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Yet another MW problems

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Greetings everyone!


I've been reading those posts here and trying to work out, what am i doing wrong with gearing my MW. I simply love this spec, but I feel totally uncompetitive with other healers, 

Let's start with my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/burning-legion/Yaendshay/simple

My gear isn't that great, cause my team is concentrated on flex raids, as well as ocasionally LFR. 

My rotation looks exactly the same as mentioned in every single post here, so I'm guessing that's not the point. The only problem I'm experience'ing is not using TFT every CD and keeping Xuen for most critical situations.


One of my big problems is that I fistweave a lot without LMG and that makes me OOM almost every encounter of every single boss. Should I cancel fistweaving until i get LMG?

Also, if you would be so kind, make me suggestions about gearing. I'd love to get link for MrRobot, but I'll handle even with some sugesstions. I', also aware of that I'm supposed to avoid mastery items, 


By the way, I've got a little theorycrafting question, I guess it'd let me understand better your posts here - why do crit help with generating Mana Tea? Is that generating more Chi -> more spent Chi?


Thanks in advance, I admire your work here, guys!

P.s. Please, excuse any language mistakes, I'm not native speaking english!

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Personally I think Fistweaving is no more and completely unviable anymore. You should never be OOM as a mistweaver.  To quickly answer you question about about crit it gives you your crit chance (say 20%) to generate double mana teas. So that means you have a 20% to get extra mana teas each time you consume chi to generate more.


Get something to track Thunder Focus Tea (I believe its 1 chi cost now on a 45 second CD) like tellmewhen or something along those lines Krazy a frequent poster who will post later on this thread Im sure has a thread on a weakauras that tracks this kind of stuff.


Xuen I personally do not like as a talent as its random healing. I do not like Tigers Lust as I use Celerity with Chi Torpedo or RJW.

As you are doing flex and LFR that means you are running with 10+ all the time which I think Chi Torpedo is better or if they are bunched together like say on Durumu during Disintegration Beam( the maze bit) Rushing Jade Wind would be good. Chi Torpedo is FREE healing and recharges always use it to prevent 3 charge cap if you take it with celerity.


Most monk are dropping as much spirit as they can and stacking full crit and or intellect with haste in the mix. And mastery being the worse stat of course is last on the list.


If you arent getting enough Mana tea it may be because you are not generating enough chi or not spending it enough. Overhealing as a monk is ok as it just refunds your mana with the Mana teas. You should be using expel harm if you were not already and using Renewing Mist on CD.


I highly do not recommend power strikes and would recommend chi brew.

Edited by trieu

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Ahh, now i see. Thanks for explaining it to me, mate, I must have missed this information about generating Mana Tea, now I get that. 

About TFT, i do know that, keep on tracking cooldown on WeakAuras. Even those, In fervour of battle, I simply concentrate mostly on casting ReM every cooldown, as well as burning my Chi for Uplift. I'll test Chi Brew, need to reorganise my bindings to optimise for extra skill now smile.png

About RJW, i was testing this and, well, it boosts damn well my aoe healing. I am afraid of Chi Torpedo cause I always put myself in a position i don't want to be, so i'm avoiding using roll too much on raids. The only reason i stand with Xuen that it was 'hit and forget' improvement for my healing. 

Expel Charm is always on CD, also trying to use Chi Wave whenever I have free GCD. 


About gearing, that's my biggest concern for now. I have tons of spirit, which I currently reforged to reach second haste soft cap, but I wonder wheter i should reforge this for crit. Or should I reforge haste to leave it at first haste cap and concentrate on crit, leaving spirit as it is? Sadly, I don't have no-spirit gear I could swap to...


Well, anyways, I am so glad you replied so fast. Cheers!



Ahh, i forgot. Is it that I should drop the idea of fistweaving after getting my LMG? I felt this was the most unique about healing with MW. :(

Edited by Yaendshay

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I dont know if you should drop fist weaving but if you have the extra mana by all means do it. At first I wasnt sure if I would like lost all the spirit but then I started spending more chi and I found myself with way too much mana and way too many mana tea. Spirit isnt bad but it becomes more useless after a point which can be used for crit (throughput, crit heals and mana tea which is regen).


As for Chi Brew when you use it make sure to keep it from capping as it keeps recharging have 2 charges. Since you have got the 2nd haste point I would definitely go for as much crit as possible. Chi Burst may also be better for you if you do LFR but note it fires in front of you so if you target someone its not going after that person but use whichever you like. Always pack tome of the clear mind to change talents as needed different fights and situations require different abilities.


If you are bad with positioning Chi Torpedo maybe a bad option for you so sticking with Xuen or RJW would be better choices.


