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Is Keleseth-Shadowstep the new Innervate-FlappyBird?

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OK. Maybe that's just if you are playing an aggro/temp deck. I just played a turn 2 double-Keleseth and got destroyed by a taunt warrior. I imagine freeze mage would also be a pretty good matchup even against a deck of double-buffed minions.

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I like to use Prince Keleseth in Paladin deck, have a Warlock and hunter deck with him as well. It's great but just one card, even if a rogue can play it first round twice (what will not happen that often) she can end up not drawing a minion in the next rounds.

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Honestly, it is worse.  One, flappy bird is pretty eh without innervate, much worse then kel alone, two innervate flappy Bird has answers, prince k and shadow step does not. Also, following that up with a pirate pretty much auto wins the game, because I'm in chaaaaarge here. In general, tempo decks actually stand a much higher chance of beating double k then most control decks.  The decks draw will be a little inconsistent, since they are wasting a card and playing a sub optimal two drop, which gives you a small window to tempo them out if they miss a buffed minion drop.  Against control, they basically just wasted a card and played slightly sub optimal when they won't be under pressure and end up with upwards for 40 stats in extra value.

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