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Battle for Azeroth Beta: Patch 8.0.1 Build 25902 Datamining

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Beta servers have been updated with the first Battle for Azeroth build. Check out what's new in 25902!


  • We datamined new achievements, broadcast text, mounts, zones and global strings below.
  • Players will be able to boost Demon Hunters in BfA.
  • New strings for voice chat and communities have been added to the game.
  • Professions have been squished and are down to 100 skill points in BfA.
  • Scribes can create new contracts, allowing users to gain reputation with BfA factions every time they complete a world quest on Kul Tiras & Zandalar.
  • Flight form of Zandalari trolls is a pterrordax.
  • You can browse the entire database of spells here.
  • Season reward mounts in BfA are proto-drakes (different color variations for each Season just like in Legion).
  • Vicious War Basilisk is a new PvP mount that can be purchased for 1 Vicious Saddle in 8.0.


  • "Legion's Bane" - Complete the quest line ""The Council's Challenge,"" unlocking a new appearance for your artifact weapon.
  • "Zuldazar" - Complete the Zuldazar storylines listed below.
    "Nazmir" - Complete the Nazmir storylines listed below.
  • "The Reining Champion" - Score at least 600 points in the Norwington Estate horse show.
  • "Bringing Hexy Back" - Defeat all four bosses with at least one party member under the affects of Unstable Hex in Atal'Dazar on Mythic difficulty.
    "Gold Fever" - Defeat Priestess Alun'za after defeating the Fatal Corruption in Atal'Dazar on Mythic difficulty.
    "It's Lit!" - Defeat Yazma while all four Shadowflame Sconces are lit in Atal'Dazar on Mythic difficulty.
  • "Remix to Ignition - Defeat Ignition Mage Valyri without detonating any Munitions Piles in Tol Dagor on Mythic difficulty.
    "Shot Through the Heart" - Defeat Overseer Korgus after all party members have been stunned by Heartstopper Venom at the same time in Tol Dagor on Mythic difficulty.


