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[Illidan] [H] <Crit Pro Quo> (11/11 H) Daytime Raid Guild Recruiting

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(H) US Illidan PvP Server -- Daytime Raiding Guild

Actively Recruiting:
Open recruitment for Antorus, so now is the time to join us! If you are wondering what class to play for the next raid tear we would be interested in supporting:
- Enhancement Shaman
- Sub. Rogue
- Boomies
- Shadow Priest
- Holy Paladin
- Resto Druid

Basic Guild Information


We are a core group of EU/US off-time people focused on tackling endgame content. Our members range in age from 20-40 with a variety of personalities and backgrounds. Note: We prefer to recruit people on a permanent basis -- this means mature, stable people living in Europe, or longtime Nightshift people living in the US.

Guild Raiding Information
Applicants should have a focus on continual improvement at the individual and raid level, and be able to use appropriate resources to research their class and raid role. Raiding from Europe on US servers does introduce additional technical hurdles such as latency, but it is expected that raiders have learned how to deal with that and still avoid standing in fires =).

Since we are a tight knit roster, reliable attendance from all raiders is important and required.

Attendance Requirement: 90% minimum

Discord and microphone required for raiding.
Raid Schedule
Server Time 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Local timezone raid times
U.S. Eastern - 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
U.S. Central - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
U.S. Mountain - 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM
U.S. Pacific - 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Berlin, Rome, Stockholm - 8:00 PM – 11:30 PM
Dublin, Edinburgh, London - 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM

If interested or you have questions add Kristafa#1397, owlmanbear#2270 or connect to us on Discord @ https://discord.gg/n5WH8GD.

Curious about our guild structure and loot system then head to https://cpq.enjin.com/.
Edited by Carmilea
Updating recruitment needs.

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In addition to our Tuesday and Thursday main raid we also do a casual / alt ToS heroic run on Sundays starting at 1:00 PM server time.  Good chance to join us and check us out.

We are looking for another healer and dps to help us progress through mythic ToS.

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We are currently looking for any ranged DPS (hunters where are you). And we would love to add a resto druid or disc priest to our roster as well.  We also take casual daytime players if you are looking for a home!

Edited by Carmilea

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I currently main a 926 havok DH (http://www.wowhead.com/list=54984663/us-alleria-sicktatsbruh) but would like to start playing my 910 Prot Palidin (http://www.wowhead.com/list=56228307/us-alleria-yoimmapali) if you can fit it into the guild. I also have a few other toons I keep for utility purposes like making cauldrons and whatnot, but I never play them.

I'm currently stationed in Italy and it makes things difficult when trying to play with stateside servers. I am part of a guild that broke off of an imploding guild, but we couldn't seem to get traction to stay afloat so we decided to disband.

If you have any questions or need any specific info, you can contact me on battle.net at SuperPants#129708 or on Discord at Superpants#7970


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