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Additional Info on Vanilla Servers

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12 hours ago, positiv2 said:

It works thanks to Power to the Players system, which is, as far as I know, not present in World of Warcraft. If it is implemented, it could surely work, even though WoW Classic would have to have a different update model than the "regular" WoW. Then again, the part of the WoW community that requested vanilla WoW doesn't seem to be as zealous as the people who wanted OSRS.

Of course, it has to be content that a vast majority of the player base would agree to, but that's not the point. The point is that most players would likely be happy to have more content which still fits the Vanilla feel without harming existing content; it doesn't have to remain a 1:1 copy of 1.12.1/1.12.2 as it were at the end of Vanilla.

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On 11/4/2017 at 4:26 PM, Nxc said:

i would love to know -> lets just assume i will be able to obtain the tier 3 set from old naxx on one of those classic realms
will i be able to mog it on my lv120 chars ?
will i be able to get that sweet AQ drone from the gate opening ? and will i be able to ride it on my lv120 chars ?

I doubt it, there was nothing account wide in Vanilla. There was no xmog in Vanilla. BTW there was no flight, other than through FP's, in Vanilla either.

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Why so much hate from some of you against Vanilla?

Yes, we know druids don't tank in raids and pallys only "do DPS" against undead, we know hunters don't do as good DPS as rogues or mages, we know raiding was not really good before Naxxramass (which was hard as hell), we know there is a lot of farming involved, we know is time consuming, we know about arrows, soulshards, lack of gold, we know there is only 1 Grand Marshall that has to take 1 week of holidays, we know we have to spend much time preparing for a dungeon and going inside...

We know... we know... we know... 

And we want Vanilla. Stop saying that we will get bored in one month because we know about the levelling experience and all the bad things. We like Vanilla with good and bad things. Mainly, because we love the OPEN WORLD. Retail doesn't have good OW experience. It has many good things like better raids, dungeons, less time consuming... is a different game. No, legions OW is not good with all the Xrealms and the artifact farming and the stupid PVE towers (that's not PVP). We cannot know who is the ninja, who twinks and which fucking guild raided Stormwind.

Yes, I am using the "we" because the feeling of a big chunck of the community is that. Some people want vanilla AND play some retail. I want both in the same sub or slightly more and I will gladly pay. I will carry on buying xpacs because I love xpacs. The already stated this will cost ZERO new raids. So give us 1.12 starting with Rag and releasing the opening of AQ and the invasions of Naxxramas after some time and don't worry because we will make our adventures in the world. I want to go to Southsore to have some fun with the PVP system which is not great (still better than Legion but miles away from WOTLK, Cata and Pandaria).

OFC we know Vanilla has MANY MANY bad things. So? I don't care. Is not perfect and will never be. But I am sure that people don't look for that. They just want to "go back home". I have played some time in Elysium and I LOVE the feeling of spending 1 hour in Deathknell and 4-6 hours in Tirisfal glades, taking my tme. But I want it officially. I don't want to be thinking "Will this end soon? Will they shut the private server like Nost? Blizz, I want to pay for this".

There are some good ideas here maybe for the future, like making those changes to make some clases more viable (maybe just tweaking the stats of the tiers like BC did it would be possible. And... who doesn't want a full armor bear? XD). Some progression maybe in the future would be great, I loved Vanilla, and would love a server that stayed like that for as long as people pay, but I love BC even more (the best of the best for me).

Stop the hate against Vanilla. The community has proven that are willing to play and pay. Let us go back to Azeroth and spend months trying to get to 60. Roaming the world and living our adventures.

And with the improved networks, better computers and widespread online communities, Vanilla can be a great experience.

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I honestly think there will be a typical large influx of players doing the Classic then a die off after a few months. The servers will see a shortage of players and a domination of a few 40 man guilds. It will fail.

The other problem I see is the splitting of the population. We are going to see a decrease in server pop and or a split. But, according to my prediction, the present servers will rebuild due to those classic players realizing how suck it was back then compared to now.

I started WoW three months after release, and yes it was fun then, but I definitely would not want to go back to all the bugs, flaws, issues and illogical game features in Classic WoW.

I think what Blizzard sees is a money grab no matter what. If the Classic team is small and cheap, they can maintain a low pop server with a large fee for the sub. I think people are thinking they will get a "free ride" with an existing sub, but Blizz wants $$ so it will most likely cost a second sub fee or higher. I think 20$ more a month is what it will finally be. But if they can maintain a profit from 8-10$ more a month they might go there.

