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Yet another MW problems

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You should always stand in melee for the most part cause it let's you ignore mechanics. Even if you're just channeling

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Nah, in general i expect my monk to give more and i'm not sure if mistweaver's logs are supposed to look like that. I'm also having some troubles in adjusting my glyphs, so i end up with permanent set of those.

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Nothing really looks out of the ordinary to me TBH..  Surging mists can be more helpful glyph sometimes during meta procs, but its not a huge difference

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I would have to agree that your mistweaving is doing its job.


For fistweaving the best fights to practice for me were sha of pride, galakras and Nazgrim.

This is because even if you fail at it terribly the damage these fights put out is not enough you would be able to abandon the fistweaving and still kill the boss. They are also fights the have damage spikes and then downtime. If you practice on these then the "rotation/reaction" will become more familiar then in no time you will find yourself doing it automatically.


The most important part of fistweaving IMO is meta procs and using them properly.

In fights with 2+ targets RJW is free on meta proc and generates chi, perfect for Galakras.

Here is a log to our last Galakras kill(im not the best fist/mistweaver and i know its heroic but you will get the idea) I mostly did dps with the occasional ReM uplift Until the final 2 drakes spawned. I then stopped dpsing went to full mana with 20 tea chuggs then proceeded to pump out the heals mistweaving in the final boss phase.


I wasnt the top dps or hps but the add waves die faster and it just makes it so much smoother while fistweaving but then when the final phase hits and hps is needed the switch isnt too difficult for us monks.

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Guys, to make story short - i've just checked, i can reach +5 haste breakpoint, but i'd have to mostly re-gem to haste, which would leave me with 35% of crit raid buffed. How do you think it'd be effective? Or should i keep my haste at +4 breakpoint and leave my crit at around 41% raid buffed?

My MrRobot profile - http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/gear/eu/burning_legion/yaendshay

Thanks in advance!

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IMO just keep the crit. 40% is a good spot to be. If you get double amp then you can reach the high one pretty easy.

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Back again, i hope you don't hate me just yet.

Guys, we've spent all evening trying to kill Thok normal on 10 mode, though we've already beaten him some time ago. 

Now our healing team was much different - before we went 2heal that, MW monk with disci priest, now it was MW + Rdruid + Rshaman.

We've tried many things and still, got wiped at 2% twice.

Can you look through logs and check if something significant is missing?

here's the link: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-02wv833tn0agcoap/dashboard/?enc=wipes&boss=71529


I want to find my mistakes, but if you want to point out any other healer errors, please, feel free to.


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The biggest mistake i see, especially on normal, is people trying to push the phases longer and harder than they need to.


You should have more than enough dps to beat the enrage, if the fire phase at then end(assuming you do poison, ice,fire) then just all stack and let it push early then kite him to victory rather than trying to heal through the fire and screeches that close to a kill?


It looks like you were solo tanking and dying to screeches with early deaths and then a wipe at the end.


Looking at the longest thok wipe you had(attempt 12)

- RJW is so powerful for Thok, use it especially with meta procs. It gives you chi and a tonne of free heals that way.

- 2 TFT uses in 7:23...... use it more.

- Chi Burst is better than chi wave(and you only used chi wave twice anyway....)


Fix some of this and you will be dominating the meters and hopefully prevent some of those deaths.

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Well, next time i'll suggest trying 2heal that. But, we had problems surviving fire phase while 3healing. Also, offtank was sooo undergeared, maybe that's the reason.

Let me explain the TFT - i'm not concentrating on that since i cover 7/10 raid members with ReM all the time. But, that's true, i forgot about that. Also, i'll try RJW next time. Thanks for the advice, Master Brewmonksta!!

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I've been contemplating TFT use in 10man setting myself. Since if I manage to blanket everyone with it  I'll have the 10 active ReMs. When the TFT effect drops I'll have max 3 by casting ReM on cooldown during the TFT effect and I'll most likely have it on cooldown when that happens. Whereas without TFT use I could keep up the 6-7 ReMs all the time. In most enounters this isnt an issue but somewhere with fairly constant raid damage its a pain to start the cycle all over again.


I'd think it'd even out a little better by making the ReM jumps refresh the duration instead of just disappearing when all 10 are active.


Any thoughts?

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If you delay using ReM when its on 10 people until 2 secs before it drops and refresh it then the ReM will refresh on 1 person then begin to jump as it drops off the other 9. Then its back to normal within 1 more ReM cd.


But if you dont watch it then it can be a pain especially on something like H Thok.

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Well, luckily my monk is in the normal SoO range so I don't have to worry about HThok yet :D  But yeah, what youre saying sounds solid. Takes good timing though, but I do like a challenge.

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Thanks for all the advice, mates!

The one thing i'm curious about, when i heal with my buddy rdruid, i find my output compared to his, even though he's undergeared, when compared to me (about 15ilvl difference and lack of legendary cloak, IMO that's a lot).

How do you find your MW to other healing classes?

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I heal with a pally and a Disc priest.


Some fights i solely fistweave because my heals just arent needed after all the absorbs so its hard to compare. For fights like H Iron Jugg,  Final phase on Galakras or malkorok i heal alot more than they do.


On demand burst and raw healing ability is what we are good at.


Actual raw output i heal a bucket load more, but alot goes to overheal. This is why we dominate so much on Malkorok because its he raw output counted because of the shield mechanic.


The comment made in my raid is "Guys im topping healing so you are obviously taking too much damage".


Meters are not a problem and should be ignored if bosses are dying due to the nature of absorbing. If your group doesnt need the healing the fistweave. If there is alot of damage going out and you are dying to lack of heals and you are not on the top or similar then perhaps you are not playing to your best.


Most progression bosses i top the heals until we overgear or have it on farm.

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