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ranged dps [Wyrmrest Accord] [H] <Vindicated> (5/11H) LF Friendly DPS for Antorus Progression!
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By Starlysa
Have you been searching for a guild that feels like home, has a sense of community, and can make friendships that last? Are you searching for a guild that knows what it's like to be a parent, a working adult, or just busy in real life but still enjoys playing video games in your freetime? If you answered yes, then Evolved Gaming will be perfect for you! We understand that real life comes first, but it’s nice to have that online family and community to come home to in your free time.
Evolved was created to provide a drama free, family oriented, and people focused environment for mature (18+) gamers who wish to play online without the antics often found in open games. We believe that the person behind the keyboard is more important than the pixels on the screen and that everyone should have the opportunity to play without fear of being harassed, heckled, or abused.
We are actively recruiting for our three raid teams. Of course, you don’t have to raid to join and we don’t require you raid every night. We understand that real life comes first! We like to think of ourselves as accomplished casual raiders - we’re still casual but when it comes to getting new bosses and content down, we take it seriously while still having fun!
Evolved is an Alliance guild on the Proudmoore server.
Evolved Raiding Progress
Uldir 8/8N, 8/8H, 1/8M
Raid Schedule
Tuesday- 6-8 pm server time (PST)
Friday- 6-8 pm server time (PST) with optional hour until 9 pm
Saturday- 6-8 pm server time (PST) with optional hour until 9 pm
We are most in need of healers and ranged dps!
Open Raid (Members/Alts)
Sunday- 6-8 pm server time (PST)
For you non-raiders, we offer many activities including:
*Active Discord and Guild chat for your social amusement or distraction ?
*Fun Discord Contests
*Guild Achievement Runs for transmog and achievement points
*Multiple PvP events each month to get your Horde slaying fix in!
*Tons of Dungeon runs including Mythic+ Key pushing as well as training for people new to mythic keys
*Twitch Streaming for those who enjoying streaming and/or watching
If this sounds like it would be a good home for you and you wish to apply or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me through BNet Starlight200#1548 or Discord Star#0700. You can also do a /who Evolved and whisper any member to talk to an officer ?
You can apply at our forums at:
Evolved Gaming is focused on building connections and friendships that grow not just in one game, but can evolve and span across many games and communities. Our player’s want more than just a bunch of random people to join them in games, but people who actually care and want to be there. We would love to have you be part of our community!
By Rheshi
Currently in need of a non-druid TANK and RANGED DPS, ilvl 340+ for heroic/mythic progression.
Latest recruitment updates always posted here WoW Progress (however, exceptional players outside of our specific needs will always be considered). Casual players welcome as well!
Progression Raid Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. 7:30PM-10:30PM Eastern (server time). Casual members welcome!
Contact: GM - Rheshi#1686 (discord & realid), Officers - ArcaneSyntax#11616, Theeos#1868, or Dennang#1899
By Jaynie
Hello all! <Vindicated> on US-Wyrmrest Accord, Horde Side, is looking for friendly, strong DPS players to join our raiding group for Antorus!
About Us:
We're a mix of an RP and raiding guild, with a clear separation between RP and PVE. Our PVE team is 9/9 Heroic ToS, and we're looking for more DPS to make a full 20 person roster for this upcoming tier. We're very focused on getting Ahead of the Curve every tier, and perhaps dipping our toes into mythic at some point once we have the 20 people. Our raid times are Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30PST-10:30PST. RP optional, but try it with us if you ever want to!
What sets us apart from other guilds in my opinion is our laid back attitude and openness policy. We are, as one of our officers likes to put it, aggressively LGBTQIA+ friendly, with multiple LGBTQIA+ officers, raiders, and RPers. The only thing we're not laid back about is hate speech: we don't tolerate harassment, jokes, or slurs that are based in racism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, or ableism here, we're here to kill bosses, not to be ignorant!
At the moment, we're looking for strong DPS in either melee or ranged for the raid team, but we have a couple roles that would be really nice to fill:
DPS Warrior DPS Death Knight Mage Boomkin
However, you're strongly encouraged to play whatever you enjoy the most, and if you don't see your specific DPS spec listed above, don't worry about it, there's a good chance that we'll still enjoy your contribution to the raid. And while the healer and tank positions are filled at the moment, if you happen to enjoy tanking or healing in Mythic+, but don't mind DPSing in raids, you're also strongly encouraged to join us, as we're setting up multiple Mythic+ groups to push keys and get loot outside of raid!
If you're interested, please contact any of the following officers: Kitherea-WyrmrestAccord, Malsik-WyrmrestAccord, or Daroa-WyrmrestAccord(characters), or JayneReveck#1990 (Btag). Or, fill out our application at
Let's defeat the Burning Legion together, once and for all!
By Aachoo
[Lightbringer][A] <Novus Sanctum> (9/9N 9/9H ToS) LF Melee/Ranged DPS
Melee DPS
• Rogue
• Demon Hunter
Ranged DPS
• Hunter
• Mage
• Warlock
• Priest
Raid Times (PST):
• Tuesday: 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM
• Thursday: 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM
• Saturday(fun raid): 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM
Please fill out the application if you are interested in joining. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Wiretwister#1209 on battle net, Breebird, or Melyssana
About <Novus Sanctum>:
9/9 N TOS : 9/9 H TOS
We’re looking for a few good players to join our ranks so that we can push into Mythic Tomb of Sargeras as well as get ready for Argus raids.
What you need:
• Be knowledgeable about your class—know: optimal talents, stats, gear, gems, enchants, rotation
• Pull 700k dps minimum
• Be ilvl 900
• Have at least 60 points in Artifact Weapon (for Netherlight Crucible unlocks)
• Have the appropriate addons and keep them up to date (DBM, EPGP, Weak Auras,RCLootCouncil EPGP, etc.)
• Have a positive and constructive attitude.
We expect all our raiders to come prepared before raid. This includes flask, pots, tomes, and being ON TIME.
Why should you join Novus Sanctum?
We are not only a progression raiding guild, we are a friendly home for everyone who joins. The atmosphere of the guild is friendly, helpful, supportive, and rewarding. When it's time for business to be handled in raid, we do it, but we have fun at the same time.
We regularly run dungeons, Mythic+, and even old content if we get the urge. To add a bit onto this, we're mainly worried about the points into your weapon. We can gear you up to where you need to be pretty quickly but we can't level your weapon for you. So, as long as your weapon is in a pretty good spot and your gear isn't 825, hit Aachoo or Melyssana up in game.
We would rather bring players who are willing to learn and execute mechanics even if their DPS might be a bit lower than those who only care about the meters and nothing else.
If you have any questions, contact our raid lead Melyssana or recruiter Aachoo or Breebird
By pizzawarlock
<In Cats We Trust> is a casual leveling guild that is recruiting new players of all levels to join us for ridiculous shenanigans and good times. Our raid team is also looking for new recruits! We raid Saturdays and Sundays 9:30 EST. Looking for heals and dps. We are friendly, helpful and love having a good time. Our members dabble in a bit of everything and are friendly to all types of players. Join us today!
Contact mochi#1626