I really think they are thinking they will get older non-subbed players back or something. Splitting up the existing server population seems counter productive for the present game and new releases. Unless BFA is the 2nd to last expansion and Classic is their new thing after that with a BC Classic server, Wraith Classic server, etc...???

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On 11/6/2017 at 3:18 AM, Arthalon said:

Why so much hate from some of you against Vanilla?


On 11/6/2017 at 3:18 AM, Arthalon said:

Stop the hate against Vanilla.

Because I'm never going back to this: uMlidi6.jpg


Because I'm never going back to having to tame rando pets just to get the next rank in growl/claw/etc.

We had good times in vanilla because we had nothing to compare it to. I don't miss the feels I had raiding with friends because the raiding was horrible, the friends were what  made it good and I can still roll with them in current content.

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On 11/4/2017 at 6:29 PM, Ammako said:

The game really doesn't need to be or remain 1:1 to what it was back in Vanilla. There is lots of room and a lots of opportunities for new content to be added which suits the Classic WoW feel, without having to majorly change gameplay mechanics like they have done with each expansion release.

This is something they should have been doing a long time ago, but for some reason they felt the need for expansion releases to completely change classes every time, undoing all the balancing work they had been doing and making them start all over. There is no reason why every class and spec shouldn't be viable in their own way (no, Vanilla WoW nostalgia is not a good reason), they should fine-tune classes so that every dps is viable, every healer, every tank... while keeping the original WoW feel they had to them.

What about new content? There were plans for a Dragon raid back before the game came out, which was cut entirely. That could be made and added to Classic servers. What about Hyjal? The zone was fully mapped out, but inaccessible. I'm sure they could do something with it for Classic servers. Silithus? Why not finally finish the zone?

Nothing really prevents the addition of new landmasses exclusive to Classic, either. As long as none of the original Classic content is altered in any way (aside from adding new entryways to place like Hyjal), and that they know how to make the content suit the feel of Vanilla WoW, I don't see how that can be a bad thing.

How many guilds even made it to Naxxramas back in Vanilla? I don't think adding even higher level raids would be a good idea, but there could be more lower- and entry-level raids added like Molten Core and BWL were. Gives the game more content, more choice for the players (if your guild can't quite clear BWL then you have other raiding options aside from Molten Core, etc.)

If all of this worked just fine for Old School RuneScape, there is no reason why it couldn't work for Classic either.

They should have incentives like that to play Classic servers by having that kind of cosmetics unlocked for your main account when obtained on Classic.

Sure, MMOs change, but removed content is dumb no matter which way you spin it. Classic servers is an excellent way to make all those pre-Cata quests and zones available, and with it, the quest reward appearances that are no longer obtainable. Along with old mounts and appearances from legacy raids that have since been revamped, etc.

But of course, people who got them back in the day, or who paid millions on the BMAH for this stuff, will complain, because they want to be special.

Give people feats of strength if you owned all of this stuff pre-Classic servers, and those who unlock the items through obtaining them on Classic don't get a feat of strength. Then people still have something to show off how special they are.

this is a well thought out quote. I think what people miss about vanilla wow was that among all the games at the time. WOW did it best. I started playing just after launch. tried to get into beta but didnt make it. The game was fun, exciting, and fresh. yeah it was full of bugs and glitches and running, lots and lots and lots of running. but at the time I didnt care. none of us cared. it was a slower pace back then. we didnt care if black rock took us all day to get through we were having fun. heading to tarren mill to pvp, or to the crossroads. hearing that rogue woosh for the very first time. seeing Iron forge for the very first time or the gates of Orgrimmar. breathtaking, for its time. I had tier 3 naxx on my old warrior tank. I miss him and that gear. I would love to have him back and be the off tank again for a bear while a pally heals me. cause pallies didnt tank much back then. I loved the game and still do. I miss the slower pace of the game. It seemed that the after TBC everyone wanted to run through instances. no CC just group em up and burn em down. no planning. even some of the raids really werent as hard as old naxx. or even old MC. loved MC and old Naxx, how about the warlock tank in AQ. LOL I am really stocked for the upcoming expansion. and the classic wow after that. some much good stuff to do. But until then I will have fun with my DH. some much fun. The only thing that would make my life complete would be if blizzard made a splinter faction of Hoggers group a playable race. you know kinda of a story line like they helped stormwind take him down. LOL that would be funny. but seriously. hopefully Blizz will give those of us that do level a classic toon again a feat of strength maybe a transmog set for our account of the tier we level. the old dreadnought set please.


