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Make it cheap #3 Budget Handbuff Paladin

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Lately I really enjoy playing cheap decks, so here another one.

It doesn't require much skill to create such a deck but it's cheap and might be interesting for some players :)

Originally I used 2 Spikeridged Steed instead of Blessing of Kings but I wanted to make it cheaper.

Total Arcane Dust cost: 1520



The deck is very simple, get your minions buffed and overwhelm your opponent. Ok, there's a bit more to it. The deck is similar to the Handbuff Paladin deck in the Standard deck list here on Icy Veins but more than 10k dust cheaper and of course weaker but it's a budget deck.  You can read the well written guide by @L0rinda for the Handbuff Paladin here. It plays very similar expect for the ton of legends and Epics there.

This budged version has more 1 cost minions than it's big brother and since it's not using Prince Kaleseth some 2 cost cards as well which should provide a better mana curve. You should be able to put some early game presence on the board and your several Taunt minions should keep you save until you have buffed your other minions in your hand. Your other tools for board control, besides your minions, are Dark Conviction to either buff your minion or to weaken an enemy one, Truesilver Champion and Aldor Peacekeeper.

Have fun :)

Edited by Caldyrvan
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Oh new deck and for my favorite class. ^^ I have a lot fun from previous cheap decks which you posted, so I will save this one in my deck collection asap, just need to craft two more cards. :)

Edited by Lightout

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