  • "Let's mount up and make our way to Vol'dun. Talanji brought the mongrel Horde wit' her. Dis be treason, Highness."
  • "We need allies if we are going to defeat the blood trolls. I did what I had to do."
  • "Enough. I would speak with this hero who brought my daughter back to me."
  • "Blood trolls be chaotic savages. They not been a threat for ages."
  • "Come, champion of da Horde, walk with me."
  • "My daughter tells me you be da ones who rescued her and Zul from da dungeons of Stormwind."
  • "She wishes to prove herself, and could use some help. My council advises caution, but my daughter seeks action. Dis amuses me, and I would see what she has planned."
  • "Welcome, my new friends, to Zuldazar, Jewel of the Zandalari Empire."
  • "In thanks for your service, da Horde are welcome in Zuldazar. I grant ya use of da royal chambers of Dazar'alor."
  • "Da law be what I say it be. I be King, and dis be my Kingdom."
  • "Let it be known... Dis day, I name you Speaker of the Horde."
  • "What?! Non-Zandalari staying in those sacred halls? But the law-. Kaja, beneath us! What are those things?"
  • "We'll need to travel through the swamp. As long as we stay in the air and out of sight, we shouldn't have too much trouble."
  • "Lieutenant, beneath us! What are those things?","Lieutenant, beneath us! What are those things?"
  • "Let's keep flying and hope we don' find out."
  • "Aaaah! Try distracting him with a toy!","Aaaah! Try distracting him with a toy!"
  • "I'll keep an eye on this one and make sure he doesn't go anywhere."
  • "Strip this camp apart. I want everything Goji and his ilk were working on brought to me."
  • "Freehold is a 'free people's port'. Unlike Boralus, it has no rules or regulations about what vessels are allowed to dock."
  • "Privateers, mercenaries. Even pirates are welcome. Naturally, it's a, uh... colorful town."
  • "I've never seen it this busy before. Something big is going down."
  • "I'd bet my boots we'll find more Ashvane weapons at the docks. We need to learn who's buying them."
  • "There has to be another way, Warchief-. And what would that be, High Overlord? We are out of time!"
  • "Once you have proof that the Ashvane Company has been selling weapons to these scumbags, come find me up the hill at the main gate."
  • "What be happening? I was sick in me bed... and now... where be I?"
  • "Da voice... he be callin' to us.. we must obey!"
  • "Hear it? It be Bwonsamdi's call! Eternity be near!"
  • "Arrival of the Zandalari Fleet"
  • "Prepare the Blight! Let it rain down upon their armies!"
  • "Look... blood trolls. They must be gettin' ready to attack my city."
  • "Take out those blood trolls, we can't let them sink our barge!"
  • "Let's hope Rokhan and da others make it back safely to Zul'jan... otherwise this be a real short trip."
  • "Undead! They must be marchin' towards Zuldazar. We need to destroy them!"
  • "I'm glad you recognize that, Patch. You're a step ahead of me father."
  • "The blood trolls be relentless and unending thanks to the power of an old god."
  • "We be in the clear now. We need to be movin' fast once we land at Zul'jan ruins."
  • "Bruddahs and sistahs of Zandalar, da time has come to cut da head off dese traitors and heretics who have sworn themselves to Zul."
  • "Gonk, loa of da hunt, lead your followers to the Temple of the Prophet and slay any you find. Flush our enemies into da open."
  • "Pa'ku, loa of da winds, take to da skies and seek out da heretics. Divine their goals and meet us at the temple."
  • "Rezan, let's go hunting."
  • "For Zandalar!"
  • "PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Hezrel reveals G'huun being an old god, being experimented upon, and reveals blood trolls want to destroy Zuldazar in order to free G'huun. No way of fixing current containment, must protect Zuldazar. Ateena, blood troll matriarch, arrives, badly damages Hezrel, and prepares to strike.","PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Hezrel talks about G'huun being an old god, being experimented upon, and reveals blood trolls want to destroy Zuldazar in order to free G'huun. No way of fixing current containment, must protect Zuldazar. Ateena, blood troll matriarch, arrives, badly damages Hezrel, and prepares to strike"
  • "Tze'na! Hello little girl, did ya miss me?"
  • "My father believes he is indulging me. He believes the word of his stoic advisors like Zul instead of listening to me."
  • "Time is short so I will be brief. I plan to lead an expedition into the swamps of Nazmir to deal with the threat to our northern border."
  • "However, if you want our navy, you need the support of my father here in Zuldazar. His advisors plot against you."
  • "And then there are the schemes of Jakra'zet in the deserts of Vol'dun. I have no doubt he is as big a threat to the Horde as he is to my people."
  • "We cannot be in all places at once. I leave it to you to choose your priority. Review your maps and decide which plan you will chose first."
  • "I was able to arrange for your companions to be flown here without Zul interfering. You need only signal them."
  • "Saurfang, now is your time. You may claim the warrior's death you so sorely desire."
  • "PLACEHOLDER SCENE - The gob squad arrives and sets up their gun. The gun sets itself into position and fires at the construct. Shot: Up close view of the gun starting to fire with the construct on the triangulation point in the distance.","PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Patch orders the gob squad gun to fire at the giant construct. Shot: Up close view of the gun starting to fire with the construct on the triangulation point in the distance."
  • "PLACEHOLDER SCENE - The gun fires and impacts, but a magical barrier protects the construct. Shot: View from near the triangulation point of the shot exploding on a magic barrier. The artillery gun is in the distance.","PLACEHOLDER SCENE - The gun fires and impacts, but a magical barrier protects the construct. Shot: View from near the triangulation point of the shot exploding on a magic barrier. The artillery gun is in the distance.
  • "PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Grand Mada Ateena, the blood troll matriarch, laughes and taunts you for failing. Scene: Camera swings down and looks up at Ateena, the construct is shown behind her, protected and unscathed.","PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Grand Mada Ateena, the blood troll matriarch, laughes and taunts you for failing. Scene: Camera swings down and looks up at Ateena, the construct is shown behind her, protected and unscathed."
  • "Temporary rally speech! Use Control + E to get through the wall, because the door doesn't open!"
  • "Intercept the Alliance in the courtyard! Make haste to Nathanos!"
  • "PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Talanji casts a big flashy spell, signaling the Gob Squad to fire another round.Shot: Talanji and Rohkan are killing blood trolls on the bridge when Talanji turns her head and sees Ateena drop dead.","PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Talanji casts a big flashy spell, signaling the Gob Squad to fire another round.Shot: Talanji and Rohkan are killing blood trolls on the bridge when Talanji turns her head and sees Ateena drop dead."
  • "PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Gob Squad cannon fires another shot.Shot: Up close view of the cannon preparing to fire.","PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Gob Squad cannon fires another shot.Shot: Up close view of the cannon preparing to fire."
  • "PLACEHOLDER SCENE - The shot connects, blasting hard into the construct. After a moment, it lists hard and falls over and collapses through the floor.Shot: Wide shot of the construct platform, slight pan downwards following the construct as it plummets into the depths.","PLACEHOLDER SCENE - The shot connects, blasting hard into the construct. After a moment, it lists hard and falls over and collapses through the floor.Shot: Wide shot of the construct platform, slight pan downwards following the construct as it plummets into the depths."
  • "We gonna load this thing up, row ourselves in that river and blow us up some trolls. Who's ready for a good time, eh?"
  • "I'm gonna pilot this thing, you just tell me where to shoot, and I'll shoot. Let's show these things a good time!"
  • "Rokhan's been around for a long time, princess. He ain't gonna die to some blood trolls!"
  • "Yeah that's right buddy, take a walk!"
  • "We're gonna blow your old god up, goblin style!"
  • "You're gonna be sleeping with the swamp fishies tonight!"
  • "Terrible swamp you all got here, would be real nice if somethin' happened to it!"
  • "... I don't know why I believed working with goblins would result in anything other than this."
  • "Well excuse me, princess!"
  • "And BOOM goes the bad guy!"
  • "Bet we could blow up a whole lotta gnomes with this baby!"
  • "Where's your blood god now!",
  • "They're blowing up too fast, I can't enjoy this! Well... maybe I can enjoy it a little."
  • "Wakey wakey, time to DIE!"
  • "That's how goblins from Kezan roll!"
  • "Whoah whoah whoah, nobody said we'd be dealing with undead!"
  • "We WORK with undead all the time, you idiot!"
  • "Uh, boss, I think what they call the politically correct term is 'Forsaken'."
  • "Princess, I ain't no expert but I think you guys got a blood troll problem."
  • "How many more of these things do we gotta blow up before they get the message?"
  • "Huh, never blew up an old god before. Shoulda brought more explosives!"
  • "MORE?! Bring it on!"
  • "Got it, princess. You should be thankful to get a front row seat to the latest and greatest of goblin technology!"
  • "Uh, boss, there are definitely some screws missing in places that the manual says require screws."
  • "Ha.. ha... manuals are for schmucks, Newt, we're doing this live!"
  • "This thing ain't a problem, we just gotta use the ol' curveball!"
  • "Curveball! Curveball!"
  • "We got a BIG problem right here!"
  • "Haha! I not gonna let ya die when ya still owe me."
  • "Da rest of dem be all yours. Hurry and send me their souls, you still be payin' me a debt!"
  • "That ain't gonna hit the monster, aim harder!"
  • "[PH]The city has fallen. Nothing was left in the wake of the epic battle between sethraliss and my'thix. Sethraliss gave her life to keep us safe, and we will not let that sacrifice be in vain."
  • "[PH]Together with Vorrik and Korthek, we sealed the tomb, with the hopes that no one will ever wake the giant buried within. We will not be doomed to repeat the mistakes our neighbors made so long ago."
  • "[PH]There is talk within the temple. Korthek is eager to attack the trolls. They are a formidable race that will not fall easily. We've lived in peace for so long, why would he now desire to pick a fight he cannot win?"
  • "[PH]I must inform Vorrik of my concerns, but first I need to safeguard my key. I have a feeling something bad will happen very soon..."
  • "Vorrik, if you are receiving this message, then I fear I was too late. Korthek has betrayed our people, and plans to break the barrier we placed on the tomb long ago. I can only hope I've hidden my key well enough so that you are the only one to find it."
  • "PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Reveal of the true power of the blood trolls, a giant corrupted titan monster, huge armies of blood trolls, and Ateena mocking Talanji. Ends with a horde of blood trolls descended upon everyone.","PLACEHOLDER SCENE - Reveal of the true power of the blood trolls, a giant corrupted titan monster, huge armies of blood trolls, and Ateena mocking Talanji. Ends with a horde of blood trolls descended upon everyone."
  • "Korthek! Where be ya armies? It almost be time."
  • "Welcome, General Jakra'zet. Do you require any refreshment after your long journey? My slaves are-". I don't be needin' nothin' from ya 'cept ya be keepin' dat key of yours protected."
  • "Of course the key is protected. I am not one of your incompetent thugs. I am the Emperor!"
  • "It better be. If I can't summon My'thix because ya fools lose dat key, ya gonna have more dan da Zandalari ta worry 'bout."
  • "And if you threaten me again, General Jakra'zet, you will have more than a key to worry about."
  • "I be returnin' soon. Have da key ready. I don't want ta wait."
  • "The key's been ready for thousands of years. Once YOU are ready, I'll hand it to you personally."
  • "Presumptuous savage."
  • "Raas! Ready your skycallers!"
  • "Raise the spires as quickly as you can."
  • "I'll need their power to protect the key."
  • Look up at the bridge!"
  • "Well, this will require a... creative solution."
  • "Pour all of your power into the spires! I need more!"
  • "A ship enters the dungeon. Pike expresses grave concern as to why a ship bearing villagers would enter his order's sanctum.","A ship enters the dungeon. Pike expresses grave concern as to why a ship bearing villagers would enter his order's sanctum."
  • "Pathetic skycallers! You've failed your Emperor!"


