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Uldir Raid in Battle for Azeroth

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A preview of boss encounters found within Uldir - the first raid in Battle for Azeroth. The article contains spoilers.

The raid was a titan research and quarantine facility, where titans were conducting experiments on Old Gods, creating G'huun. Blood Trolls of Nazmir worship the Blood God and you'll notice his lingering presence in the zone. Let's take a look at early Dungeon Journal entries for Uldir!


Titan Keeper Hezrel 

No information available at this time.

Red Queen (Red Queen & Remnants of Corruption) 



The Red Queen will not allow adventurers into Uldim until they have been cleansed of corruption. First, they must pass through her decontamination chamber.


  • Defense GridDefense Grid (Important) - Passing through the Defense Grid inflicts 12,000 Arcane damage to all players and increases damage taken from Defense Grid by 100% for 6 sec. This effect stacks. Additionally, a Remnant of Corruption is summoned after 3 sec.
    • Remnant of Corruption
      • Clinging CorruptionClinging Corruption (Interruptible) - Spreads a vile, clinging corruption to players within 10 yds, inflicting 10,000 Nature damage and an additional 5,000 Nature damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
  • Cleansing PurgeCleansing Purge (Deadly) - Upon entering a room, the Red Queen begins a countdown to performing a full cleansing purge of all living matter within the space. Once the room has been purged it inflicts 30,000 Fire damage every 1 sec to players within.
  • Sundering ScalpelSundering Scalpel (Tank Alert) - The caster slices with a focused laser scalpel, inflicting 30,000 Fire damage in a cone in front of them, and increasing damage taken by Sundering Scalpel by 100%. This effect stacks.
  • Purifying FlamePurifying Flame - Vents within the chamber unleash jets of purifying flame, each inflicting 20,000 Fire damage to all enemies within 3 yards.
  • Wind TunnelWind Tunnel - Massive air vents throughout the chamber open, moving players towards jets of Purifying Flame.

Fetid Devourer 



Fetid Devourer engages players, storing up energy over time to unleash Rotting RegurgitationRotting Regurgitation.

Periodically, Waste Disposal units around the room will activate, dumping waste into the room and leaving behind Corruption Corpuscles. Players must kill these before they release Enticing EssenceEnticing Essence, or Fetid Devourer will move to them and Consume CorruptionConsume Corruption, healing and gaining energy.

At 50% health, Fetid Devourer will enter into a Fetid FrenzyFetid Frenzy.

Damage Dealers


  • The primary tank on Fetid Devourer will take more consistent - but overall higher - damage, and the secondary tank will take intermittent, high damage from Terrible ThrashTerrible Thrash. Be sure the secondary tank is near full health when Terrible ThrashTerrible Thrash is coming.
  • After players affected with Malodorous MiasmaMalodorous Miasma, they will develop Deadly DiseaseDeadly Disease, which inflicts high damage and requires focused healing.


  • The primary tank on Fetid Devourer will take more consistent - but overall higher - damage.
  • As the secondary tank, stand nearby the primary tank so that you are targeted by Terrible ThrashTerrible Thrash, and be prepared for large spikes of damage when it hits.


  • Thrashing TerrorThrashing Terror (Tank Alert) - Every fourth attack, Fetid Devourer will use Thrash on the closest player to the current tank.
    • Terrible ThrashTerrible Thrash (Tank Alert) - Thrashes the target, inflicting 300% of a standard melee attack to them.
  • Rotting RegurgitationRotting Regurgitation - When Fetid Devourer reaches 100 Energy, he unleashes a Rotting Regurgitation, inflicting 21,400 Nature damage immediately and an additional 10,700 Nature damage every 2 sec. in a cone in front of him for 8 sec.
  • Shockwave StompShockwave Stomp - Inflicts 10,025 Physical damage to all players and knocks them back.
  • Malodorous MiasmaMalodorous Miasma (Healer Alert) - The foul stench of the area sickens players, inflicting 3,210 Nature damage to afflicted players every 1.5 sec. for 18 sec. When this effect expires, it applies Deadly Disease to the affected player.
    • Deadly DiseaseDeadly Disease (Healer Alert) - Inflicts 12,000 Nature damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec.
  • Corruption Corpuscle
    • Enticing EssenceEnticing Essence - Releases pheromones, drawing Fetid Devourer to consume the Corruption Corpuscle.
      • Consume CorruptionConsume Corruption - Consumes a Corruption Corpuscle, healing Fetid Devourer for 10% and granting 20 Energy.
  • Fetid FrenzyFetid Frenzy (Important) - At 50% Health, Fetid Devourer frenzies, increasing damage dealt by 25% and damage taken by 50%.

