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Legion Epilogue in Patch 7.3.5

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A preview of new quests available to both factions in Silithus and Patch 7.3.5.

The blade of Sargeras should be visible to all players on January 16 when the final LFR wing becomes available. In Patch 7.3.5, both factions have established base camps near the Wound. The goblins are mining Azerite and the SI:7 are spying on them to learn more about the mysterious essence. The initial quest is an auto-accept. This article breaks down what Blizzard calls the "Legion epilogue". It seems not all quests have been added yet.


Summons to Stormwind (Objective: Meet with Mathias Shaw in Stormwind)

King Wrynn has requested that you return to Stormwind as soon as possible. There is an urgent matter that requires your attention. I will fill you in on the details as soon as you arrive. You will find me at Lion's Rest. Be swift... our window of opportunity may already be closing!

Gifts of the Fallen (Objective: Speak with Mathias Shaw)

An in-game cinematic begins to play after you complete the quest.

Earlier today, King Wrynn addressed the citizens of Stormwind at Lion's Rest in a speech given to formally announce the end of the war. After the crowd departed, I met privately with the King and his advisors to discuss a mysterious substance that has been found in Silithus. This glowing ore appears to be most powerful and the Horde has wasted no time in extracting it from the great wound. The king has ordered me to fill you in on the details, in preparation for an important mission.

Witness to the Wound (Objective: Meet with the SI:7 commander in Silithus)

I've already sent operatives to Silithus to establish a base camp. Their orders are to monitor the operations of the Horde and gather any information they can find on this mysterious substance. One of my SI:7 commanders is currently awaiting your arrival. Go with speed.

Free Samples (Objective: Collect 8 Mysterious OreMysterious Ores)

The crown has ordered SI:7 to infiltrate the goblin mining operation and collect any information we can find on this mysterious new substance. My agents have infiltrated the camp, but the clock is ticking and we need to get our hands on some extracted ore samples fast. In other words, I need someone who can take the direct approach. Someone who can handle a fight against overwhelming odds and come out alive. Take the ore samples to Khargus Stonemantle for analysis when you return.

It's a Sabotage (Objective: Plant 10 dynamite bundles)

The Horde has wasted no time in shamelessly extracting this mysterious ore from the great wound. Luckily for us, goblin engineering is not nearly as sophisticated as what we create in Gnomeregan! All it takes is a little bit of old fashioned dynamite to completely disable a goblin shredder. What unsophisticated machinery! Take these dynamite bundles and plant them on the inactive shredders around the mining camp. It'll take those greedy goblins weeks to get back up and running again!

Desert Research (Objective: Speak with Tammy Tinkspinner)

The dark blade of Sargeras has cast a shadow of destruction over this land. It seemed that the silithid hives were destroyed in the attack, but I have received reports that the silithid are returning. We need to find out how the silithid avoided destruction and what effect the blade is having on their hives. The crown wants the surviving silithid dissected and studied. Tammy Tinkspinner is conducting the research and is in need of a "colletor."

The Twilight Survivor (Objective: Retrieve Michiel Voidstrider's HeadMichiel Voidstrider's Head)

Silithus used to be overrun with members of the Twilight's Hammer. The cult was presumed to be exterminated, but it has always survived in the shadows. Their numbers have dwindled, but the cult remains no less fanatical than at their peak. Most of the cultists here were destroyed by Sargeras in the attack, but a few still remain. Their leader, Michiel Voidstrider has been emboldened by the destruction of Silithus. We cannot let Michiel rally the remaining survivors to action. He must be stopped!

The Source of Power (Objective: Collect 10 Silithid BrainSilithid Brains)

Although the silithid disappeared for a time immediately following the destruction of Silithus, they have recently returned from beneath the ground. These new silithid seem stronger than before! My hypothesis is that the silithid are feeding on some kind of power source beneath the blade of Sargeras. I've been tasked with studying the effects that this mysterious power is having on the silithid hives. Bring me as many intact silithid brains as yu can carry and I'll begin the research!

