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Whats the cheapest class to get into?

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I guess a better question is what class has the best basic and classic cards since I have the most of those.  I got the Rogue dk class card as my free dk btw

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15 minutes ago, Spec said:

I guess a better question is what class has the best basic and classic cards since I have the most of those.  I got the Rogue dk class card as my free dk btw

I started with paladin with an aggro list, I think it can still work. Rogue DK is nice, but it isn't the card that you can just add to a deck to make it better, it needs a build around it... And I think it would be more expensive.

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Some time ago I posted a few cheap decks. In my opinion they are fun to play and performing well. (ofc they will not bring you to legend rank :D)

Back to your question which might the wrong to ask. You can browse through the top tier decks here on Icy Veins and compare the decks of the classes to see how much dust they would cost and which would be the cheapest. This does not mean you can afford any of them or be successful playing them. Or you might find a cheap deck that can perform well but it could be class or type of deck you won't enjoy.

When I started with HS I noticed hunter decks can do well even with the cheapest cards, but I got bored very fast :D You should try to find out which class(es) and deck type(s) you will enjoy because I think playing something you like automatically makes you play the deck better at least a bit :)

And as @WedgeAntilles said, so close to the release of a new expansion (1 day for america, 2 for the rest of the world) you might want to wait.

Reading what I just wrote I'm not sure this is helpful for you but I hope it'll be, at least a bit.

Edited by Caldyrvan

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12 hours ago, Spec said:

I guess a better question is what class has the best basic and classic cards since I have the most of those.  I got the Rogue dk class card as my free dk btw

Warlock, most specifically Zoo Warlock, has traditionally been both cheap and efficient to play. Yes, today's top iteration relies on the powerhouses that are Prince Keleseth and Bloodreaver Gul'dan, but a budget version will let you start climbing the ranks and teach you valuable lessons about card positioning and efficient trading while doing so.

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