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    • By Krushinator
      Hello roguely buddies, I've got some information I want to confirm about raiding Subtlety. I've been pulled out of raiding retirement by Akraen, and my knowledge of Subtlety mechanics dates back to Dragon Soul. From what I can tell not a lot has changed, however I just want to make sure.
      If any of the following facts are wrong or there are facts missing, please point them out:
      SnD: 100% uptime
      Rupture: 100% uptime
      Recuperate: No longer necessary for Energetic Recovery (that makes things easier)
      Find Weakness: Maximum uptime possible, can't avoid clipping during shadow dance, but avoid clipping with extra cooldowns like vanish and prep-vanish.
      Shadowstep: No longer ups Ambush damage, not a damage cooldown (that makes things easier)
      These are things I'm less sure about:
      Cooldown overlapping: Shadow Blades overlapping with Find Weakness seems like a waste to me. However, if I'm playing properly, Find Weakness should be up a lot of the time. Does that make it not matter when I hit Shadow Blades? Should I pair it with Shadow Dance or offset them?
      Hemo Bleed: Is this something we still have to keep up 100% of the time? 
      Stealth opener vs. vanish opener: My thinking is that the very beginning of the fight would start with a Garrote to get the bleed ticking right away, and vanish openers would use Ambush instead. Is this correct, or is it better to open the fight with Ambush?
      Combo point ruptures: Is it more important to roll 5 point ruptures or to have 100% rupture uptime?
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