Larvae By The Dozen (Objective: Collect 12 Silithid BroodlingSilithid Broodlings)

How did the silithid survive the blade of Sargeras? I'm perplexed! I've never encountered a species that can adapt to changes in the environment as quickly as the silithid can. The larvae, or broodlings as they are often called, can evolve into a variety of silithid creature types based on the needs of the hive. Is it the hive mind that signals the evolutionary development of the larvae, or is some environmental factor at play?

A Recent Arrival (Objective: Speak to Archmage Khadgar)

The situation in Silithus appears to be gaining more attention. Archmage Khadgar just arrived while you were away. It seems that he is here to speak with you, <Name>. It appears urgent, I would speak with him as soon as possible.

The Speaker's Perspective (Objective: Deliver Khadgar's letter to Magni Bronzebeard in Silithus)

Sargeras has left a scar upon our world, <Name>. A scar that will not soon heal... It appears that the scars between the Alliance and Horde have yet to heal as well. Too many lives have already been lost fighting to save Azeroth from destruction. I will not stay and watch this world lose more. I have a request for you before I go. Take this letter to Magni Bronzebeard. He is in Silithus seeking a way to heal the wound. The letter contains information that may prove valuable to him.

After you accept the quest, Khadgar tells you about the tides of war rising again. Both factions want to claim the life essence of Azeroth as a resource, but Khadgar does not want to take up arms against heroes on either side. Instead, he goes to Karazhan to read Medivh's ancient texts and find the knowledge required to heal Azeroth.

It seems our victory on Argus was a hollow one. With his final blow, Sargeras has done much more than burry his blade in the heart of our world. I had hoped that after the war against the Legion, the people of Azeroth would build a new future together. But now the unity we forged has been shattered. As the life essence of Azeroth bleeds out, the leaders of the Alliance and Horde scramble to claim it as a resource. Blades are drawn, and the tides of war are rising once again. But I will not take up arms against heroes on either side. Not after all we've been through. Instead, I will go to Karazhan and confer with my old mentor, Medivh. Perhaps somewhere in his ancient texts lies the knowledge needed to heal this world. I had best be going. Until next we meet... fare well, champion.

The Blood of Azeroth (Objective: Deliver Magni Bronzebeard's message)

Do the leaders of the Alliance and Horde even know what they're fightin' over? This substance that is risin' up from the wound is the lifeblood of Azeroth! We need ta heal the wound, not exploit it fer power! Azeroth is the only home we've got. We cannot allow her ta die. I trust ye, <Name>, and know that yer voice carries great weight among the Alliance. Ye must reason with 'em ta stop this madness! 'Tis the only hope our world has...


Summons to Orgrimmar (Objective: Speak with Nathanos Blightcaller in Orgrimmar)

The Warchief has requested that you return to Orgrimmar as soon as possible. There is an urgent matter that requires your attention. I will fill you in on the details as soon as you arrive. You will find me near the entrance of Grommash Hold. The Dark Lady has plans for you, <Name>. I will not keep her waiting...

A Recent Discovery (Speak with Nathanos Blightcaller)

An in-game cinematic begins to play after you complete the quest.

Earlier today, the leaders of the Horde gathered together for a feast in celebration of our victory over the Burning Legion. As the others were feasting, Gallywix requested a private audience with the Dark Lady. It seems that he has found a mysterious substance in Silithus... a magical ore unlike any we have ever encountered before. The warchief has ordered me to fill you in on the details, in preparation for a special assignment.

Witness to the Wound (Objective: Speak with Grol Warblade in Silithus)

The bilgewater Cartel have already begun mining operations in Silithus to extract this mysterious substance. The Warchief has insisted that you personally oversee the extraction efforts in Silithus and prevent the Alliance from interfering. Gallywix seemed less than pleased with your appointment, but nobody refuses Sylvanas... You must go to Silithus at once. The base commander is awaiting your arrival.

Lazy Prospectors! (Objective: Motivate 10 Lazy Protectors)

I've been around long enough to know you can never trust a goblin with an orc's work. Gallywix and his cartel may be serving the warchief, but we need to keep a close eye on them if we're going to get anything done! I've already noticed many of the workers loafing about and sleeping on the job. The Horde does not tolerate laziness! Get out there and put those lazy prospectors in their place!