  • "%s, No Good, Dirty, Rotten, Candy Stealer!","%s, No Good, Dirty, Rotten, Candy Stealer!"


  • "ONESHOT_STAND_VAR2 (Ultra)"
  • "ONESHOT_WAStandDrink"

Global Strings

  • "SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_339","You are not the correct Rank to use this item."
  • "TEMPSCENE","Work In Progress"
  • "OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_FRIENDLY_CLASS_COLORS","Turn this on to display friendly Unit Nameplates in class colors."
  • "SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_348","Requires Morrison's Master Key."
  • "SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_352","You must be affected by the Spirit Powder to take the phylactery."
  • "XP_STATUS_BAR_TEXT","XP: %d/%d","
  • "GXAPI_D3D12","DirectX 12"
  • "DUNGEON_FLOOR_CITYOFGOLD2","Sacrificial Pits"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_VOLUME","Voice Chat Volume"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_MIC_VOLUME","Microphone Volume"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_MIC_DEVICE","Microphone Device"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_TEST_MIC_DEVICE","Test Microphone"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_INVALID_DEVICE","Invalid Device"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_MODE_KEY","Push to Talk Key"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_PROMPT_CHANNEL_ACTIVATE_INSTANCE","Join |c%sInstance|r voice chat?"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_PROMPT_CHANNEL_ACTIVATE_RAID","Join |c%sRaid|r voice chat?"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_PROMPT_CHANNEL_ACTIVATE_PARTY","Join |c%sParty|r voice chat?"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_PROMPT_CHANNEL_ACTIVATE_BATTLEGROUND","Join |c%sBattleground|r voice chat?"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_NOTIFICATION_COMMS_MODE_PTT_UNBOUND","Push to talk key not bound."
  • "COMMUNITIES","Communities"
  • "VOICE_CHAT_SETTINGS","Voice Chat Settings"
  • "BOOST2_DEMONHUNTER_FELRUSH","Use |cFFFFFFFFFel Rush|r to reach your enemy."
  • "BOOST2_DEMONHUNTER_DEMONSBITE","Use |cFFFFFFFFDemon's Bite|r to attack your target and generate Fury."
  • "BOOST2_DEMONHUNTER_BLADEDANCE","Use |cFFFFFFFFBlade Dance|r to strike all nearby enemies."
  • "BOOST2_DEMONHUNTER_METAMORPHOSIS","Use |cFFFFFFFFMetamorphosis|r to empower your attacks."
  • "ITEM_LEGACY_INACTIVE_EFFECTS","Legacy Item: Effects are inactive"
  • "FUNGAL_SKELETON_POWER","Fungal Power"
  • "COMMUNITIES_FRAME_TITLE","Communities and Guild"
  • "ERR_NO_TARGET_OR_NAME","No target or name specified."
  • "SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_359","Only other members of their Hivemind may join with them."
  • "REWARD_UNLOCK","You will unlock access to the following:"
  • "RACE_INFO_DARKIRONDWARF","Known for their fiery tempers and fierce determination, Dark Iron dwarves have a turbulent history with the other clans. A failed coup in Ironforge ignited the War of the Three Hammers, and many of the Dark Iron once fought in the service of Ragnaros the Firelord. Though one faction of the dwarves is pledged to Queen-Regent Moira Thaurissan, others refuse to stand alongside their kin. The Alliance seeks a united Dark Iron clan to harness the power of azerite and aid their struggle against the Horde."
  • "RACE_INFO_ZANDALARITROLL","Descended from the first troll tribes, the Zandalari are an ancient kingdom steeped in ritual and superstition. Their warriors ride mighty dinosaurs into battle, and they possess one of the most formidable fleets in the known world. But as enemies encroach upon the borders of Zuldazar, unrest within the king's council threatens to topple the empire. If the heroes of the Horde can return stability to Zandalar, they would gain a powerful new ally."
  • "RACE_INFO_DARKIRONDWARF_FEMALE","Known for their fiery tempers and fierce determination, Dark Iron dwarves have a turbulent history with the other clans. A failed coup in Ironforge ignited the War of the Three Hammers, and many of the Dark Iron once fought in the service of Ragnaros the Firelord. Though one faction of the dwarves is pledged to Queen-Regent Moira Thaurissan, others refuse to stand alongside their kin. The Alliance seeks a united Dark Iron clan to harness the power of azerite and aid their struggle against the Horde."
  • "RACE_INFO_ZANDALARITROLL_FEMALE","Descended from the first troll tribes, the Zandalari are an ancient kingdom steeped in ritual and superstition. Their warriors ride mighty dinosaurs into battle, and they possess one of the most formidable fleets in the known world. But as enemies encroach upon the borders of Zuldazar, unrest within the king's council threatens to topple the empire. If the heroes of the Horde can return stability to Zandalar, they would gain a powerful new ally."
  • "SPELL_FAILED_AZERITE_EMPOWERED_ONLY","Item is not Azerite empowered"
  • "ERR_PETBATTLE_OPPONENT_NOT_AVAILABLE","Your pet battle opponent is no longer available."
  • "ITEM_AZERITE_EMPOWERED_VIEWABLE","<Shift Right Click to View Azerite Powers>"
  • "AZERITE_ITEM_LEVELED_UP_TOAST","Leveled up! Level %d"
  • "AZERITE_EMPOWERED_ITEM_TIER_AVAILABLE_SUB_TOAST","Open character sheet to select power"
  • "AZERITE_EMPOWERED_BIND_NO_DROP","Selecting a power will bind this item to you."
  • "TRADESKILL_NAME_RANK","%s %d/%d"
  • "TRADESKILL_NAME_RANK_WITH_MODIFIER","%s |cff20ff20+ %d|r/%d"


