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Elite Warlock UI's

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Yep, I pretty much keep everything I use on the bars. I pretty much only have to look at the center of my screen (and slightly down and right of center). All my raid timers and such are in that area.


Mana pots: why not? I actually got rid of them the other day, just to make bag room. You never know.


AffDots being tiny: Plenty big enough for me to see on a 27" screen, haha. I can see it just fine during fights.


Purified Bindings: That was me linking it! Just the Flex version, though. I'm not lucky enough to get the normal ones, but I've gotten the Flex ones twice (upgraded for the 7%).


All in all, I just can't stand having stuff floating around next to my toon, unless it's floating battle text. I like to see where I'm moving around to. tongue.png

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^ You cant see your feet. I understand wanting to have everything close together in order not to be looking all over the place, but you gotta be able to see your feet.  Make your affdots icons smaller, move them right on top of target frame or something.

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My UI has been posted many times before.  No need to see it, anyways.  Not like everyone is going to be like 'holy shit, I need THAT EXACT SET UP!'  Mine is set up for me.  It's ElvUI customized specifically for me in my 10 man group.

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Everybody's UI should be setup for the person using it. But seeing what other people are playing with can be great for inspiration. But you know this. I was just being curious as I don't remember ever having seen yours :)

(which might be because I'm just a poor healer who stumbled into the wrong alley...)

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My UI has been posted many times before.  No need to see it, anyways.  Not like everyone is going to be like 'holy shit, I need THAT EXACT SET UP!'  Mine is set up for me.  It's ElvUI customized specifically for me in my 10 man group.


This is so true.



Because I play healers, tanks, etc., I have my UI set up in a very generic way that works for me no matter what I'm doing without changing UI between specs and toons. Also, because I'm the raid leader for my guild, I need to be able to see what's going on with the other raiders in the guild in a level more than, "Crap, someone's dead, time to rez!" If all I did was play my lock or just DPS classes, I'd probably have a very different UI.

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I think it's great that you're looking for some alternative UI to what you currently have. You're right in thinking that you may get some inspiration from others on some elements that may help you be a better raider. I'm a HUGE UI person and spend an inordinate amount of my time on my UI. Just remember if it helps you raid or game better, then that's all that matters. Some people cringe when they see other peoples UI's (myself included) but I don't have to deal with it. I can't tell you how many video's I've seen of someone showing how to do Epic Green Fire Quest/Down the Alpha Boss for this xPac/Beat the Gold Proving Grounds/etc and I look at their UI and I think to myself "how in the world did they get that accomplished?" Target and Unit frames way up in the upper right hand corner, no TellMeWhen Addon smack dab in the middle of their UI to tell them that something proc'ed or something is on cooldown. How did they do it with such a limited UI? Evidently it worked for them and their UI is working sufficiently 

That said. I find that the best resource for UI's is www.wowinterface.com. It has a huge collection of folks dedicated to great UI design for WoW. You'll find author's that you won't find on Curse. I'm a huge fan of curse.com, but I always go to wowinterface for the newest frames, oUF frame designs and it gives me a view into alternative designs that I may not have thought about. 

I'd share my UI with you, but like Zagam, it's a hybrid of ElvUI, mixed with oUF_Phanx or oUF_Karma and a bunch of periphery AddOns (TellMeWhen, Weak Aura's) that I think it wouldn't do you much good.


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What were you trying to do? lol

All I see is you quoting Jensent07 over and over.

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What were you trying to do? lol

All I see is you quoting Jensent07 over and over.


I was really hoping for a quote stream narrowing down to a really /facepalm or funny sentence. I was disappointed. 

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^This is almost exactly my set up.  I have a chatbox on the right because I don't care about threat, though.

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^This is almost exactly my set up.  I have a chatbox on the right because I don't care about threat, though.


Lol pretty much.  I always have Soul Shatter at the ready now.  Our damage is getting to be so high that our tanks are having difficulties.  Most specifically on Garrosh where we're going balls to the wall AoE.  Soul Shatter is now a part of my rotation.

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Your tanks are doing something wrong.  Our Prot Warrior ends P1 Garrosh over 800k DPS.  Vengeance plus Bladestorm = no aggro problems.

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Seriously, idk how some of you can do OK with so much stuff crammed around your char in the mid screen. Would seem to be tough for targeting and seeing what's near you. It's hard enough to see myself with all of the crap flying around in every fight, other players crowding around, etc. Each to their own I guess.

Edited by Caolela

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Seriously, idk how some of you can do OK with so much stuff crammed around your char in the mid screen. Would seem to be tough for targeting and seeing what's near you. It's hard enough to see myself with all of the crap flying around in every fight, other players crowding around, etc. Each to their own I guess.

You can actually see your character? You're not stacking hard enough, lol

That and my character is already pretty tiny with cameramaxdistancefactor 25

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Don't have an action Screenshot atm and these are a few Months old since i took a break from WoW, But the Setup didn't change. I like it clean and simple.


Will do an action Shot later today.









Edited by Syntii

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Do you need humongous amounts of shit in the middle of your screen?



I mean, this is not ToT, we can't just ignore AoE and mechanics anymore.

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