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[Sargeras][A] <Coffee Oclock> (11/11 H Antorus) Recruiting DPS/Healer

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Guild Name: Coffee Oclock

Faction: Alliance

Realm (US/EU): Sargeras (US)

Realm Type: PVP

Realm Timezone: CST

Progression: 11/11 Heroic Antorus

Raid Times: Our current raiding schedule is Thurs 6pm server (farm content) and Sun 11:30am server (progression)

Openings: This is what we lack; however, all are welcome to apply. We need a handful of consistent raiders to solidify our core group.

DPS: Death Knight, Balance Druid, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Shaman (both specs), Warlock
Healers: Holy Pally, Disc/Holy Priest, Resto Shaman

About Us: We're the dudes, playing the dudes, disguised as the other dudes: a bunch of cool people who enjoy our PVE content free of verbal abuse and other toxic behaviors. The guild name stems from most of us squeezing our WoW time into impossibly busy schedules, 20oz Dark Roast in hand. If we seem like you cup of tea (or joe), feel free to respond to this post either here or in-game to any of the following officers: Ateran, Bewearr, Heerofy, Jakste, Labianá, Sourherb, or Tosscobble.

Edited by Bewearr

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We're recruiting the following specs and classes:

Healers: Paladin, Shaman, Monk

DPS: Enhancement and Elemental Shamans, Feral and Balance Druids, Arms/Fury Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, DK

We're also looking for a tank or two with a DPS offspec, and the same for healers, thank you. 

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Would love to be a part of the crew. I'm an enhance sham. I used to be a mythic raider but with my time constraints im looking for something a little more laid back. In game name is mämä the alt code for the ä is alt-0228

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On 1/30/2018 at 2:02 PM, EnSham said:

Would love to be a part of the crew. I'm an enhance sham. I used to be a mythic raider but with my time constraints im looking for something a little more laid back. In game name is mämä the alt code for the ä is alt-0228

Hi there, had an officer reach out to you in-game. We need experienced raiders so we'd love to have you. Hopefully we'll talk soon, take care.

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