  • Hundreds of new items have been added to the game, you can check them all out here.

Journal Encounter

  • "Yazma","Having consumed the might of Shadra, the spider loa, Yazma is now tasked with holding the sacred temple of Atal'Dazar for her master, the Prophet Zul."
  • "Vol'kaal","In life Vol'kaal was a trusted bodyguard of Yazma.  Since his untimely death, she has used her newfound powers to reanimate the corpse of her former lieutenant who can now serve for eternity."
  • "Priestess Alun'za","As a fanatical defender of Atal'Dazar's golden sanctum, Priestess Alun'za has come to cleanse the temple of all corruption at any cost."
  • "Rezan","Rezan, once a loa to the Zuldazar kings, had his soul torn from his body during a ritual. Now, only a twisted husk remains, bent on devouring anyone who enters his hunting grounds."
  • "Council o' Captains","Captains Raoul, Eudora, and Jolly meet within Freehold to drink and confer. They lead the Blacktooth Brawlers, Bilge Rats, and Cutwater Corsairs crews, currently gathered under the banner of the Irontide by Harlan Sweete."
  • "Ring of Booty","Within Freehold, there is a fighting tournament where the fiercest brigands from across the seas test their might. This rogue's gallery consists of a strange assortment of contenders, but none so fearsome as the current champion, Shark Puncher. Countless challengers have sought to topple the powerful pugilist, but all of them have ended up as chum."
  • "Harlan Sweete","Harlan Sweete is the leader of the Irontide Raiders, and his vast wealth is only exceeded by his sliminess. Currently bankrolled by the Lady Ashvane, Sweete has been tasked with uniting the crews of those who sail the seas of Kul Tiras."
  • "Overseer Korgus","Temp description here"
  • "The Sand Queen","Temp description here"
  • "Jes Howlis","Temp description here"
  • "Ignition Mage Valyri","Temp description here"
  • "Skycap'n Kragg","Skycap'n Kragg and his faithful mount Sharkbait are the guardians of Freehold, continously patrolling the sky on the lookout for intruders. At least, that is what their supposed to be doing. Instead, these two are often found snoozing in their crow's nest or dropping guano on unsuspecting victims from above."
  • "Coin-operated Crowd Pummeler","When goblins fight, the winner of the argument is the one with the deepest purse. Why? Because they can afford to pay the Pummeler."
  • "Tik'ali","Goblins drilling for Azerite have disturbed a powerful earth spirit, Tik'ali, who has taken physical form to exact vengance!"
  • "Rixxa Fluxflame","Overseeing the creation of the Venture Co's supply of Agent Azerite, Rixxa is a reknowned chemist and known pyromaniac."
  • "Mogul Razzdunk","Never able to ascend to Trade Prince, Mogul Razzdunk is certain that becoming the world's foremost Azerite baron will let him bridge the gap."
  • "Witch Council"
  • "Wicker Goliath"
  • "Drustvar Manor Boss 03"
  • "Lord and Lady Waycrest"
  • "Drustvar Manor Boss 05"
  • "Sporecaller Zancha","In life, Zancha warded the Nazmani from the physical and mental corruptions of the Blood God. In death, Zancha has succumbed to the Blood God, forever spreading his rot and echoing his dark whispers."
  • "Infested Crawg","An ancient crawg has inadvertently been corrupted by the Blood God. It roams the Underrot, bloodthirsty and infested with his spawn."
  • "Chopper Redhook","Chopper Redhook's brutality is feared throughout Kul Tiras. Supported by Irontide forces, Chopper is free to rampage through Boralus, relishing the choas rampant in the streets."
  • "Sergeant Bainbridge","Sergeant Bainbridge is a devout officer that vehemently enforces the will of the Kul Tiran church. Believing that his faith places him above all others, Bainbridge is quick to send those who oppose him to the noose."
  • "Hadal Darkfathom","Hadal Darkfathom is an ancient sea giant called from the depths to unleash his fury on Boralus. Using his powerful strength he crushes buildings, statues and civilians alike."
  • "T'zane"
  • "Lady Ashvane","Lady Ashvane is the powerful Matron of House Ashvane and seeks to bring Boralus under her control. With an arsenal of azerite weapons at her command, she will obliterate anyone who stands in her path."
  • "Ji'arak"
  • "Adderis and Aspix"
  • "Boss 2"
  • "Boss 3"
  • "Boss 4"
  • "Trash Chimaera","A chimaera, but in trash!"
  • "G'huun","<PH>"
  • "Elemental","Temp description here"
  • Council","Temp description here"
  • "Priest","Temp description here"
  • "Faceless","Temp description here"
  • "Elder Leaxa"
  • "Taloc the Corrupted"

