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Help with my Affliction Warlock

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Brothers Warlocks, help me!
Recently moved to Affli and are faced with the fact that my DPS deep on the seabed.
Sin on rotation. And theoretically I understand what to press, but the reality is a complete zero. 
Here the log:
I hope for your help...

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14 hours ago, Infect said:

Brothers Warlocks, help me!
Recently moved to Affli and are faced with the fact that my DPS deep on the seabed.
Sin on rotation. And theoretically I understand what to press, but the reality is a complete zero. 
Here the log:
I hope for your help...

First things first - that might be the greatest google translate output I've ever seen.  Now then - 

Gear - Not having the 2 or 4 piece t20 bonus is going to hurt quite a bit.  The 4pc in particular plays nicely with the t21 2pc.  Relics are fine, corruption isn't the best trait but it's perfectly adequate.  Double stat stick trinkets isn't ideal unless they're really high ilvl - do you have any of the main on-use ones to swap in?  Also your neck isn't enchanted (or wasn't when I looked) 

Logs - your average UA cast damage is good, but from the looks of it you are only getting about 2/3 the casts off that you could be.  Try to make your UA dumps line up with reap souls.  On Felhounds you didn't cast Soul Harvest at all.  I generally don't use phantom singularity at all, but on high command it looks like you only got 2/8 possible casts off.  Only other thing I'd point out from the first 3 fights is that you can snipe adds on Command to boost your shard generation, but better to work on one big thing at a time.  

Hope this helps!

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Just adding - Eonar had 0 PS casts, despite taking the talent. It was a complete waste of DPS there. Also, you need to look up how to snipe mobs for shards. You need to be casting Drain Soul on them as they die.

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