Titan Discs (Zol'thuum the Forgotten, Qiraji Warrior, Anub'ar Voidweaver) 

zolthum.jpgqiraji warrior.jpganubar voidweaver.jpg


Zol'thuum assaults players while the compromised Titan Discs come online, calling forth powerful Old God magics and summoning their lesser servants. As new Titan Discs come online, previously activated Discs will go dormant.

Damage Dealers


  • Titan SparkTitan Spark strikes random targets periodically.
  • Void SurgeVoid Surge inflicts substantial damage to all party members in addition to the lethal damage within each eruption.
  • The damage dealt by Corruption PulseCorruption Pulse increases with each cast until the Orb of CorruptionOrb of Corruption is disturbed.



  • Titan SparkTitan Spark - Titan energy arcs from the damaged Titan Disc, striking several targets for 3,580 Nature damage.
  • Void SurgeVoid Surge (Important, Deadly) - Upon reaching 100 energy, Zol'thuum unleashes a series of eruptions in quick succession. Each eruption inflicts 35,000 Shadow damage to players caught within it. In addition, each eruption inflicts 8,000 Shadow damage to all players.
  • Might of the VoidMight of the Void (Tank Alert) - Zol'thuum performs a series of powerful attacks.
    • Void LashVoid Lash (Tank Alert) - Zol'thuum summons lashing tentacles, inflicting 40,000 Shadow damage in a frontal cone, and reduces healing received by 50% for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
    • RuptureRupture (Tank Alert) - Zol'thuum drives its tentacle into the target, inflicting 80,000 Physical damage and an additional 10,000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 40 sec. This effect stacks.

Stage One: Chaos

At 90% health remaining Protocol: Chaos begins. Summoning projections of C'Thun and replicating minions from the Qiraji empire.

  • Chaotic GlareChaotic Glare (Deadly) - The Eye of C'Thun penetrates the soul of the target, dealing 13,800 Nature damage and leaping to any nearby allies for increased damage.
  • Qiraji Warrior
    • FixateFixate - A Qiraji Warrior sets its attention on an enemy. Lasts 15 sec or until it strikes its target.
    • Jagged MandibleJagged Mandible - The Qiraji Warrior's melee attacks maim the target, inflicting 5,000 Physical damage every 3 sec and reducing movement speed by 20% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.

Stage Two: Deception

At 60% health remaining Protocol: Deception begins. Summoning projections of Yogg-Saron and replicating servants from Azjol-Nerub.

  • Roiling DeceitRoiling Deceit (Important) - Yogg-Saron corrupts the target, inflicts 10,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec and forms an Ominous Cloud upon expiration.
    • Roiling DeceitRoiling Deceit
      • Guardian of Yogg Saron (Casts Shadow Nova upon raching 100 energy when defeated).
        • Shadow NovaShadow Nova - Self destructs, Inflicting 20,000 Shadow damage to all enemies. (Deadly) - 
  • Anub'ar Voidweaver
    • Dark VolleyWithering Touch (Interruptible) - Launches Shadow energy towards an enemy, inflicting 10,000 Shadow damage and an additional 8,000 Shadow damage every 2 for 20 sec.