Journal Encounter Creature

  • "Priestess Alun'za"
  • "Rezan"
  • "Anicent Bones"
  • "Captain Eudora"
  • "Captain Jolly"
  • "Harlan Sweete"
  • "Vol'kaal"
  • "Yazma"
  • "Skycap'n Kragg"
  • "Shark Bait"
  • "Shark Puncher"
  • "The Sand Queen"
  • "Jes Howlis"
  • "Ignition Mage Valyri"
  • "Overseer Korgus"
  • "Captain Raoul"
  • "High Priest Zancha"
  • "Infested Crawg"
  • "Chopper Redhook"
  • "Sister Solena"
  • "Sister Malady"
  • "Sister Briar"
  • "Sergeant Bainbridge"
  • "Lord Waycrest [PH Model]"
  • "Lady Waycrest"
  • "Wicker Goliath [PH Name]"
  • "Hadal Darkfathom"
  • "Soul Terror"
  • "Lady Ashvane"
  • "Ji'arak"
  • "Ji'arak Scavanger"
  • "Boss 2"
  • "Boss 3"
  • "Boss 4"
  • "Trash Chimaera"
  • "Water Elemental Boss"
  • "Sea Priest Council 2"
  • "Sea Priest Council"
  • "Sea Priest Council 3"
  • "High Priest"
  • "Old Thing"
  • "Elder Leaxa"
  • "Taloc the Corrupted"
  • "Adderis"
  • "Aspix"

Journal Instance

  • "Atal'Dazar","For millennia, the Zandalari kings were laid to rest within the tombs of Atal'Dazar, secluded high atop the mountain Mugamba. These pyramids grew more elaborate with each passing ruler, as new rooms were constructed to house the deceased's vast wealth. Now, these once pristine halls have been corrupted by the Prophet Zul and his trusted lieutenant, Yazma, who seek to twist the power of these ancient kings for their own dark machinations.
  • "Freehold","Freehold has traditionally served as a haven for pirates, scoundrels, and those who wish to live free of Kul Tiran control. Now, the Irontide Raiders have brought the city under their harsh rule and are coercing the various pirate crews under their banner. While the pirates gather, a small group of heroes must infiltrate the town and eliminate their leadership to dissolve this growing alliance of cutthroats."
  • "Tol Dagor"
  • "Kezan"
  • "Drustvar Manor"
  • "The Underrot"
  • "Siege of Boralus","Lady Ashvane has unleashed her endgame and set her forces against Boralus. As the city burns, a small group of heroes must quell the rising choas and put an end to Ashvane's plan to dominate the region."
  • "Zandalar"
  • "Temple of Sethraliss"
  • "Shrine of the Storm"

LFG Dungeons

  • "AI Test WSG","It's Warsong Gulch!"
  • "Warfront Prototype","Destroy the Horde!"
  • "Expedition to Crescent Isle","Head out for adventure on Crescent Isle."
  • "Battle for Stromgarde","Assault and destroy the Alliance in their newly reconstructed fortification of Stromgarde Keep."
  • "[TEST] PvE Battleground"
  • "[TEST] PvE Island","Head out for adventure on Crescent Isle."
  • "[TEST] PvP Island","Head out for adventure on Crescent Isle."
  • "Atal'Dazar"
  • "Random 8.0 Dungeon"
  • "Random 8.0 Heroic"
  • "Freehold"
  • "[TEST] PvE Island - Un'gol Ruins","Head out for adventure on Un'gol Ruins."
  • "Strike Back!","You have embarked on a mission to stop the repeated bounties on your head."
  • "Temple of Sethraliss"
  • "Siege of Boralus"
  • "The Stormwind Extraction","Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner asked you to retrieve an important package from the Stormwind Stockades."
  • "For Zandalar!","The time has come to launch an offensive to retake the Zandalari capital."


  • "Hyena Mount White (PH)"
  • "Hyena Mount Snow (PH)"
  • "Hyena Mount Tan (PH)"
  • "Krolusk (Black) PH"
  • "PH Bloodfeaster Mount"
  • "Default AI Mount Record"
  • "PH Pterrordax Mount"
  • "PH Crawg Mount"
  • "PH Giant Parrot (Green)"
  • "PH Giant Parrot (Blue)"
  • "PH Giant Parrot (Red)"
  • "PH Goblin Hovercraft (Blue)"
  • "PH Goblin Hovercraft (Yellow)"
  • "PH Goblin Hovercraft (Red)"
  • "PH Goblin Hovercraft (Green)"
  • "Proudmoore Horse (PH)"
  • "PH Frog"
  • "PH Bee"
  • "Stormsong Horse (PH)"
  • "Waycrest Horse (PH)"
  • "Waycrest Donkey (PH)"
  • "Stormsong Horse (PH)"
  • "Kul Tiras Horse (PH)"
  • "The Hivemind","A true union of minds."
  • "Vicious War Basilisk","Its breath is worse than its bite."
  • "Vicious War Basilisk","Its breath is worse than its bite."
  • "PH Goblin Head"
  • "Ebon Krolusk"
  • "Red Gladiator's Proto-Drake","They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it."
  • "Blue Gladiator's Proto-Drake","They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it."
  • "Purple Gladiator's Proto-Drake","They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it."
  • "Pale Gladiator's Proto-Drake","They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it."
  • "Green Gladiator's Proto-Drake","They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it."
  • "Black Gladiator's Proto-Drake","They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it."
  • "Gold Gladiator's Proto-Drake","They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it."
  • "Zandalari Direhorn","The Zandalari proud themselves on being the first to raises and train all of the most ferocious lizards on Azeroth."
  • "PH Brutosaur Mount"


