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Do we like Brewmaster?!

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Currently Sunnier's Stagger aura doesn't show the exact amount of damage you are staggering, 'only' the percentage of health being staggered compared to your health pool (my english < all... do you understand what I want to say? biggrin.png). If you want to monitor both, throw me a PM, and I'll give you my modified aura. tongue.png


Well, sunnier already has that built in, you just need to change one variable in the code of the display text in the aura.  Though, I guess that could be slightly difficult for some people to grasp.

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Icy-Veins guide is pretty good, but as krazyito and Szensa suggested you should check sunnier's which is extremely useful.. Here is a link http://sunniersartofwar.com/brewmaster-guide/#rotation


If you have time I strongly suggest you read the whole guide, is quite extensive but very informative. The rotation section needs special attention and you should follow her "program" to become a decent brewmaster. She will go from Beginner skills to Advanced adding spells and giving tips on when to use them, as the level of difficulty gets higher.


I can't stress this enough read and follow that guide, which is the ABC of every brewmaster xP


I hope it helped and you can start enjoying this crazy class =D

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Thanks for all the replies! I didn't have chance to play WoW this weekend (boo!) but when I get chance I'm definitely going to give all of your suggestions a try! 


Thank you again for all the replies, 



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I don't play Brewmaster so I can't give you any specific advice, but it seems you've gotten plenty already.

What I can tell you is that Brewmasters are definately endgame viable. My 25 man guild is currently 9/14HC in SoO with one of our tanks being a Monk.

Good luck with your future raiding endeavors!

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