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On 11/6/2017 at 3:18 AM, Arthalon said:

Why so much hate from some of you against Vanilla?

Yes, we know druids don't tank in raids and pallys only "do DPS" against undead, we know hunters don't do as good DPS as rogues or mages, we know raiding was not really good before Naxxramass (which was hard as hell), we know there is a lot of farming involved, we know is time consuming, we know about arrows, soulshards, lack of gold, we know there is only 1 Grand Marshall that has to take 1 week of holidays, we know we have to spend much time preparing for a dungeon and going inside...

We know... we know... we know... 

And we want Vanilla. Stop saying that we will get bored in one month because we know about the levelling experience and all the bad things. We like Vanilla with good and bad things. Mainly, because we love the OPEN WORLD. Retail doesn't have good OW experience. It has many good things like better raids, dungeons, less time consuming... is a different game. No, legions OW is not good with all the Xrealms and the artifact farming and the stupid PVE towers (that's not PVP). We cannot know who is the ninja, who twinks and which fucking guild raided Stormwind.

Yes, I am using the "we" because the feeling of a big chunck of the community is that. Some people want vanilla AND play some retail. I want both in the same sub or slightly more and I will gladly pay. I will carry on buying xpacs because I love xpacs. The already stated this will cost ZERO new raids. So give us 1.12 starting with Rag and releasing the opening of AQ and the invasions of Naxxramas after some time and don't worry because we will make our adventures in the world. I want to go to Southsore to have some fun with the PVP system which is not great (still better than Legion but miles away from WOTLK, Cata and Pandaria).

OFC we know Vanilla has MANY MANY bad things. So? I don't care. Is not perfect and will never be. But I am sure that people don't look for that. They just want to "go back home". I have played some time in Elysium and I LOVE the feeling of spending 1 hour in Deathknell and 4-6 hours in Tirisfal glades, taking my tme. But I want it officially. I don't want to be thinking "Will this end soon? Will they shut the private server like Nost? Blizz, I want to pay for this".

There are some good ideas here maybe for the future, like making those changes to make some clases more viable (maybe just tweaking the stats of the tiers like BC did it would be possible. And... who doesn't want a full armor bear? XD). Some progression maybe in the future would be great, I loved Vanilla, and would love a server that stayed like that for as long as people pay, but I love BC even more (the best of the best for me).

Stop the hate against Vanilla. The community has proven that are willing to play and pay. Let us go back to Azeroth and spend months trying to get to 60. Roaming the world and living our adventures.

And with the improved networks, better computers and widespread online communities, Vanilla can be a great experience.

you my friend are a true gamer. welcome to the club. you summed it up. 


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11 hours ago, Sawzorthn said:

Because I'm never going back to this: 

Perfect, YOU don't want to go back to that. I'm not going against that. Enjoy retail as I do.

I WANT to go and play again that. Is there any problem? Yes, again, not going to repeat the whole post. Vanilla is not perfect. You are not telling us anything new.  We have played Nostalrius, we have played Elysium and some of us want again Vanilla, we want to have a good service with no bugs, good servers and Blizzard quality.

Yes, I want all the good and bad stuff. Get bored and maybe go back sometimes or not. Who knows once I have reached 60.

15 hours ago, tk421ds said:

I think 20$ more a month is what it will finally be. But if they can maintain a profit from 8-10$ more a month they might go there.

Nobody is going to pay 20$ more a month for a game with no patches and already developed. We are not idiots and we won't pay just for a Blizzard logo. Maintaining a server is way cheaper than that. The client 1.12 code is already done, the server part I'm quite sure is already backed up, at least the last 1.12.X version before BC.


What I can read, is that some of you think that we have not been playing Vanilla during all this time. That we only have "good memories". No, we have played Vanilla less than 3 months ago lots of us. And we liked the slow leveling up experience.

And we still play retail. WoW was probably our first and will be our last MMO.

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On 6/11/2017 at 5:18 AM, Arthalon said:

Why so much hate from some of you against Vanilla?

Yes, we know druids don't tank in raids and pallys only "do DPS" against undead, we know hunters don't do as good DPS as rogues or mages, we know raiding was not really good before Naxxramass (which was hard as hell), we know there is a lot of farming involved, we know is time consuming, we know about arrows, soulshards, lack of gold, we know there is only 1 Grand Marshall that has to take 1 week of holidays, we know we have to spend much time preparing for a dungeon and going inside...

We know... we know... we know... 