Stage Three: Corruption

At 30% health remaining Protocol: Corruption begins. A warped projection appears and shadowy whispers echo through the chamber. The magic released from the damaged Titan Discs appear to be unchecked and more than a demonstration of power...

  • Overload - The damaged disc activates, increasing the frequency of Titan SparkTitan Spark.
  • Orb of CorruptionOrb of Corruption - A manifestation of N'Zoth's power forms. Inflicts 10,250 Shadow damage to all enemies every 10 sec, increasing with each pulse. Coming into contact with the orb resets this effect, but afflicts the victim with Will of the Corruptor.
    • Corruption PulseCorruption Pulse - Inflicts 10,000 Shadow damage to all enemies, damage increased with each pulse.
    • Service of N'ZothWill of the Corruptor - Coming into contact with an Orb of Corruption charms the victim, causing them to attack nearby allies. When this effect is removed, the victim gains Corruptor's Pact.
      • Corruptor's PactCorruptor's Pact (Important) - N'Zoth's power courses through you, increasing your damage, healing, and absorption effects by 25%. You are vulnerable to N'Zoth's influence and coming into contact with an Orb of Corruption will consume you.
        • Servant of N'ZothServant of N'Zoth (Deadly) - Coming into contact with an Orb of Corruption while affected by Corruptor's Pact consumes the victim, transforming them into a mindless servant of N'Zoth.

Blood of G'huun 

blood of ghun.jpg


A sample of G'huun's blood, animated and run amok. Considered by the Titans to be an infection capable of killing every living thing on Azeroth. Its primary disease strain was dubbed the Omega Vector.


The Blood of G'huun creates instances of Omega VectorOmega Vector which bounce endlessly between players during the encounter. When Omega VectorOmega Vector jumps between players it leaves behind a stack of Lingering InfectionLingering Infection, which has no duration and cannot be removed.

Mutagenic PathogenMutagenic Pathogen is the source of new copies of Omega VectorOmega Vector, with one Omega VectorOmega Vector being created whenever Mutagenic PathogenMutagenic Pathogen expires from a player.

Damage Dealers

  • Kill Plague Amalgams quickly to prevent excessive heal absorbs from ImmunosuppressionImmunosuppression.
  • Avoid the area damage from targets affected by GestateGestate.
  • Communicate with your allies to control each jump of Omega VectorOmega Vector.


  • Targets afflicted by Omega VectorOmega Vector and GestateGestate will require heavy healing to survive.
  • Help tanks survive several attacks of Mutagenic PathogenMutagenic Pathogen as they try to minimize the number of Omega VectorOmega Vector jumping through the raid.
  • Lingering InfectionLingering Infection cannot be removed and does not have a duration, making it more virulent as the encounter goes on.
  • Communicate with your allies to control each jump of Omega VectorOmega Vector.


  • Make sure you are close to desirable hosts for Omega VectorOmega Vector targets when Mutagenic PathogenMutagenic Pathogen fades.
  • Hold the Blood of G'huun's threat for as long as you can to prevent generating too many copies of Omega VectorOmega Vector.


  • Lingering InfectionLingering Infection - Weakens the player's resistance to future infections, increasing Nature damage taken by 5%.
  • Pestilence
    • Omega VectorOmega Vector (Important) - Omega Vector takes root in a player, inflicting 4,860 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec. On expiration, Omega Vector jumps to the closest ally and applies a stack of Lingering Infection to its former host.
    • Mutagenic PathogenMutagenic Pathogen (Tank Alert) - Inflictins 2,290 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 12 sec. Each subsequent application of Mutagenic Pathogen doubles the damage per tick of the previous application. On expiration, the Mutagenic Pathogen evolves into Omega Vector and jumps to the target with the fewest Lingering Infections from among the three closest players.
    • GestateGestate - Inflicts 1,790 damage every 1 sec to a random player and all players within 8 yards for 5 sec. Stuns the initial target while a Plague Amalgam gestates within the player. On expiration, the Plague Amalgam will spawn 5 yards from that player.
      • Plague Amalgam
        • ImmunosuppressionImmunosuppression - Spreads a toxin that absorbs 18,000 healing done to all players within 500 yards.
    • ContagionContagion (Deadly) - Inflicts 10,700 Nature damage to all players. 
  • Carnage
    • LiquefyLiquefy - Transforms into a pool of toxic blood, triggering Lingering Infection on players who come into contact with the pool.
    • Blood GeyserBlood Geyser - A geyser of corrupted blood inflicts 6,430 Shadow damage to all players within 1 yards. Affected players gain a stack of Lingering Infection.
    • HypergenesisHypergenesis - A pool of blood forms, erupting for 10,750 Shadow damage to players within 6 yards after 8 sec. If no players are hit by the eruption, it instead inflicts 12,850 Shadow damage to all players.



