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Why did you Re-Spec?

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Hi all,

I've mained the same Character since BC.  Love paladins, love their lore, Fordring is generally my homie, and Ashbringer.  That is all.  

My question is what made you decide to respec?  If you rolled a character for quite some time, why did you switch?  What kept you there to begin with?  Are you still with your initial swap ie haven't respec'd again?  

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I play WoW since open Beta of Vanilla (with a break during Cata/Pandaria) and switched my main twice.

  • hunter -> holy priest (vanilla -> BC)
    There we're two reasons: 1. At the end of vanilla there were so many hunter around, it was a pain in raids to get some gear. 2. Heal was something which was needed everywhere and i really enjoyed it. While DPS wasn't that challengig, heal was even more (basically today it is other way around in my opinion). I joined a "progressguild" and changed server to improve my healingskills :-).
  • holy priest -> prot warrior (middle/end of BC)
    While i was playing holy priest, i got a deeper understanding how a good tank should act and i got fascinated to try it myself. As my guild dismembered  i returned back to my homeserver. As i "dinged" *ding* on maxlevel, i got instantly invited into my friends guild and did my first raidexperience in mount hyjal (with blue/green gear :-D). Yeah, i still play prot warrior and i still play with some friends of that guild. And i think i will be playing it till i quit WoW completely :-)
Edited by Allseye
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Rogue from beta to start of Cata, then I was banned. I wanted to try something new and went Warrior, had a great time in Dragon Soul, then ended up going Rogue again in MoP. Am now a leather-main - Rogue/DH/Monk.

I made the swap to Warrior just because I thought it'd be nice to tank, but I hated it after DS. Gurthalak was great as Arms, but the rest - eh. I only ever play other characters now if I have to for raiding, but it's normally covered by one of my 3.

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If I get bored with one character, I will create something else just to explore. When I create a new character, it is usually because I just need a mental break from my main. I have discovered three that I truly enjoy playing, which are my shaman (my first character begun  in BC), druid, and now monk. The remainder are fancy bank characters..

Edited by Cedar

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My issue was class changes. So first even within an expansion with tier set bonuses rotations and optimal talents change very frequently. This can lead to your spec playing completely differently. Then with each additional expansion you got new talents and tweaks to old ones that would change things as well. Then specifically going into legion many classes got wrecked and reworked (goodbye survival my love, if only they tuned you better in wod). So, I fell in love with A and then it gradually turned into F.

The other part too is just excitement at something different. So recently I switched to feral druid since my main is as geared as I want it and after solely playing feral now I can't go back to other things. My rotation is so much quicker, my character is so much quicker, my cooldowns are different, its a whole different experience. So, while on my dk or lock I can minelessly hammer out the same rotation I have for years, doing something new and having new mechanics to consider refreshes the game :)

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On 1/19/2018 at 12:17 PM, Tri said:

The other part too is just excitement at something different. So recently I switched to feral druid since my main is as geared as I want it and after solely playing feral now I can't go back to other things.

This is pretty much my incentive for starting alts. There comes a point where it just gets boring hoping for a piece to titanforge or roll a socket, otherwise you know you're not getting an upgrade. Can take weeks of no rewards.

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