And we want Vanilla. Stop saying that we will get bored in one month because we know about the levelling experience and all the bad things. We like Vanilla with good and bad things. Mainly, because we love the OPEN WORLD. Retail doesn't have good OW experience. It has many good things like better raids, dungeons, less time consuming... is a different game. No, legions OW is not good with all the Xrealms and the artifact farming and the stupid PVE towers (that's not PVP). We cannot know who is the ninja, who twinks and which fucking guild raided Stormwind.

Yes, I am using the "we" because the feeling of a big chunck of the community is that. Some people want vanilla AND play some retail. I want both in the same sub or slightly more and I will gladly pay. I will carry on buying xpacs because I love xpacs. The already stated this will cost ZERO new raids. So give us 1.12 starting with Rag and releasing the opening of AQ and the invasions of Naxxramas after some time and don't worry because we will make our adventures in the world. I want to go to Southsore to have some fun with the PVP system which is not great (still better than Legion but miles away from WOTLK, Cata and Pandaria).

OFC we know Vanilla has MANY MANY bad things. So? I don't care. Is not perfect and will never be. But I am sure that people don't look for that. They just want to "go back home". I have played some time in Elysium and I LOVE the feeling of spending 1 hour in Deathknell and 4-6 hours in Tirisfal glades, taking my tme. But I want it officially. I don't want to be thinking "Will this end soon? Will they shut the private server like Nost? Blizz, I want to pay for this".

There are some good ideas here maybe for the future, like making those changes to make some clases more viable (maybe just tweaking the stats of the tiers like BC did it would be possible. And... who doesn't want a full armor bear? XD). Some progression maybe in the future would be great, I loved Vanilla, and would love a server that stayed like that for as long as people pay, but I love BC even more (the best of the best for me).

Stop the hate against Vanilla. The community has proven that are willing to play and pay. Let us go back to Azeroth and spend months trying to get to 60. Roaming the world and living our adventures.

And with the improved networks, better computers and widespread online communities, Vanilla can be a great experience.

I think that they should make a few changes to the old version, theare things that they can improve, withow chanching the game, but helping player to enjoy it more. The little things, things they improved after TBC, things like trash respawn, arrows, souls stones, need to drink after you buff each party member, unchain fly paths, etc

a lot of little thing that will make our life better, and you are going to have the same experiece that before, just with less head pain.

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5 hours ago, Demenzel said:

a lot of little thing that will make our life better, and you are going to have the same experiece that before, just with less head pain.

I do think you have to be very careful in how much you change. When you start making too many changes, you end up starting to go down a path of giving power to players, in that they can force change by complaining enough. They then develop a game they think they want, and then when it releases, just kind of go: this isn't vanilla. 

There's a fine line Blizzard have to tread in the coming years.

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On 11/8/2017 at 1:48 AM, Arthalon said:

Nobody is going to pay 20$ more a month for a game with no patches and already developed. We are not idiots and we won't pay just for a Blizzard logo. Maintaining a server is way cheaper than that. The client 1.12 code is already done, the server part I'm quite sure is already backed up, at least the last 1.12.X version before BC.


What I can read, is that some of you think that we have not been playing Vanilla during all this time. That we only have "good memories". No, we have played Vanilla less than 3 months ago lots of us. And we liked the slow leveling up experience.

And we still play retail. WoW was probably our first and will be our last MMO.

Yeah, I was just speculating, but really, you do not expect it to be free do you?

With a whole team dedicated to it it has a price tag. You are going to be paying for 2 different games with the same name. I think they will make it an either or, or combo price. Either you pay the same 15$ a month for Classic or Release version (1 or the other, but not both) or if you opt to do both you get a discount and pay $7.50 extra for both = $22.50 a month. Either way it has a cost to the player.

This is not some cheap version of wow and or "free to play". It is fullly supported Vanilla WoW at release and still worth the 15$ a month as a separate game.


You Vanilla guys asked for this and should expect a consequence/result for them catering to you with a price to make it happen. Sacrifice has to come from both sides.

Edited by tk421ds

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On 11/7/2017 at 1:57 PM, Sawzorthn said:


Because I'm never going back to this: uMlidi6.jpg


Because I'm never going back to having to tame rando pets just to get the next rank in growl/claw/etc.

We had good times in vanilla because we had nothing to compare it to. I don't miss the feels I had raiding with friends because the raiding was horrible, the friends were what  made it good and I can still roll with them in current content.