As for gear I think what you are using is fine although I dont like all the blue sockets.

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Couple things.


  • Track your Chi, your TFT weak aura, and your ReM count all about the same area on your screen.  When you have 6+ ReM's and 3 chi, you can use TFT for about average performance.  If you get really good and/or lucky you can do it as high as 8.
  • You're below your 2nd haste breakpoint, by about 1k haste.
  • Fistweaving is very beneficial for a raid (more so in normal/heroic progression) becasue it just adds to your raids overall DPS on top of you being able to output a lot of burst healing when needed.  Fistweave when theres down time, but don't screw over your mana.  Though if you start to use Chi Brew effectively, you'll be overflowing in mana tea stacks regardless.
  • Xuen is a great healing cooldown.  Its better on multi-targets, but it can still do well on one.  RJW and torpedo do more controlled healing, but I still like Xuen since they changed him in 5.4
  • Tiger's lust IS A GREAT CHOICE, when you're not using Chi torpedo. If you're using Chi Torpedo, you need to use Celerity. IMO, Tiger's lust > Celerity for all fights not using Chi Torpedo. It gives you more control for burst speed on top of your rolls + clears slows/roots on you or other players.
  • http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/gear/7c14f518-9ca9-436d-ab50-18fadb760cbe

Let me know if you have any more questions.

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Ahh, i've changed my belt the day before i wrote a post here, that's what happened with my 2nd haste brake point. Anyways, i did all those changes what AMR suggested, need to verify it in raiding. As for now, i was amazed by number of mana tea generated only by chi brew, that was my defect i guess.

Tell me please, should i keep those stat weights for better gear, as well as after obtaining LMG?

I feel like I'll find fun again of playing MW, thank you, guys! I'll post here if any other questions as well.

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Yea you can pretty much keep them for higher gear.  If you want to do more fancy stuff, like maximise DPS, then you'd go for higher haste.  



Reglitich keeps a blog and gives many suggestions on MMO-Champion forums. Hes the better theorycrafter, I just know what works. lol

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One last thing i'd like to ask. Well, two things:

When am i supposed to disassemble my 2x T15 bonus? I mean, what'd be decent enough, if i'm wearing both 502 ilvl T15? Around 528 would be good?


Second thing, what would you suggest about using Synapse Syrings with? I preffer to have it macro'ed, so that I won't forget about it.


P.s. I've tested my new gear and playstyle on RF, I'm shining like a rock star now! Thank you!

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The stat gains on the higher ilvl gear will more than likely beat the T15 2 set however only if they are itemised correctly. For example i wouldnt replace a high crit piece with a mastery piece unless there was significant Int/extra sockets.

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Well, I am aware of that i'm supposed to avoid mastery, almost every topic here mejtions that ;) i was rather wondering what's this 'significant bonus' :)

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Significant would be for example. You currently have tier gloves and pants with no static crit so a piece of gear that provides more crit for both slots may be an overall boost compared to the 2 set bonus.

Another example is your shoulders. They are currently reforged to give 291 crit. If you got mastery shoulders of a slightly higher ilvl with a socket the net crit/int bonus would be better as the socket could be fitted with a 320 crit gem and then the mastery reforged to crit, meaning a change from 291 crit to 320 gem + reforge. This means that whilst the mastery is worse the net crit gain is better.(this would also depend on haste caps, you would not want to miss a haste cap at the expense of a few hundred crit).


When u get the LMG life becomes far easier as you dont need any spirit at all really. Use Krazy's mr robot weights and imo get as much int/crit/haste gear and you will have more mana tea than you know what to do with while still ripping up the hps meters.

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That's what i expected, but to be sure, i needed this to be cleared out. Thanks a lot, you have all been very helpful. My results are improving every encounter as i am learning to use Chi Brew more efficiently.

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Excuse me double post, i'm using mobile phone and couldn' find 'edit' button. Just one more thing is bothering my mind. How should i optimise my trinkets gearing? Do i understand it correctly, that i should avoid mana regen procs, spirit procs as well as mp5 procs and concentrate on output improving trinkets?

And what to do with engineering proc? Currently i macro'ed it with ReM, to proc this as often as possible, but maybe i'd perform better if binding it with TFT?

Edited by Yaendshay

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Im not an engineer so i dont know the perfect use for the synapse however imo you can look at it 2 ways.

1. Use it as a cd - This will not necessarily provide the most healing overall but may give ur heals the boost they need in a period of heavy damage.

2. Use with TFT and if used with Chi Brew you can chain uplifts together with the springs and have a huge burst - This might provide more healing overall but how much of that will be overheals?


