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What has everyone been playing in K&C?

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As the title suggests, what decks are you guys playing, what decks do you find the most enjoyable and which do you hate?

Unfortunately, due to a mix up with the credit company (some how they have lost 2 of mine in the mail), I haven't had a debit card the entire month of December, so I haven't bought that many packs.  But I finally finished my prince collection with Prince Keleseth and have been playing quite a bit of tempo rogue (which is far more broken then I ever thought it was) razakus priest, and some good ol' fashion control warrior (god I missed this deck, getting back into the swing of it, and I can say without any sarcasm that I love button > pass turns).  I am looking forward to getting my hands on the control warlock package here when my debit card finally gets here this month, and maybe some mill rogue and spell hunter (yogg and load was my favorite hunter deck), although I have been historically terrible at playing anything that resembles a control warlock deck, only control decks I have never been able to pilot effectively, seriously I could take reno priest and reno mage to nearly legend in mean streets but get stuck at rank 15 with reno lock, even when it was considered the "good" one. 


Out of all the decks, control warrior is definitely my favorite right now, I might try to play some miracle rogue later this season, but tempo rogue is spoiling me.  The deck I hate the most right now is spiteful dragon priest, 2 of my 4 losses heading to rank 10 as tempo rogue were against them and the absolutely back breaking curves that they can get (the other 2 were too the luckiest pirate warrior in existence, grabbing a tar lord off of spiteful summoner literally the only card that would have lost me the game in that situation and a tempo mage who managed to draw both fireballs, both frost bolts, glyph a fire ball and get an explosive runes in his top 13 cards). 

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Nothing that wasn't already a thing before K&C came out.  I got a few cards to modify already existing decks, but that's about it.  So been playing a bit of Jade Rogue (with Sonya Shadowdancer and Carnivorous Cube thrown in to make it more viable), C'Thun Warlock and Quest Warrior.

I have started to play around with big minion Priest.  Seems a pretty gimmicky deck that requires a specific start to be viable, especially against aggro.  But haven't played enough to really make up my mind yet.

Control Warlock is the deck causing me the most headaches so far, mostly because I'm seeing very little Highlander Priest at this point.

Edited by Mursilis

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I started with miracle rogue and miracle druid to the expansion. Both worked in some ways, but somehow not viable enough. As always, I made a control paladin list, which sucked, thanks to priests and warlocks. 

I tried big spell mage a lot, I think it is very fun to play, and has an okay matchup against priests.

This season though, I just want to rank up quickly. So, I am playing aggro paladin & tempo rogue. Both decks are more powerful thanks to K&C (especially Creeper)

Even though control warlock is really powerful and overwhelming because of Voidlords and all those ways to cheat one out earlier in the game, and people doens't like it in general, I enjoy seeing that deck in ladder. I want to play it too, but I am missing several cards.

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