Exactly, I still cannot understand why anyone would want to go back and do Vanilla. It is like trying to load up the original Doom from floppy disks and claim is the Bees-Knees and soooo good and actually paying for it. Why? because it was nostalgic? The sad part is that the Vanilla community will not be there, it will be full of elitise jerks, vanilla snobs and purists that think they are cool because they love korean grinding.

Personally I would have preferred a BC version but with the 40 man raids still, flying, QOL changes BC offered, fixed talent trees and viability for those classes that were trash in Vanilla. But hey, this hype will die quickly when the servers dry up after a year because there are not enough players on the server to even have a 40 man group to raid.

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Here is Vanilla in a nut shell....errr list......



– Flight paths didn’t auto connect. You had to click on every fly point to get somewhere. This means if you were flying from Winterspring to Tanaris you would have to click the flight master at each stop. (the snow ball bug, however, was AMAZING)

– Only 16 debuffs on a boss at a time. This meant that you had to prioritize debuffs and / or not use abilities if they were going to debuff the boss. SORRY HUNTERS, NO POISON STING FOR YOU

– Only one version of a HoT on a tank at a time. 8 Priests in the raid? Cool – you can only put one renew on him. “A MORE POWERFUL SPELL IS ALREADY IN EFFECT”.

– In order to cast beneficial spells on a lower level player, you had to down rank it. So if you wanted to heal a friend at level 30 and a friend at level 50 and you were level 60 you would have to have 3 versions of each heal on your bars in order for them to work on every player.

– About 1/10th as many flight paths in total. There was only one in the barrens until they finally added one in Rachet / Camp Taurajo.

– Completing one quest sent you across 5 zones for no reason (no this wasn’t a good “feature”)

– You could only mail one item at a time

– You couldn’t right click items to go into a trade window

– Having to carry an Admiral’s hat for buffs

– Hour long Hearthstone cooldown

– 16 slot bags cost a fortune.

– Out of nowhere when you died in MC you would spawn 1000m up above wailing caverns. And have to somehow get back to the instance (or your raid would have to move back through BRD since locks couldn’t summon into an instance).

– No ready check in raids

– No Target Markers

– Respec cost today’s equivalent of about 1000g (and of course no dual spec)

– Fishing used to be a 30 second channel with no guaranteed catch

– No summoning stones at instances (tank leaves? go back to Orgrimmar and get a new one)

– When they finally did implement summoning stones, they were for matchmaking not summoning

– Theoretical Raid gating. For example you had to kill Onyxia about 20 times before you were legitimately able to attempt Blackwing Lair. You had to kill Lucifron for at least 3 weeks before having a legit attempt at Magmadar.

– Awful graveyard placement made corpse runs last forever

– Only Priests, Shamans and Paladins could resurrect

– Horde Onyxia key chain was seriously just awful.

– You could only get your race’s mount. No one elses. Sorry mount collectors. (this was obviously changed later)

– No “Instance Reset” button. You had to do this awkward thing where you would get in and out of the instance repeatedly until it reset.

– There was no such thing as “spellpower” until they fixed gear. So casters couldn’t increase damage or throughput – only mana pool size. Literally top end casters were only able to cast LONGER because intellect just made mana pools bigger. Intellect was not for more damage. Once they were geared to where they could cast indefinitely they sacrificed ALL gear to healers.

– In a raid you were in YOUR “party”. For example, Priests couldn’t PoH outside of their group, pretty much all buffs occurred inside of your one party…. totems, aoe heals, everything.

– 40 people in a raid – boss drops 3 items.

– Running an instance and doing quests for a group of 5 would take 5 runs since one quest item would drop per group

– Completing quests took items made by random professions (this sounds fun, but really we all know we wouldn’t want this today)…. just look up the deadly blunderbuss

– Only an hour to kill Vaelestraz during progression. Don’t kill him within an hour of attempts? Fuck you try next week your raid is over for this week.

– having to reset instances just to get more attempts on bosses (a feat in itself with 40 people). For example, you would have to leave the instance for an hour to get Nefarian to spawn again so you could fight him.

– Agility, Strength, Stamina weapon drops – who gets it?

– Strength leather (I believe strength actually gave bears attack power and decreased AP to cats)

– No linking items in trade chat

– No linking spells / abilities at ALL

– Spell ranks required you to go back to capitals every time you leveled to train new abilities

– Weapon skills had to be trained. If you were a Tauren warrior that found a sword, you couldn’t use it until you traveled all of the way to Undercity to train it.