My philosophy is pop cds when they are needed and not use them to "pad" meters. Whether ur on top of heals or not if the boss is dead because you used ur cooldowns at the right time its a win. Regardless of if the sniping absorb nature of disc priests and pallies who might be a few % higher healing done.

Raiding is a team effort not a race to the top of the meters(until you do malkorok, then u can gloat and strut ur stuff :P)


Happy Killing  :)

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As for trinkets: Regen is fine assuming the passive stat is intellect. (EX: Soothing trinket from Valor and Horridon's Last Gasp)  For this tier, there arent very many regen trinkets, so your best choice is going to be the Prismatic Prison of Pride (amp trinket) and either Multistrike (nazgrim burnished insignia?) or Cleave (Thoks Acid Grooved Tooth).


Multistrike works well for most encounters, but you're going to want to use cleave instead on fights where you're going to be stacked up.  


Another good trinket would be from Siegecrafter Blackfuse, who drops an Int + spirit proc trinket.  The passive int is what makes it great, but the extra mana is always nice when you're deciding to over extend on progression.


Lastly, I'm not 100% sure at all, but its possible that the DPS amp trinket (off Immerseus) works for us as well when fistweaving.  I have no experience with it and am not sure if it will proc at all.  If it does, double Amp would be a good default set of trinkets when you're not sure which to use.



For synapse springs, the best time to use it would be before you uplift with TFT.  So macro it into TFT and when you uplift all the ReM's gain the intellect increase.

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Hello again!


First of all, again - i don't know how to express my thanks, you've helped me a lot. My MW has improved a lot!


I did some progress though - got my LMG already. Even though I am used to avoid fistweaving, i'm trying to do it more often, i still can't manage to go OOM! I'm amazed by how dramatically it changed since i came here to forums.


Now I'm getting close to pick my legendary cloak, and here comes my main question for today - which cloak should i pick? Well, of course proc of healing cloak is amazing, though mastery and spirit is our less important stat. How about picking spell dps cloak and concentrating on fistweaving, wouldn't that be same effectivity, especially on aoe fights? I can't afford next cloak, that's for sure, that's why i'm placing my question in advance here. I've already done a bit research, noticed that Krazy's wearing healing cloak, while Unpl, reviewer of IcyVeins MW guide has spell dps cloak. That made me pretty confused..



Also, I started to record logs through WorldOfLogs, would you be so kind to check whether i'm doing fine?

Here's the link:


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It depends what you want to do do.  If you want to focus on healing, the healing cloak is worth using.


IF you want to focus on more DPS (such as unpl's progression minded gearing) you would want to wear the DPS cloak.


I recommend going for both if you can afford it but if you cannot, just got for the healing on to start.


You can use this as a reference for DPSing as a MW: http://bestmonk.eu/?p=268

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Looks fine to me.


I had a similar build at that ilvl and healed more than competitively in the first 2 - 3  weeks of SoO normal and cleared 14/14N.


As long as you are utilising uplift and chi brew to generate the mana tea you will be fine.

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Yay, great news!

We've got new healer in our team - disci priest, should i consider any changes in playstyle, because of a bsorbs and so much more overhealing?

We're raiding 10 group normals, by the way.

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I don't think a playstyle change would do any good for you. Regardless of absorbs, most of your healing comes from Rem + Uplift (maybe Eminence on some fights) and you cant really control who has ReM since it decides the jumps on its own. (as does Eminence, rly)


As for when to go for the next haste breakpoint, you're very well set for it I think. My MW fell down to 27-28% crit raidbuffed when I went for it and I still do good with mana imo. Granted, its mostly a flex/lfr alt, but still biggrin.png

Edited by Ceraius

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Hello again. 

Hell, I do hope you don't want to get rid of me yet.

Here is my current armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/burning-legion/Yaendshay/simple

And here are logs from my last raid: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-nx3gwiceihg60ccg/

I still feel i am underperforming, especially when it comes to fistweaving. Can you give a quick look to my logs and check how's it?

And one last thing - what about glyphs? I am not sure if it's the best choice i've made.

Thanks in advance, cheers!

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(haven't looked at logs)

If you focus on fistweaveing you're going to underperform. You have to take into account how much damage you're contributing to the raid as opposed to the other healers.

Fistweaveing isn't a method for doing high heals. It's for low damage situations to help your raid (unless you plan on doing it full force through the fight)

Remember, you're a healer first, and a damage dealer second.

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I know, i know, i meant that i almost don't fistweave, most of my chi comes from soothing mist, when i've got nothing to do, i rather channel some soothing mist to full my chi for upcoming damage than fistweave, and i am not sure if it's what i am supposed to do. Is it worth standing in melee distance, in some dangerous mechanics (like Nazgrim or Spoils, where i need to watch out!).

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