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Struggling with spec choice

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Hi there,


I'm not really good at english so I will do my best but please be nice smile.png


I played Affli/demo previously but as I saw destro played well in Soo 5.4 I tried that spec

My dps seems good with it and i think it will go better with experience


I'm actually affli/destro because on most fights in SoO, they are the specs to chose

But this is quite complicated to reforge for the both specs 

As affli with my 531 ilvl gear I should reach the 9778 haste cap

But as destro i should be only at 2021 haste cap


I don't know what to do with it at the moment

I think (maybe im wrong) that reaching the 10k haste cap for immolation would be a huge dps loss for destro?


Do you guys juste play destro on every boss? I would be disappointed at protectors ...


Somebody has a solution? Do we have to go for destro/demo?


thanks for your help, hope I was clear enough and again sorry for my english

Edited by kinesra

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English is fine mate.  Be proud, a lot of Americans can't speak another language, myself included.  I wish we were cultured enough to be brought up properly.


Affliction/Destruction is the way to go in SoO.  If you want to reforge every fight, you can reforge completely out of Haste as Destruction, but I don't think that's necessary.  A good balance of Crit and Haste is fine.  Personally, I reforge for the 10124 Destruction Immolate breakpoint because I found that Immolate hits hard enough to warrant multi-DoTing.  Even on a fight like Protectors, Immolate up on all three targets yields good results.  Immolate ticks harder than Unstable Affliction. 


If you're doing both and you have decent gear (550+), I'd push for 10124 Haste, full Mastery, and a reforge extra Haste into Crit. 

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If u were Brazilian I could help u in Blizzard's forum.

Btw, I think you should go destro, mainly because IMO affli lacks a bit at dmg without at least 9,8k haste and 10k mastery.

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English is fine mate.  Be proud, a lot of Americans can't speak another language, myself included.  I wish we were cultured enough to be brought up properly.


Affliction/Destruction is the way to go in SoO.  If you want to reforge every fight, you can reforge completely out of Haste as Destruction, but I don't think that's necessary.  A good balance of Crit and Haste is fine.  Personally, I reforge for the 10124 Destruction Immolate breakpoint because I found that Immolate hits hard enough to warrant multi-DoTing.  Even on a fight like Protectors, Immolate up on all three targets yields good results.  Immolate ticks harder than Unstable Affliction. 


If you're doing both and you have decent gear (550+), I'd push for 10124 Haste, full Mastery, and a reforge extra Haste into Crit. 


Did you consider picking up the extra 300 or so haste for the breakpoint of 4 ticks with meta/lust?


I am finding the desire to go more Mastery > Crit=Haste since the slow cast time is painful at times.  I need a few more ilvls worth of secondary stats to play with though since I don't like losing the crit now that I have it....

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Reforging for something that will likely only happen for 10 seconds of a fight and benefit for at max 24 seconds seems...meh.  Honestly, it's personal, but no, the benefit won't be noticed.  Nor would not doing it be a detriment.  I went back to keep Crit = Haste for similar reasons.  It also reduces the amount of times I had to move while casting Chaos Bolt.  Nothing quite as maddening as having to stop a Chaos Bolt cast with 0.5 seconds left or die from the resultant mechanic. 


Not that you've heard me say this before, but Bindings washes all my worries away.

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Also..while its true destro isn't as strong as aff on protectors, destro still pulls very solid numbers. Havoc cleave like its going out of style :) ROF when stuff gets clumped.

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