– Mounts not allowed in any capital outside of Ironforge or Orgrimmar

– Auction purchases took 1 hour to get to you

– Resetting after a wipe literally took about 15 to 20 minutes. You could only rez one person at once, and only priests and shaman / paladins could resurrect. Each person had to be individually buffed with all of the class buffs, flasks, potions, admirals hats, individually handed a health stone, individually handed water… etc. just awful.



– Fury spec pretty much meaningless while leveling. Absolutely awful. Although, to be fair, 2h fury was actually a thing.

– At one point they had 1 more talent point than all of the other classes allowing them to go 31 / 21 for one glorious week. . This means they were able to run Mortal Strike a and Recklessness in one spec (not normally viable). It was incredible. Then they got the nerfbat. Hard. Suckers.

– Arms being useless until you got mortal strike.

– Dying all the time leveling due to low damage and no sustain ability

– No multi target threat generator, thunderclap wasn’t usable in prot, so you had to spam sunder armor on everything to get threat.



No pet talents.

– Had mana

– Only one pet at a time, had to go to stable to get others

– Had to level your pet. Took for fucking EVER.

– Pet would get pissed off at you without food

– Pet pathing in general was just horrible

– Quiver/Ammo

– Survival’s top tier talent (lacerate) hit for less than a level 40 warrior’s Rend

– Pigeonholed into Marksmanship (you think spec balancing is bad now… this was 100x worse)

– Gear had spell power/spirit on it



– Having to farm soul shards preraid. Once you were in the raid on progression fights you would run out of shards and have to exit the instance to farm more…. that is unless trash respawned.

– Having to make a health stone for everyone. One at a time.

– Can’t summon people INTO an instance. Have to run all of the way out to get them there

– To put it into perspective… it was considered a HUGE quality of life improvement when they were given soul shard bags.

– To get your infernal you had to farm it in LBRS and pray for the codex to drop.



– Arcane brilliance didn’t exist – so you had to buff each person individually

– Leveling required drinking water between every 2 – 3 pulls and you couldn’t create water that was relevant to your level. So the mage water ability actually created water lower level than you.

– Worst “rotation” ever (frostbolt x10000)

– Blinking through the world would often insta-kill you

– Portal reagents



– Balance was a joke, forget it if you even wanted to try. They didn’t have moonkin form, either.

– Pigeonholed into Healing (WINNERVATE)

– Cat spec was best for leveling, but still took forever

– Single shot buff for mark of the wild (until book of AOE buff was later implemented) so you had to click 40 different people to buff them… since you were likely the only druid in the raid.

– Leveling was basically reduced to being a glorified melee class.

– Couldn’t use any items / quest items while shape shifted.

– Can’t interact with ANYTHING while shape shifted

– No bear charge, no swipe



– Pigeonholed into healing

– If you WERE somehow able to play enhance – you had to level up weapon skills again every time – you respecced. This means every time you swapped from healing to damage you had to go out and mindlessly hit mobs while your weapon skill leveled back up again.

– Totems were just a mess all around and only affected your party



– Having to cast a seal before every judgment

– Blessings lasted 5 minutes so you were spending raid time actually being a buff master

– Pigeonholed into healing

– Healing Aura didn’t make it into live. from beta. Shame.

– Reagents for blessings (or was the burning crusade?)



– Poisons was acutally a profession that had to be leveled

– Long ass cooldown on stealth

– No sustain / healing made for a shit ton of down time

– Strength weapons were needed / used at times (Crusader enchant, too)

– They renamed it Felstriker. Fucking FELSTRIKER. How could they rename it.

– Sap could and often would be resisted resulting in a dead rogue



– RIP Mindsoothe

– Shadow was just awful. Mindflay was a talent at level 11 and before then you couldn’t really do much…. it essentially didn’t exist.


– No enchanting scrolls. This means enchanters couldn’t enchant their alt’s gear.



– For the 1st good 6 months or so there were no PvP rewards

– Battlegrounds used to force you to go to the entrance to join

– Had to play specific BGs for rewards (marks of honor…)

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On 11/9/2017 at 2:49 PM, tk421ds said:

Here is Vanilla in a nut shell....errr list.....

In short, it was just a bit less grind-y/tedious than Everquest which was the big-gun of the day.

I remember how easy I thought Vanilla WoW was compared to the endless grind of EQ (hell levels, anyone?).  That said, IMO, the difficulty lead to more nuanced raiding -- if not the general game play -- which required better tactics.  More interesting/challenging/fun? was that tactics could be much more varied and tailored to the raid/guild makeup instead of the Dragon's Lair-style "just hit the marks" raids that WoW has in comparison.

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