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Shaman + Murloc Deck

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I have been playing my shaman quite a lot and have devised this deck.


Shaman / Murloc deck


It basically combines the ability to harness the cheap damage spells that a shaman has with the murlocs I currently have available in order to "rush" the enemy.


Early board control is obviously key, and this deck has ALOT of flaws, but either way (whether I win or lose) the game is over fairly quickly and is pretty fun regardless of the result!


By combining cheap murlocs, with random totems from the use of the shaman hero power, you can quickly have a number of minions on the board.  Combining this with Bloodlust can be fairly devastating. A well "timed" Frostwolf Warlord + Windfury is also very effective!


To start with I prefer a cheap murloc and either a lightning bolt or a forked lightning to clear any opposing minions in the first few turns.  These can be made more effective with a "lucky" Wrath of Air totem if you can grab one of these quickly too.


Obviously spells like Holy Nova and Flamestrike can wipe out your entire board, mages in particular with their 1 damage hero power can be pretty tough opponents.


I know that there are numerous upgrades available (which I don't currently own) but I was wondering if anyone maybe has any tips on how I could perhaps tweak the deck at the moment with perhaps neutral.


Like I said it's fairly enjoyable to play - and although it is easily countered by a number of classes and cards the games are fast!

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Consider adding a couple Young Priestess cards in there.  The ability to buff your minion health early game is seriously amazing.

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Yeah still not been lucky enough to grab any of those! Just managed to play against a hunter and my deck worked almost to perfection.  Cleared him 30-0 in about 6 turns!


Then on the flip side got cleaned out the next fight by a druid!


Like I said though both fun fast games!

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I'd like to see how your Murlocs fare against my Mage deck where I have crowd control and AoE damage all over the place smile.png

In any case, I'd add another Hex in there. The problem with murlocs is that they have low health, so if the enemy summons a 1/7 taunt for example, it's going to be difficult for you to get rid of it.

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Sounds good to me. Like I said a lot of decks that absolutely devastate my murlocs. I think mages are the worst by far but either way its a fun fight!

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