No Spies Allowed (Objective: Kill 10 SI:7 Operatives in Silithus)

Hey, <Name>. I'm glad you're here. I'm in a way over my head! Killer bugs, a strange substance... that GIANT sword sticking outta the ground... I don't have a good feelin' about this place! To make matters worse, I've been gettin' reports of Alliance spies snoopin' around the camp! Look kid, the Dark Lady has plans for this mysterious ore and I ain't going to be the one to disappoint her, know what I mean? Get over to the mining camp and take out those SI:7 spies before they ruin the whole operation!

Desert Research (Objective: Speak with Pixni Rustbomb)

The dark blade of Sargeras has cast a shadow of destruction over this land. It seemed that the silithid hives were destroyed in the attack, but I have received reports that the silithid are returning. If it were up to me, I'd burn those wretched hives once and for all! However, it is not up to me. The Dark Lady wants the surviving silithid dissected and studied. Pixni Rustbomb is conducting the research and is in need of a "collector."

The Twilight Survivor (Objective: Retrieve Michiel Voidstrider's HeadMichiel Voidstrider's Head)

This land was once overrun with members of the Twilight's Hammer. The cult was presumed to be exterminated, but darkness always survives in the shadows. Most of the cultists were destroyed by Sargeras in the attack, but a few yet live. Their leader, Michiel Voidstrider has been emboldened by the destruction of Silithus. We cannot let this fanatic rally the remaining survivors to action! Bring me his head!

The Source of Power (Objective: Collect 10 Silithid BrainSilithid Brains)

The silithid are all riled up and stronger than ever! My guess is that they are feeding off of some kind of power beneath the ground. Probably near the blade of Sargeras! I've been ordered to study the effects that this mysterious power is having on the silithid. Bring me as many intact silithid brains as you can carry and I'll begin the research.

Larvae By The Dozen (Objective: Collect 12 Silithid BroodlingSilithid Broodlings)

How did the silithid survive the blade of Sargeras?! I've never encountered a species that can adapt to changes in the environment as quickly as the silithid! There's gotta be a way to tame these suckers! Harness their evolutionary biology for our profit! We gotta start training 'em young! Forget about the old crusty adults, we need babies! Steal me as many of the silithid larvae as you can carry, and I'll find a way to train 'em!

Khadgar's Request (Objective: Speak to Archmage Khadgar)

Archmage Khadgar arrived while you were away. It seems that he is here to speak with you, <Name>. Hurry and see what it is that he wants. I want him gone as soon as possible. The last thing we need is a human nosing around in Horde business!

The Speaker's Perspective (Objective: Deliver Khadgar's letter to Magni Bronzebeard in Silithus)

Sargeras has left a scar upon our world, <Name>. A scar that will not soon heal... It appears that the scars between the Alliance and Horde have yet to heal as well. Too many lives have already been lost fighting to save Azeroth from destruction. I will not stay and watch this world lose more. I have a request for you before I go. Take this letter to Magni Bronzebeard. He is in Silithus seeking a way to heal the wound. The letter contains information that may prove valuable to him.

After you accept the quest, Khadgar tells you about the tides of war rising again. Both factions want to claim the life essence of Azeroth as a resource, but Khadgar does not want to take up arms against heroes on either side. Instead, he goes to Karazhan to read Medivh's ancient texts and find the knowledge required to heal Azeroth.

It seems our victory on Argus was a hollow one. With his final blow, Sargeras has done much more than burry his blade in the heart of our world. I had hoped that after the war against the Legion, the people of Azeroth would build a new future together. But now the unity we forged has been shattered. As the life essence of Azeroth bleeds out, the leaders of the Alliance and Horde scramble to claim it as a resource. Blades are drawn, and the tides of war are rising once again. But I will not take up arms against heroes on either side. Not after all we've been through. Instead, I will go to Karazhan and confer with my old mentor, Medivh. Perhaps somewhere in his ancient texts lies the knowledge needed to heal this world. I had best be going. Until next we meet... fare well, champion.