  • "Combat Training"
  • "The Battle for Stromgarde"
  • "The Siege of Lordaeron"
  • "City of Gold
  • "Freehold"
  • "Kezan Dig Site"
  • "Boralus Dungeon"
  • "Combat Baseline"
  • "The Fall of Lordaeron"
  • "Tol Dagor"
  • "Waycrest Manor"
  • "Strike Back!"
  • "The Underrot"
  • "The Stormwind Extraction"
  • "Shrine of the Storm"
  • "For Zandalar!"
  • "Temple of Sethraliss"



  • "Zandalar - Temp GY"
  • "AI Island - AI Test - Graveyard 1"
  • "AI Test Map 8B - Horde Entrance"
  • "AI Test Map 8B - Alliance Entrance"
  • "AI Test Map 8 - Arathi Basin Safe Loc"
  • "Race Track - Start Location - Alliance"
  • "Race Track - Start Location - Horde"
  • "AI Test Map 8b - Arathi Basin - Graveyard, Mid (Blacksmith)"
  • "AI Test Map 8b - Arathi Basin - Graveyard, H-Mid (Farm)""
  • "AI Test Map 8b - Arathi Basin - Graveyard, A-Mid (Stables)"
  • "AI Test Map 8b - Arathi Basin - Graveyard, ALT-N (Gold Mine)"
  • "AI Test Map 8b - Arathi Basin - Graveyard, ALT-S (Lumber Mill)"
  • "[DNU] Nazmir, Frogmarsh Graveyard - GY - JMC"
  • "AI Gulch - Alliance Rez Loc"
  • "AI Gulch - Horde Rez Loc"
  • "AI Gulch - Alliance Start"
  • "AI Gulch - Horde Start"
  • "Zuldazar - Warbeast Kraal GY"
  • "Zuldazar - Blood Gate GY"
  • "Islands - Crescent Isle - Alliance - Setup 1"
  • "Nazmir, Zul'jan Hub (Horde Only) - GY"
  • "[DNU] Nazmir, Bat Caves - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Zo'bal Ruins (Horde Only) - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Torga's Rest - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Forlorn Ruins - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Gloom Hollow (Horde Only) - GY"
  • "Vol'dun, Eastern Zone Entrance - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Dark Heart - East - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Dark Heart - South East - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Dark Heart - North - GY"
  • "Nazmir, DYNAMIC - Zone Intro - GY"
  • "AI Gulch - Horde Enter Loc"
  • "AI Gulch - Alliance Enter Loc"
  • "Zuldazar - Harbor GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Camp Taurajo GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Overgrowth East GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Firestone Point GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Overgrowth GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Overgrowth West GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Fort Triumph GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - The Great Lift GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Ratchet GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - The Crossroads GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - East GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Forgotten Pools GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - North GY"
  • "8.0 WF Barrens - Lumber Camp GY"
  • "8.0 WF Dustwallow Marsh - Brackenwall Village GY"
  • "8.0 WF Dustwallow Marsh - Mudsprocket GY"
  • "8.0 WF Dustwallow Marsh - Tabetha's Farm GY"
  • "8.0 WF Dustwallow Marsh - Theramore Isle GY"
  • "8.0 WF Dustwallow Marsh - The Dragonmurk GY""
  • "8.0 WF Durotar - Razor Hill GY"
  • "8.0 WF Durotar - Sen'jin Village GY"
  • "8.0 WF Durotar - Northern GY"
  • "8.0 WF Durotar - Echo Isles GY"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Camp Mojache GY"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Feathermoon Stronghold GY"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Dire Maul Stonemaul Hold GY"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Lower Wilds GY"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Ruins of Isildien GY"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Camp Mojache Twin Colossals"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Camp Ataya GY (H)"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Dreamer's Rest GY (A)"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Ruins of Feathermoon GY"
  • "8.0 WF Feralas - Dire Maul Dungeon GY"
  • "8.0 WF Mulgore - Bloodhoof Village GY"
  • "8.0 WF Mulgore - Thunder Bluff GY"
  • "8.0 WF Mulgore - Red Rocks GY"
  • "8.0 WF Mulgore - Southeast GY"
  • "8.0 WF Thousand Needles - The Great Lift GY"
  • "8.0 WF Thousand Needles - High Perch GY"
  • "8.0 WF Thousand Needles - Razorfen Downs GY"
  • "8.0 WF Thousand Needles - Southsea Holdfast GY"
  • "8.0 WF Thousand Needles - Speed Barge GY"
  • "8.0 WF Thousand Needles - Splithoof Heights GY"
  • "8.0 WF Thousand Needles - Twilight Hammer Base GY"
  • "Islands - Crescent Isle - Safe Loc"
  • "Islands - Crescent Isle - Horde - Setup 1"
  • "Warfront - Alliance Base GY"
  • "Warfront - Alliance Start"
  • "City of Gold - Entrance Target - MRN"
  • "City of Gold - Exit Target - MRN"
  • "asdad"
  • "Silithus BG - Alliance Start"
  • "Nazmir, Wayward Shoals - GY - LWB"
  • "8.0 Lordaeron Scenario - Alliance GY 1 - CRT"
  • "Azerite BG - Alliance Start"
  • "Azerite BG - Horde Start"
  • "Islands - Crescent Isle - Alliance - Setup 2"
  • "Islands - Crescent Isle - Alliance - Setup 3"
  • "Islands - Crescent Isle - Horde - Setup 2"
  • "Islands - Crescent Isle - Horde - Setup 3"
  • "Outlaw Town - Zone In"
  • "Warfront Arathi - Horde, Base GY"
  • "Warfront - Arathi - Horde Start"
  • "Zuldazar - Zanchul GY"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Terrace of the Chosen - Vehicle Safe Spot"
  • "8.0 Lordaeron Scenario - Alliance GY 2 - CRT"
  • "8.0 Lordaeron Scenario - Alliance GY 3 - CRT"
