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Build suggestion: Necromancer speed farming

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This build suggestion is intended to comply with the guidance in:

What is the main part of the build? What does it rely on to work?

This is a speedfarming variation of the "Lazy Necro (i.e. The Anti-Carpal Tunnel Build)" build found at https://www.diablofans.com/builds/93271-lazy-necro-i-e-the-anti-carpal-tunnel-build-2-6-1, sometimes called the "Lazymancer" build. That build's rationale and synergies are discussed at https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20758385950. Basically, you just keep moving and most normal mobs you touch die. Very little thought or effort is required, other than casting Bone Armor periodically, Devouring frequently, and dealing with Champions, Elites, and Rift Guardians.

It is intended for paragon and gear levels such that T13 content is trivial. I typically run GR60s for leveling low-level gems up to level 50, then increase the level one at a time up to 70, bringing the gems to level 60, and also use this build for bounties and LRs. I can use this build above GR70 but it gets slower, and more powerful builds end up making more sense even though they require more concentration and effort.

I'm at 983 PP, all Ancient, one Primal, all pieces modestly Augmented, typically with +350 int. This build was, in fact, crucial to getting everything augmented, because I can run GR60s so quickly and level gems up to 50, then switch to more powerful, slower builds to run up to GR80 and level gems up to 70. In the past I used PPs for Vitality and gemmed for Vitality. At this point I use PPs for Int and gem for Int. In some cases I have played with friends/in groups and gotten the gems I use and the gems for augments to higher levels.

I'm not sure of my average rift-clearing time. For this post I tested and cleared GR60s in 3:38, 3:52, and 2:58.

Compared to the build it is based on, my proposed build remains based on the Inarius set (Inarius's ConvictionInarius's Conviction, etc.) and Bone Armor as enhanced by the Inarius set bonuses. The major important changes are:

Minor changes include:

Provide as many items as possible that you feel the build requires. If you aren't sure about a certain slot, leave it empty and let the community fill it in with suggestions.

6p Inarius set:


Provide as many skills as possible that you feel the build requires.

  • SimulacrumSimulacrumReservoirReservoir for rift bosses or bounty bosses. I bind this to mousewheel up.
  • FrailtyFrailtyAura of FrailtyAura of Frailty so things die faster; also, for damage reduction due to Dayntee's BindingDayntee's Binding. I bind this to left mouse button, so the left mouse button just causes me to move, it never casts anything.
  • Bone ArmorBone ArmorDislocationDislocation because of the benefits from the Inarius set. This is your principle damage dealer. The Dislocation stun procs Krysbin's SentenceKrysbin's Sentence for additional damage. I bind this to mousewheel down.
  • DevourDevourCannibalizeCannibalize for the essence, life, and the speed increase via Fueled by DeathFueled by Death. I bind this to the G8 button on my Logitech G700. The Back button on a standard 5-button mouse would also be a good choice. You need to hit this quite often, trying to keep up ten stacks of Fueled by DeathFueled by Death as well as your health and essence.
  • Blood RushBlood RushMetabolismMetabolism for mobility. I bind this to the G6 button on my G700. the Forward button on a standard five-button mouse would be another good choice. Great for hopping through walls, hopping up/down to/from balconies, and returning from dead ends.
  • Death NovaDeath NovaBlightBlight for Champions, Elites, and Rift Guardians, and for clearing bunches of mobs without running around and touching them all, and to proc Krysbin's SentenceKrysbin's Sentence. I have this bound to the right mouse button.

Add a general overview of the playstyle. Should you be hanging around at the back or diving in? Should you be spamming abilities or pooling resources?

This is a tanky necro. As long as you have 15 stacks of bone armor up, and especially if the shield from the Gizzard is up, wade right in. Avoid the explosions when some mobs die, but sometimes I take a chance on this as long as Final ServiceFinal Service hasn't been used in the last 60 seconds; I don't want to wait for the explosions to gather orbs, and so sometimes I get caught in explosions which would have resulted in death without Final ServiceFinal Service.

You must get bone armor up right away. It does full damage even with one stack. You should try to get it to 15 stacks as soon as possible. It is really annoying when you initially encounter just a few mobs and get a correspondingly small number of stacks of bone armor, and you can't get more until the ten second cooldown passes. In these situations, consider just blood rushing past the small number of mobs to get to a larger number of mobs so that you can start with more bone armor. 

