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I just can't put out any DPS

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Hello everyone my toon name is Gaabb on bladefist . I have been a favorite of the feral class now for over 4yrs on my druid but now I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to delete him . First of all It seems as though the feral class is dying out I don't c much feral classes anymore or Find a good feral druid to talk about things with .


    KK so I'm going to give it a run down . My rotation is and always has been what is posted in the forums here on Icy Veins . It is not my rotation that I have a issue with it just that I think sometime My reforging  , gem ,and enchants might be wrong . I follow Mr. Robots advise but I just seem not to put out any DPS . My Ilvl is 524 and my dps max is 98000 . If I hit multi targets I can get up to 150,000 in Raids . Then it just drops back down to 90k . I start out with Tigers Fury ( until I can get max combo pnts in ) . Then I follow up with FF then Mangle , Rake ,Shred until I get maxed on pnts and hit Rip .After that I then pop Tigers Fury again until I get to max combo. When I'm at max combo points I pop Tigers Fury and spam Shred until I can maxed out on Combo points >I'm always always keeping my Bleed effects up and TF . If I'm in front of boss I spam mangle . As for add-ons I use BAD KITTY and Nugcombobar .I do not know how to use macro's nor have I ever have . For some reason when I try to use Macros it messes up my rotation . Right now my toon is all messed up with reforge and gems cause I was following another druids gear . PLZ ,PLZ somebody help before I delete my toon  who I had as feral for over 4 yrs .

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Something that instantly concerns me is you said nothing about using Savage Roar.  This will buff all of your damage by 40%!

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KK I messed up here . I meant to say that Savage Roar is always up on a 5 point combo and Tiger's Fury is always used on CD . Both are glyph for Glyph Of Savagery and Glyph Of Shred . Also I always use beserk at the start Cause by the time Hero pops It is off CD , that is if Hero is not going to be pop until later . If it is popped earlier then of course I pop all CDs . My toon name is Gaabb on Bladefist .

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You have a RoR, but are not reforging properly for it.  You should be trying to get haste/crit/mastery as close as you can to one another with mastery being at least 1 point ahead to maximize the RoR proc.  Something else about your rotation is inherently wrong though.  Saying a rotation and executing it is different.  If you could provide a log, it will be much easier to tell you what you are doing right or wrong.

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I hope that you don't abandon Feral entirely. It is not as good as it used to be, but it still brings good DPS and has some useful hybrid utility, especially now that more people are taking HotW.


One thing I definitely notice, when playing Feral, is that it's all about the long game. Trying to do more damage early always backfires - other than Berserk, we don't have any tools to burst the way a Shaman or a Mage does, and so we depend on doing high sustained damage. Our bleeds are everything. What this means, in a nutshell, is don't open with Tiger's Fury. I always, always, always line up Tiger's Fury with Rip, and reapply Rake and Thrash while it's active. If you open with it at a time when you don't have enough CP for Rip, you might see some momentary initial burst, but you're not getting the most out of your bleeds and your sustain will suffer badly. It's also important not to change your rotation when Berserk/BL is up; while the faster Energy return makes it tempting just to spam Shred, it's much better to keep the bleed damage high and let the extra 30% haste ticks take care of making your numbers go up.


Interestingly, you don't want to keep Rip up all the time. Use it with Tiger's Fury; the timing isn't extremely strict but make sure it falls in the window when TF is active. Rake, on the other hand, should be up 100% and you can almost spam it as long as you're not overwriting a strong Rake with a weak Rake. Whenever you see a trinket go off definitely hit it right away; it's a very efficient attack and you don't really lose anything by refreshing it instead of using Shred or Mangle. In fact, I was hearing that with the RoR active you should just spam Rake.


When you are in an AoE situation, I tend to mostly ignore Swipe as it is very expensive and slow at generating combo points. Keep up Thrash especially with TF active and otherwise tab, Rake and keep SR up.

Edited by Tarazet

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