Magni Bronzebeard is standing near the wound and has the following flavor text before you deliver Khadgar's letter.

I can hear the cries of the world beneath my feet. Azeroth trembles in pain! I must find a way to ease the suffering...

Quest Complete

Thank you for delivering Khadgar's letter ta me. I'm goin' to need some time to consider his words. If what he says is correct, we may be able ta save Azeroth... but at a great cost.

He then informs you about Azeroth's pain and stresses out the importance of finding a way to heal her.

Champion... 'tis good ta see a familiar face in these dark times. Since returnin' from Argus, the cries o' Azeroth have been... overwhelmin'. Such pain... I don't know how ta fix this. Not sure anyone does. But we've gotta keep tryin'. The storm's gatherin', hero. If we don't find a way ta heal Azeroth... nothin' else is gonna matter. 

The Blood of Azeroth (Objective: Deliver Magni Bronzebeard's message)

Do the leaders of the Alliance and Horde even know what they're fighting over? This substance that is risin' up from the wound is the lifeblood of Azeroth! We need to heal the wound, not exploit it fer power! Azeroth is the only home we've got. We cannot allow her ta die! I trust ye, <Name>, and I know that yer voice carries great weight among the Horde. Ye must reason with 'em ta stop this madness! 'Tis the only hope our world has...

Return back to Grol Warblade to turn in the quest.

Quest Complete

The blood of Azeroth? Hmph. I'll make sure this news reaches the warchief, but this operation must continue until I'm ordered to cease!

A really funny filler quest for both factions in the Twilight Outpost is A Wee Bit O' Cloth (Objective: 8 Twilight SilkTwilight Silk)

Angus Stormbrew is located in the only outhouse in all of Silithus and he has run out of cloth.

<Name>, is that you I hear rustlin' about out there? It's me, Angus Stormbrew! There are cultists everywhere, so ye best keep yer voice down. Lean in close and cover yer nose while we talk! This is the only outhouse in all o' Silithus! Trust me I spent hours lookin' all through the night. I decided to sneak in for a wee drop-off before the cultists woke up, but I've got a uhh problem... There's no cloth to... you know... See if ye can find me a wee bit o' cloth and sneak it in through the door!

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"Lazy Prospectors! (Objective: Motivate 10 Lazy Protectors)"

Seriously?...  This was one of the first quests you did as a level 1-3 character.  Seems like a good job for the champion of Azeroth... 

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1 hour ago, Ancalagon said:

"Lazy Prospectors! (Objective: Motivate 10 Lazy Protectors)"

Seriously?...  This was one of the first quests you did as a level 1-3 character.  Seems like a good job for the champion of Azeroth... 

To be fair, we've just spent a good chunk of time scaring off squirrels, kicking acorns, killing random wildlife, you name it. It's pretty clear that even as the saviors of not just our planet but many others, we still don't have enough shame to stop us doing grunt work

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I don't get how Cataclysm (and various other expansions that feature baddies and quests involving blowing or messing up large portions of underground Azeroth) can put very deep, very large holes and crack entire continents that's not a problem for Little Miss Planet but a sword jutting out an underused and nigh forgotten zone with the most notable features being insects and sand is a cause for major concern and will end up with us losing our artifacts? Did Sarg roll a 20? 

You can tell this game has went from being a swords and magic fantasy into a sci-fi fantasy, there's more MacGuffin plot device writing than there is episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation where they got Data to do something to fix everything. 

Edited by Plergoth

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13 hours ago, Aegrotat said:

To be fair, we've just spent a good chunk of time scaring off squirrels, kicking acorns, killing random wildlife, you name it. It's pretty clear that even as the saviors of not just our planet but many others, we still don't have enough shame to stop us doing grunt work

Remember, what sets superman apart from the other comic book heroes is that he takes the time to save the kitten from the tree #belikesuperman.  On a more serious note, I always found it rather amusing that your character, who has lead armies, and saved the planet dozens of times is still sent on the most mundane of missions, like murdering wildlife to (presumably illegally, otherwise why would they ask you to do it) harvest their organs so the local cook can make her favorite dish.

