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    • By Daevilmonkie
      Welcome Adventurers! The time has come upon us, FINALLY! The moment in Classic WoW history us diehard, loyal WoW nerds have all been waiting for. WRATH CLASSIC! Arthas Did Nothing Wrong (ADNW) has just begun recruiting (For WotLK Classic) hard-core, casual, rp, pvp, pve, raiders, anything you can think of, you are welcomed here. Although our main focus in ADNW will be progressive raiding, 10 and 25 man and pvp content, we look to have someone for just about anything. Currently we are recruiting for our CORE 10M team composed entirely of irl / internet homies. We are in need of just 1 HEALER (Highly prefer a disc priest with a shadow off spec) and another DPS. Preferably lock or Shadow priest. We are looking to fill our B 10m team entirely, so we can pool together for 25 man’s when it comes time to crush 25m. This guild was founded by a group of tight nit friends recently, who have been around since TBC. WOTLK was our turning point in WoW, and we CANNOT wait to get another crack at this and MAKE IT RIGHT. Come join the adventure of a chill environment full of helpful hands and knowledge. Feel free to reach out to me Via Discord: Daevilmonkiexp#9239 OR Bnet: Daevilmonkie#1280 just let me know you are interested in the guild and we can have a convo! ARTHAS DID NOTHING WRONG!
    • By filthsilvermoon
      3/11 M Antorus (ABT)
      FiLTHYs most wanted:
      2x Balance Druid
      2x Warlock
      1x Spriest
      1x Frost DK 1x Mistweaver

      FiLTH, a friendly progressive guild looking for more skilled players.

      FiLTHY Raid team:
      - Push Mythic progress
      - 3 raids a week, 3 hours each (Extra raid night during opening month of new raid content)
      - Must complete M+ 15 each week
      - 72 minimum traits
      - 940+ ilvl
      Raids are: (Monday extra night) Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday at 8:45PM - 11:45PM Server time (+1 GMT)

      What WE can offer YOU:
      - Great and friendly community
      - Always people around to join in your keys
      - Teamspeak 3 and Discord server
      - M+ guild groups 15 and above
      - Raid Logs after every raid
      - Website forums
      - Raid livestreams
      - Guild Whatsapp groups
      - Special event nights
      - Alt raids

      FiLTH is a fun place to be and most who join call it their home and family. It’s been a competitive raiding environment for over 6 years and has a strong and experienced core.
      Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/silvermoon/FiLTH

      APPLY AT: http://filth.guildlaunch.com/
      Reply to this thread
      Message me on Marvynn#21579 or MrRoboto#2229 or Fozzy#2286.
    • By Treylawny
      <Trust> may be what you're looking for if you enjoy killing internet dragons with a group of like minded players! Currently we are 8/9 Heroic, soon to be stepping into Mythic ToS. We are recruiting to finish rounding out our raid team. <Trust> is located on the [US] Doomhammer/Baelgun pve servers, alliance side! Check us out!
      About Us:
      <Trust> is a recently formed guild, founded by a group of long time players that have been raiding together for a couple of years now. Founded out of a desire to continue raiding in a casual-progression manner, we work towards defeating mythic bosses. <Trust> is a raiding guild, first and foremost.
      Our Raids:
      <Trust> maintains a progression-oriented 2-day semi-casual raiding team. That's 'semi' as in we expect our team members to always prioritize life first; but not 'casual' as in we take downing bosses less seriously. We strive to maintain a balance of taking our progression raids seriously while having plenty of laughs along the way.
      Raid Schedule:
      Tuesday & Thursday: 5p – 8p server (8p – 11p eastern)
      Friday(optional): 5p – 8p server (8p – 11p eastern)
      <Trust> is looking for full time Resto Druid, Mages, Hunters, and Warlocks for our raid team. We are also open for good people to join as casual players, pvpers, with the option to join farm content or alt raids.
      More Info:
      Feel free to reach out to us:
      Recruitment Officer:
      In game - Treylawny
      Battletag - Treylawny#1813
      Guild Lead:
      In game – Oleic
      Battletag - Jarg#1591
      Website and Application: <Trust> (US)Doomhammer/Baelgun
      (The app is quick and painless as its used primarily to get your name to us quickly!)
      Discord is our way of communicating during raid; also used for casual chatting!
    • By Crudetorrent
      Hi, This is about Ice Veins Demonology 100 talent discussion. I'm greatly confused about this, since I can't see any synergy between Ascendance and Soul Conduit. If anyone could clarify this. I've already thought about it having something to do with summons. But it has to do with DE so yeah. Simply can't see the synergy with theese two together.
      Copied right from the 100 talent discussion from Icy Veins:
       Soul Conduit is the best option for single target and light cleave and should be your go-to for most encounters. This talent is only worthwhile if using  Thal'kiel's Ascendance.
    • By Sojnekah
      Hey there, looking for some common mistakes I might be making in my gear or dps rotation that I am just not seeing. You'd think it would be pretty basic but my dps has been all over the place recently. 

      I will be fighting kiljaeden (pretty standard) and have anywhere from 650-850dps average for the fight. It's gotten me kicked a couple times obviously despite being good on mechanics. I've reviewed several guides, made sure I am enchanted and gemmed... cannot figure it out. What am I doing wrong? (Yes low on meters for other fights as well though not always). 

      924 iLevel, wearing legendary belt and chest (dont have tier to wear shoulders and chest)

      67% Mastery (issue?) 
      24% Critical Strike
      29% Haste

      Opener: Blood Fury, Tome (trinket), Crow, Bestial Wrath, Dire Frenzy, KC, AspectotW, Titan's Thunder, CS, KC, DF...

      Repeat KC, CS, And cast DF whenever buff falls off or procs bonus. 

      Talent Build is:
      Killer Cobra

      Helps, tips, advice welcome. 

      Are there common mistakes to rotation i might be making even if u dont see it here? Should i be working hard to gear swap? I am at a loss and it is getting frustrating. Thanks
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