Once you have 15 stacks, you only need a single mob to maintain all 15 stacks when you recast, but you do need to recast (and you need a live mob) before it expires. You must recast after the ten second (before CDR) cooldown, and before the 60 second expiration. Ideally recast when there are a bunch of mobs, and/or an enemy elite/champion/rift guardian around; there is a significant boost in damage to nearby mobs when you recast. Generally recast soon after the cooldown. If you have a follower with an Oculus RingOculus Ring, it's great to recast while standing in an Area of Focused Power.

If you die during e.g. a GR rift guardian and there is thus only one mob available to rebuild bone armor, you will be squishy and need to kite. Cast bone armor on cooldown; when you haven't taken damage for four seconds and the shield from the Gizzard gem shows up, wade in and get some hits and apply a DOT. Also, you will have no way of recovering Essence; make sure you have Simulacrum up when you cast Death Nova, and don't do it until you have enough stacks of Bone Armor that you can keep casting until Essence is exhausted while Simulacrum is still up.

I only use Simulacrum on rift guardians or bosses during bounties. You could probably use it more often.

Cast Devour often. Try to maintain ten stacks of Fueled by Death. As with Bone Armor, once you have ten stacks, you only need to consume a single corpse to maintain the ten stacks.

For solo play, I use the templar because of the life-per-second from LoyaltyLoyalty, which enhances the Gizzard. I equip him with Enchanting FavorEnchanting Favor so I don't have to care about vitality, resistance, etc., and can concentrate on CDR and AS (for equipment procs), Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the WindseekerThunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker with Lightning damage plus the Legendary power because I used to play WoW (well, actually, because of the lightning damage, to proc his ring), The Ess of JohanThe Ess of Johan to gather mobs so I can run through them, maybe casting Bone Armor or a Death Nova, WyrdwardWyrdward to stun enemies via lightning damage (and thus proc my Krysbin's SentenceKrysbin's Sentence), Oculus RingOculus Ring to dramatically increase my damage when it's convenient to blood rush (or just walk) into an area of focused power and recast Bone Armor and/or cast Death Nova, and Freeze of DeflectionFreeze of Deflection to freeze attackers occasionally, again proccing my Krysbin's SentenceKrysbin's Sentence. Skills are largely up to you, other than the previously-stated advantage of Loyalty; I use InterveneInterveneChargeCharge, and InspireInspire (I don't want the knockback from GuardianGuardian; I want mobs clustered together).

What stats work best for the build?

Enough Vitality to run the content at your paragon/gear level. Otherwise, Intelligence for faster killing (and Resist All). CHC is particularly important if you want to use Pain EnhancerPain Enhancer as your DOT gem; it does its damage over just three seconds, but only to mobs you critically hit. If your CHC isn't high enough, use Gem of Efficacious ToxinGem of Efficacious Toxin. It takes ten seconds to do its work, but it doesn't require crits and it benefits from +Poison Damage. CHD is a big damage boost. +Poison Damage affects both your bone armor and your death novas. +Bone Armor damage is nice. Life per Second enhances the shield from the gizzard.

Where should you be putting paragon points?

Mostly this is a late-game build, so you'll have topped out or nearly topped out everything except Intelligence and/or Vitality. There, put enough in Vitality to stay alive and safe; put the rest in Intelligence. When I started running this build I used PPs and gems primarily for Vitality. Once I got augments on everything and mobs died faster I moved toward Intelligence.

What gems and legendary gems should you be using?

For helm, amethyst seems like the only sensible choice. For weapon, an emerald via a Ramaladni's GiftRamaladni's Gift. For jewelry, Molten Wildebeest's GizzardMolten Wildebeest's Gizzard, Bane of the TrappedBane of the Trapped, and either Pain EnhancerPain Enhancer or Gem of Efficacious ToxinGem of Efficacious Toxin as discussed above. For the remaining sockets, amethyst or topaz depending on your survivability needs, as discussed above.

What should be in your Kanai's cube?

As discussed above, either Trag'Oul's Corroded FangTrag'Oul's Corroded Fang or Reilena's ShadowhookReilena's Shadowhook, depending on which is equipped, Krelm's Buff BeltKrelm's Buff Belt, and Wisdom of KalanWisdom of Kalan unless you're wearing it, in which case you could cube Krysbin's SentenceKrysbin's Sentence and wear something like Bul-Kathos's Wedding BandBul-Kathos's Wedding Band or Convention of ElementsConvention of Elements instead.

I hope others find this useful.


Edited by Qzcz
Add follower info. Correct typos. Correct skill rune. Add some other minor information.

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      OH sorry if the text is black! I didn't realize that it would be hard to read on my post, cause when i m editing it looks white so... sorry :((
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