minions of the deck (Mire Keeper, Slime) buffed with Power of the Wild in combination with spells like Wrath or Swipe to keep the board clear during phase 1. If Nourish is drawn during the early game, choose the two mana crystals for ramp.

During phase 2, I ran each of my remaining minions into different trapped souls to a) clear my board to take full advantage of Spreading Plague and b) to lower the health of multiple souls so that a few will die the moment they attack my soon-to-be buffed Scarab Beetles. Plague + Power of The Wild + Mark of the Lotus = a board full of 3/7 taunt minions. All the Lich King could do was throw his souls like lemmings into my beefy scarab.

By the time phase 3 rolled around, victory was mine. I played Medivh, the Guardian, then on the following turn, Ultimate Infestation which summoned Deathwing in addition to the Ghoul Infestor.

Honorable mention goes to The Lich King. He immediately fell victim to The Black Knight's battlecry. He was good for an emote exchange with the true Lich King, but that's about it. Haha


My goal is to beat the Lich King with a different class on each of my days off from work, so the hope is to churn out 2 wins per week until I reach 9 total.

Edited by CaptLando
added a card link
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Guest licher3

anyone else finding the mech rogue deck hilariously pitiful? Does anyone have cheaper alternatives to rogue other than the mech deck?

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6 hours ago, Guest licher3 said:

anyone else finding the mech rogue deck hilariously pitiful? Does anyone have cheaper alternatives to rogue other than the mech deck?

I used pirate aggro

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Guest elje

the druid strat guide calls for jade lotus, but there are none in the deck. please advise?

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16 hours ago, Guest elje said:

the druid strat guide calls for jade lotus, but there are none in the deck. please advise?

I can't find what you are talking about. Could you please specify which of the two guides you are talking about, and the paragraph that mentions it?

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On 11/9/2017 at 5:45 PM, Guest elje said:

the druid strat guide calls for jade lotus, but there are none in the deck. please advise?

Jade Lotus is not even a card. It is a faction. The Jade Druid deck contains Jade IdolJade BehemothJade SpiritMark of the Lotus. The Miracle Druid deck contains Jade IdolJade Blossom... I'm confused by this question.

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Guest PumpkinPi

I won with paladin with the following: turn 1 dragonhawk. Pile buffs onto it and keep going face. Won turn 7 after drawing my entire deck from blessing of wisdom x2.

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nice, thanks! i just created an account on icy veins, just to reply on this - won this 1st try after 5-7 tries with other murloc decks; devolve and evolve made the deck

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Guest Robban

The mech rogue is useless, you lose the game every time at round 6 when he blizzards

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Finally got around to beating The Lich King with another class- Paladin

I first built a murloc deck, but after 3 or 4 attempts, I wasn't feeling it. I decided to scrap it and build a Silver Hand Paladin. Using my dudes, I defeated Lich King with just one attempt...


The Flaming Claws adaptation from Lightfused Stegodon in combination with the buff from Competitive Spirit provided enough face damage for a turn 6 knockout. A turn 1 Lost in the Jungle, followed by hero power on turn 2 and Muster for Battle on turn 3 allowed me to achieve maximum benefit from Stegodon on turn 4.

I didn't have an opportunity to see how the rest of the deck would play out, but I don't have much desire to repeat Lich King encounters unnecessarily... Perhaps I just got lucky, but I felt this to be a strong build for this fight. If anyone desires my decklist, I'll be happy to share.

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People are still trying this? I won with one class, after that every attempt was a fail, I thought about how I played and my decks, compared it to others and I really just got unlucky every damn attempt, got tired of it, not worth my time ;)

But nice you made it :)

Edited by Caldyrvan

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I have just defeated The Lich King with my 5th class- Rogue. It took me only one attempt.


I built a Reno Deathrattle deck that turned out to be more than adequate. Anub'arak was a beast in this fight. (I think this is the first time I've ever gotten any use out of him.) Lich King even has a flavorful emote expressed toward Anub'arak, trying to recruit him.

Sylvanas Windrunner on turn 6, followed by Unearthed Raptor on turn 7 allowed me to steal two of his Trapped Souls. This was a big help in quickly progressing through Phase Two with minimal damage.

I needed to play Reno Jackson twice to stay alive. The second copy was created by Zola the Gorgon. (Follow Reno immediately with Zola in the same turn, before Reno has a chance to die.) The deck also includes ShadowcasterSonya Shadowdancer, and Gadgetzan Ferryman as a means to create even more Renos or N'Zoths or whichever other minion you deem necessary at the time.

Anub'arak was surprisingly effective. He even combo'd well with the Lich King's Val'kyr Shadowguard. Having that big threat to play repeatedly, which left behind a 4/4 each time, kept the Lich King on his toes. Anub'arak was a prime target for my Carnivorous Cube. :)

I did not even draw N'Zoth, the Corruptor, but he was clearly not necessary. Lol

Edited by CaptLando
added paragraph on Sylvanas
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Just beat the Lich King with my 6th class- Warlock- using a Reno Discard Quest deck that I threw together. 

One of the easier encounters, because you can just use a standard Reno build to win.


I completed the quest all at once on turn 6 through the use of Malchezaar's Imp + Cataclysm. Then on turn 7, I played Nether Portal and Doomsayer, destroying all Trapped Souls and ending phase 2 immediately. Thanks to the previous Cataclysm wipe, there was nothing to respawn on the Lich King's side. (If you don't have Cataclysm, Doomsayer, or Twisting Nether during this phase, another alternative is Shadowflame cast on Abyssal Enforcer. That's how I had to clear the Souls in my 1st attempt.)

The constant board presence of the Nether Imps was actually very useful. Every turn, I was just running them into the Lich King's minions, keeping the board clear and going face with my other minions.

Bide your time with Reno Jackson. With 0 or only 1 minion on his side of the board, all I really had to calculate was the damage from his hero power. I waited until I was down to 8 health, and I think his hero power was up to 5 damage.

Sylvanas Windrunner was great, as usual. I traded her with the water ele to steal the Lich King's buffed Maexxna. That was pretty sweet. ;)

The Lich King wasn't immediately killed by Obliterate, surprisingly. He lasted a full turn, giving me Death and Decay and Anti-Magic Shell, which are the two most beneficial DK spells, imo.

Edited by CaptLando

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Guest new god
On 8/27/2017 at 3:29 PM, Damien said:

Done with all  9 classes. The Warrior deck does work, but I think Pesty's explanations were not clear enough and she's going to fix them. The most important thing is to play Brawl + Deathlord on Turn 8 and Kel'Thuzad on Turn 9. When Turn 9 starts, playing KT behind a 1-health taunt (Deathlord has 8 health minus 5 from the weapon attack from LK minus 2 from the 2/6) triggers a bug and the LK does nothing at all until you kill the last 2/6 (unless you play another taunt). In the meantime, you need to manipulate your hand as described in the guide.

HELP! they must have fixed this bug! multiple times i've had Turn 8 Brawl + Deathlord into Turn 9 Kel'Thuzad. The 2/6 is now a 2/4 and proceeds to attack my deahlord, killing it, and setting off a minion for LK. The next turn the Soul kill itself against my resurrected deathlord and ends the stall. what is there to do??? 

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