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Magni is just... completely useless.  The epilogue should be us selling him to a gem dealer in Antwerp. 

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13 hours ago, Aegrotat said:

To be fair, we've just spent a good chunk of time scaring off squirrels, kicking acorns, killing random wildlife, you name it. It's pretty clear that even as the saviors of not just our planet but many others, we still don't have enough shame to stop us doing grunt work

If it meant getting a permanent Bootarang, I'd do those quests every single day. 

Edited by MrEdren

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10 hours ago, Plergoth said:

I don't get how Cataclysm (and various other expansions that feature baddies and quests involving blowing or messing up large portions of underground Azeroth) can put very deep, very large holes and crack entire continents that's not a problem for Little Miss Planet but a sword jutting out an underused and nigh forgotten zone with the most notable features being insects and sand is a cause for major concern and will end up with us losing our artifacts? Did Sarg roll a 20? 

Have you actually SEEN the size of Sargeras' sword? It's literally a sword, he uses to cleave planets in half. Ya, we've made some deep holes and seen continents break. but they've never been big enough to hit the actual core of the planet. What zone it's in is irrelevant, that sword stabbed DEEP. The core of the planet, and her literal life blood, is now pouring out.

You can think of it like this, you can stab someone in the kidney, and they'll be hurt but they'll walk away so long as the wound is treated. If you get stabbed, even a graze of the heart, you're in some serious trouble. Continents may as well be flesh wounds

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50 minutes ago, Aegrotat said:

Have you actually SEEN the size of Sargeras' sword? It's literally a sword, he uses to cleave planets in half. Ya, we've made some deep holes and seen continents break. but they've never been big enough to hit the actual core of the planet. What zone it's in is irrelevant, that sword stabbed DEEP. The core of the planet, and her literal life blood, is now pouring out.

You can think of it like this, you can stab someone in the kidney, and they'll be hurt but they'll walk away so long as the wound is treated. If you get stabbed, even a graze of the heart, you're in some serious trouble. Continents may as well be flesh wounds

Not to mention when Sargeras was weilding the sword it was larger because a part of his power was imbued into the weapon.  When he released it after be pulled back into the Seat of the Pantheon to be imprisoned the sword lost it's link with Sargeras and thus shrank from losing some of it's power.  And yet it's still MASSIVE.

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2 hours ago, Aegrotat said:

You can think of it like this, you can stab someone in the kidney, and they'll be hurt but they'll walk away so long as the wound is treated. 


Excuse me for a moment.  I believe I left something unfinished. 

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On 05. 01. 2018. at 8:30 AM, Plergoth said:

I don't get how Cataclysm (and various other expansions that feature baddies and quests involving blowing or messing up large portions of underground Azeroth) can put very deep, very large holes and crack entire continents that's not a problem for Little Miss Planet but a sword jutting out an underused and nigh forgotten zone with the most notable features being insects and sand is a cause for major concern and will end up with us losing our artifacts? Did Sarg roll a 20? 

You can tell this game has went from being a swords and magic fantasy into a sci-fi fantasy, there's more MacGuffin plot device writing than there is episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation where they got Data to do something to fix everything. 

Sword isnt the main part of the problem.Energies in the sword are corrupting the very core of Azeroth making her in pain.Sargeras's sword and Aggramar's sword are forged from the parts of the original sword Sargeras had while he was a champion of the Pantheon(sword that was used to split the old gods/void infested planet in half).If you fly to the sword in the Silithus now you can see that the there is some kind of dark energy in the blade(at the hilt of the sword) and thats exactly whats hurting Azeroth while using sword as a counuit to get the energy there.

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      Frost DK finds itself on top in the raw DPS rankings, as Augmentation isn't calculated properly here. Fury and Arms grab the next two spots, moving ahead of Ret, and the Fyr'alath wins continue in 5th, where Unholy finished the legendary axe streak. Even Survival joins the Hunter good times in 8th, where all three specs gather, just ahead of Balance who closes out the top 10.
      Mythic+ All Keystone DPS rankings by u.gg.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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