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[Doomhammer] [A] <Trust> (1/9 M) Recruiting For Mythic Tomb!

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Progression: 1/9M 9/9H
Main Raid Days/Times: Tues/Thurs 5p-8p PST (8p-11p EST)
Currently Recruiting: DPS (Warrior DPS / Mage / Boomkin / SPriest)
Contact: Oleic (BNet: Jarg#1591), Treylawny (Treylawny#1813), Icyblades (GnarlyHarley#11434)

Apply At: http://www.trust-guild.com

Server: Doomhammer/Baelgun
Faction: Alliance

About <Trust>:
<Trust> is a recently formed mythic raiding guild on Doomhammer/Baelgun.  We are intent on pushing mythic progression inside a casual 2-day per week, 3-hour per night schedule.  As such, <Trust> is a semi-casual guild: we raid on a casual schedule, but our raiders are expected to be a cut above the rest.

With such a limited amount of time dedicated to main raiding, it's important to us that our raiders make the best use of that time.  Our 2-day/week schedule is very much progression-oriented.  We are not casual about downing bosses!  That much we take very seriously.

Outside of our two main raid nights, you'll frequently find <Trust> members pushing Mythic+ keys together, running off-night raids (normals, alt. runs, etc.), and even branching off into other games together.

We've been successful in building a team of like-minded individuals thusfar.  And team cohesion is incredibly important to us.  As such, we're specifically looking for like-minded individuals.  And your overall attitude and personality carries the same amount of importance are your performance!

When Does <Trust> Raid?
We currently raid Tuesday and Thursday, 5pm-8pm PST (8pm-11pm EST).  Off-night raids commonly take place on Fridays and Sundays.  And of course, you'll find people running Mythic+s throughout the week!

Who is <Trust> Looking for?

At the end of the day, <Trust> is looking for dependable players who want to kill Internet dragons with us. If you're looking for a fun guild that gets it done, we may be a good fit for you. Please feel free to reach out to any of our officers (listed below) with any questions or to discuss joining. Don't see your class listed below? We're always interested in meeting excellent players, regardless of class/spec needs. Apply anyways!

What is <Trust> Recruiting:
Strongly seeking a couple specific ranged DPS classes, and a DPS warrior!

  • Druid (Boomkin)
  • Mage
  • Monk (Windwalker / Mistweaver)
  • Priest (Shadow)
  • Rogue
  • Warrior (DPS)

How Do I Apply?  Who Can I Contact?
Ready to kill some Internet dragons with us?  Head on over to http://trust-guild.com and fill out our quick application and we'll be in touch soon!

Questions can be directed to any <Trust> officer in-game:

  • Oleic (Jarg#1591)
  • Treylawny (Treylawny#1813)
  • Icyblades (GnarlyHarley#11434)

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Especially seeking a boomkin, mage, or spriest to round out the team! A DPS warrior would be a second fantastic addition as well. Add myself, or any of the officers listed in the first post, to Battle Net and let's chat: Jarg#1591.

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Still looking for one or two exceptional DPS to join the team.  Would also entertain a Mistweaver with a solid Windwalker offspec!

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Good morning!  Hit me up on Battle.net (Jarg#1591) today and let's chat.  Actively seeking a couple more ranged and melee DPS to round out the roster for mythic progression.

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