  • "8.0 Lordaeron Scenario - Alliance GY 4 - CRT"
  • "Kul Tiras Arena - Purple Team - Start"
  • "Kul Tiras Arena - Gold Team - Start"
  • "Warfront Arathi - Horde, High Perch GY"
  • "Warfront Arathi - Horde, Intro GY"
  • "Nazmir, Terrace of Sorrows - GY"
  • "Zuldazar - Shipyard GY - GJC"
  • "7.3 Test Loc 1"
  • "7.3 Test Loc 2"
  • "7.3 Test Loc 3"
  • "7.3 Test Loc 4"
  • "7.3 Test Loc 5"
  • "7.3 Test Loc 6"
  • "Zuldazar - Covescale GY"
  • "Nazmir, Hir'eek Ride Safe Location - (STM) "
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Shipyard - Pterrordax Flight Safe Loc - GJC"
  • "Zuldazar - Golden Road GY"
  • "Blizzcon 2017 Dungeon Exit - Alliance"
  • "Blizzcon 2017 Dungeon Exit - Horde"
  • "Drustvar-CemetaryGY"
  • "Drustvar-FallhavenGY"
  • "Drustvar-FletchersGY"
  • "Freehold - Entrance Target - SAN"
  • "Nazmir, Necropolis - GY - LWB"
  • "8.0 Outlaw Town Dungeon - Safe Loc"
  • "8.0 Kezan Dungeon - Starting Loc"
  • "8.0 Outlaw Town Dungeon -  Alliance Cemetery Loc - HEP"
  • "8.0 Outlaw Town Dungeon -  Horde Cemetery Loc - HEP"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Elevator - Upper East"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Elevator - Lower East"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Elevator - Lower West"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Elevator - Upper West"
  • "Zuldazar - Garden of the Loa GY"
  • "Zuldazar - Scaletrader Post GY"
  • "Zuldazar - Nesingwary's Trek GY"
  • "Zuldazar - Zeb'ahari GY"
  • "Zuldazar - Pyramid GY (Horde Only)"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Fleet - Far Island (msc)"
  • "8.0 Stormsong - Stormsong Island GY - GJC"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Atal'torcali - URN OF VOICES GRAVEYARD 01 - DO NOT USE (JAK)"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Atal'torcali - URN OF VOICES GRAVEYARD 02 - DO NOT USE (JAK)"
  • "8.0 Outlaw Town Dungeon - Boss 1 GY"
  • "8.0 Outlaw Town Dungeon - Boss 2 GY"
  • "8.0 Nazmir Dungeon - Zone Out Location"
  • "8.0 Nazmir Dungeon - Zone In Location",
  • "Islands - Tropical Isle - Horde - Setup 1"
  • "Islands - Gilnean Isle - Horde - Setup 1"
  • "8.0 Prison Dungeon - Entrance Target - KLH"
  • "8.0 Drustvar Dungeon - Exit"
  • "Torga's Rest - Hand of Fate Safe Location - (STM)"
  • "8.0 Islands - Crescent Isle - Bots "
  • "8.0 Islands - Ship - Player Horde - Submarine Spawn Location"
  • "8.0 Islands - Ship - Player Alliance - Submarine Spawn Location"
  • "8.0 Islands - Ship - Player Alliance - Destroyer Spawn Location"
  • "8.0 Islands - Ship - Player Horde - Forsaken03 Spawn Location"
  • "8.0 Islands - Ship - Player Horde - Orc01 Spawn Location"
  • "8.0 Islands - Ship - Player Alliance - Battleship Spawn Location"
  • "Boralus Dungeon - Entrance Target Alliance - CAV"
  • "Boralus Dungeon - Exit Target - CAV"
  • "Boralus Dungeon - Alliance Graveyard - CAV"
  • "Boralus Dungeon - Horde Graveyard - CAV"
  • "Un'gol Ruins"
  • "8.0 Drustvar - Ambush - Alliance Capper - Start - KRB"
  • "JT Test - Safe Loc"
  • "8.0 Drustvar - Ambush - Alliance Capper - Ext zone end Loc - KRB"
  • "Zuldazar - Fleet GY"
  • "Warfront Arathi - Horde, Gunship GY"
  • "Temple of Sethraliss - Zone In"
  • "Temple of Sethraliss - Boss 2"
  • "Temple of Sethraliss - Boss 3"
  • "Temple of Sethraliss - Boss 4"
  • "Temple of Sethraliss - Zone Out""
  • "Vol'dun, Temple of Sethraliss - GY"
  • "8.0 Lordaeron Scenario - Horde GY 1 - CRT"
  • "8.0 Lordaeron Scenario - Horde GY 2 - CRT"
  • "8.0 Lordaeron Scenario - Horde GY 3 - CRT"
  • "8.0 Prison Dungeon - Boss 1 Transfer Loc - KLH"
  • "8.0 Prison Dungeon - Boss 2 Transfer Loc - KLH"
  • "8.0 Prison Dungeon - Boss 3 Transfer Loc - KLH"
  • "8.0 Zuldazar - Boat Service - Harbor Boat Man (msc)",
  • "8.0 Stormsong - Fishing Village - Vehicle Exit Safe Loc - GJC"
  • "Zuldazar - Atal'Gral GY"
  • "Boralus Dungeon - Entrance Target Horde - CAV"
  • "8.0 Horde Intro - Scenario - Stage 1 - Entrance (JAK)"
  • "8.0 Horde Intro - Scenario - General - Exit (JAK)"
  • "8.0 Horde Intro - Scenario - Stage 1 - Vehicle Safe (JAK)"
  • "8.0 Stormsong - Brennadam GY - GJC"
  • "8.0 Zandalar Finale - Scenario - Stage 1 - Entrance (ZTO)"
  • "8.0 Zandalar Finale - Scenario - General - Exit "
  • "Zandalari Finale - Blood Gate GY"
  • "Nazmir, Flamespitter Fen Safe Space - (STM) "
  • "Nazmir, Alliance West Hub (Alliance Only) - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Plateau - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Flamespitter Fen - GY"
  • "[UNUSED AT THIS TIME] Nazmir, Plateau Azerite - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Far Reach (Bronto Beach Necropolis) - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Kra'gwa's Shore (Naga Beach) - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Alliance East Hub (Alliance Only) - GY"
  • "Nazmir, Dark Heart - South West - GY"
  • "Zandalar - Pyramid Top TEMP - GY"
  • "Voldun, Alliance Forward Base TEMP - GY"
  • "8.0 Tiragarde Sound - (01) Timberfell Station"
  • "8.0 Tiragarde Sound - (03) Vigil Hill"
  • "8.0 Tiragarde Sound - (04) Stagheart Cliffs"
  • "8.0 Tiragarde Sound - (05) Southwind Ferry"
  • "Orgrimmar - Area Trigger - Old Innkeeper Backup (RKS)",
  • "8.0 Tiragarde Sound - (06) Daelin's Gate"
  • "8.0 Tiragarde Sound - (06) Freehold"
  • "8.0 Tiragarde Sound - (07) Castaway Point"
  • "8.0 Tiragarde Sound - (08) Kennings Lodge"
  • "8.0 Stormsong - Briarback Kraul - Boar Vehicle - Safe Loc - AJB"

