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Too much haste?

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Hi all, just a few questions on haste... the general wisdom seems to be that the more haste the better. I'm at 34% haste and I'm wondering if that's overkill. I've got a few gems and enchants I could swap over to Mastery. If you need an armory link let me know.




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10 hours ago, Validius said:

Hi all, just a few questions on haste... the general wisdom seems to be that the more haste the better. I'm at 34% haste and I'm wondering if that's overkill. I've got a few gems and enchants I could swap over to Mastery. If you need an armory link let me know.

This will likely depend on the rest of your gear, but once you're above 10-20% Haste (depending on gear, whether you have T20 4P and whether you use In For The Kill), you will normally prioritise Mastery over Haste. Haste is still a very solid stat even past breakpoints though.

Check your weights here: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/stats

It's likely that it will tell you to drop some Haste for Mastery.

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I do have the 4-piece (with some flexibility for swapping out which pieces I use).  Raidbots still lists Haste slightly better than Mastery, but I can't say I'm all that convinced. If you're suggesting that people swap out between 10 and 20% haste, I can't help but feel I've gone far over the point when diminishing returns on haste kick in.

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Evtentually blainie talks about arms warrior. For fury, haste is the strongest state. I just copy&paste this from archimtiros fury guide, because i can't proof it myself :-) 

"When do I stop getting Haste and start stacking Mastery?"

You don't need to, read the @%#$&@& guide!
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21 hours ago, Validius said:

I do have the 4-piece (with some flexibility for swapping out which pieces I use).  Raidbots still lists Haste slightly better than Mastery, but I can't say I'm all that convinced. If you're suggesting that people swap out between 10 and 20% haste, I can't help but feel I've gone far over the point when diminishing returns on haste kick in.

See above. I didn't realise you were Fury, I was going on the assumption you were playing Arms, I didn't think many people still played Fury :p

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1 hour ago, Milka said:


It's sad, I know! It just seems like everyone is Arms now, though :(

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3 hours ago, Blainie said:

It's sad, I know! It just seems like everyone is Arms now, though :(

Except for a couple exceptions (Harjatan & Mistress), you're right; the spec to play is Arms. But Fury is a fun spec to play so there's still plenty of people who choose it over Arms simply for the playstyle.

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