Zone Music

  • "Zone_80_WF_Barrens_A_General"
  • "Zone_80_WF_Barrens_A_Battle_Medium"
  • "Zone_80_WF_Barrens_A_Battle_Heavy"
  • "Zone - Nazmir - Swamp of Sorrows :(TEMP)"
  • "DGN_80_Freehold_Outskirts"
  • "DGN_80_Freehold_Town1"
  • "DGN_80_Freehold_Battle"
  • "DGN_80_CityofGold_Grand"
  • "DGN_80_CityofGold_Dark"
  • "ZONE_80_Drustvar_Town"
  • "ZONE_80_Drustvar_Woods"
  • "ZONE_80_Drustvar_WoodsDark"
  • "ZONE_80_Nazmir_Swamp"
  • "ZONE_80_Nazmir_Marsh"
  • "ZONE_80_Nazmir_BatLoa"
  • "ZONE_80_Nazmir_Necropolis"
  • "DGN_80_Freehold_Town2"
  • "ZONE_80_PH3"
  • "ZONE_80_PH4"

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3 hours ago, Brutalis said:

The real question is are specs still locked into a single weapon type, or can I give my WW a staff again?

Well, they are doing away with artifact weapons and putting weapon drops back in. So I doubt you'll be limited to one weapon type unless the spec's abilities specifically require it, like fury warrior for example.

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12 minutes ago, krapmyself said:

Well, they are doing away with artifact weapons and putting weapon drops back in. So I doubt you'll be limited to one weapon type unless the spec's abilities specifically require it, like fury warrior for example.

That's the thing. Will Fists Of Fury still require fist weapons alone, so staves and other dual wielders are still not an option? Will Fury's abilities need 2H melees only and once again force the spec down that road?

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1 hour ago, Brutalis said:

That's the thing. Will Fists Of Fury still require fist weapons alone, so staves and other dual wielders are still not an option? Will Fury's abilities need 2H melees only and once again force the spec down that road?

Fists of Fury never required fist weapons. "Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon". At least in MoP, you could use 2H or 1H but 1H was better DPS unless 2H was way higher ilvl.

Edited by Pandemic420

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9 hours ago, Brutalis said:

That's the thing. Will Fists Of Fury still require fist weapons alone, so staves and other dual wielders are still not an option? Will Fury's abilities need 2H melees only and once again force the spec down that road?

To clarify. Fists of the Wind currently reads as requiring a One-handed melee weapon to use, not a fist weapon. It's possible they'll change it in BfA so you can use staves but nothing yet. If they are getting rid of artifact weapons I wouldn't be surprised if skills like this will get changed which would be very nice.

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On 27/1/2018 at 1:26 AM, krapmyself said:

Well, they are doing away with artifact weapons and putting weapon drops back in. So I doubt you'll be limited to one weapon type unless the spec's abilities specifically require it, like fury warrior for example.

Well. Fists of Fury require a one-handed melee weapon, so they'll have to change that in BfA.

I guess it's reasonable to think they'll stick to those weapon types, so they don't have to balance around both 1h and 2h weapons. Same probably goes for Fury Warriors.

Edited by Weltenfeind

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      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      Raw DPS U.GG DPS Rankings
      U.gg's rankings are based on actual DPS taken from Warcraft Logs data, focusing on the top players and span the past two weeks.
      Frost DK finds itself on top in the raw DPS rankings, as Augmentation isn't calculated properly here. Fury and Arms grab the next two spots, moving ahead of Ret, and the Fyr'alath wins continue in 5th, where Unholy finished the legendary axe streak. Even Survival joins the Hunter good times in 8th, where all three specs gather, just ahead of Balance who closes out the top 10.
      Mythic+ All Keystone DPS rankings by u.gg.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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