Stage One: My Minions are Endless!

Arena Floor

  • Blood ShieldBlood Shield - While shielded, G'huun's regenerates 5% of his maximum health every 0.5 sec.
  • Spew CorruptionSpew Corruption - G'huun lobs a blast of corruption that sloshes towards a random player, inflicting 12,500 Plague damage to any player within 10 yards of the impact. After bounding 3 times the glob forms a Inflicts 5,000 Plague damage every 2 sec while within the area.
  • Call CorruptionCall Corruption - G'huun calls all pools of corruption back to him over 12 sec.
  • Thousand MawsThousand Maws - G'huun summons forth minions to assist him.
    • Cyclopean Terror
      • TormentTorment (Interruptible) - The caster assaults a random player's mind, inflicting increasing 0 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 18 sec.
    • Dark Young
      • Massive SmashMassive Smash (Tank Alert) - Filled with unending rage the caster slams their target, inflicting 20,000 Physical damage and knocking them back.
      • Dark BargainDark Bargain - Increases the damage taken and damage done of all creatures, including players, within 15 yards of the caster by 50%.
    • Blightspreader Tendril - The Blightspreader Tendril slowly loses energy over time. Upon reaching 0 energy, the tendril burrows through the ground to a new location, casting Mantle of ShadowMantle of Shadow.
      • Decaying EruptionDecaying Eruption (Interruptible) - Inflicts 7,500 Plague damage to all players, consuming up to 10 energy upon a successful cast.
      • Mantle of ShadowMantle of Shadow - The caster forms a shield of shadows around itself, absorbing the next 500,000 damage taken. While the absorb shield is active the caster is immune to interrupt and silence effects. In addition, the caster's energy is refreshed to 100.

Upper Platforms

  • Defensive Countermeasure - Upon dying a Defensive Countermeasure explodes, dropping a Titan Core.
    • Titan CoreTitan Core - A mote of titanic power, depositing this core in a Power Conduit generates 20 energy. While holding the Titan Core, the target's movement speed is reduced by 20% every 2 sec until they become immobile.
      • Throw Titan CoreThrow Titan Core - Throws the titan core up to 20 yards. If the core is not caught by another player it is destroyed.
      • Imperfect PhysiologyImperfect Physiology - The lingering effects of the curse of flesh interfere with the titan's power, preventing interaction with the Titan Cores for 2 min.
    • Amorphus Cyst
      • Undulating MassUndulating Mass - Creates an area of mossy growth that, inflicts 250 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces movement speed by 75% while standing within the area.
      • Tendrils of CorruptionTendrils of Corruption - Nightmarish tendrils grasp and squeeze any player who touches them, immobilizing the target and inflicting 0 Plague damage every 5 sec for 12 sec.
    • Unclean ContagionUnclean Contagion - Spores clouds choke the upper platforms surrounding G'huun, inflicting 1,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 2 min and growing in intensity every 2 sec while remaining in the area.

Stage Two:

Arena Floor

  • Crimson BlightCrimson Blight - G'huun's presence corrupts nearby players, inflicting 1,000 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec. This affect intensifies every 8 sec.
  • Blood FeastBlood Feast - G'huun corrupts his current target, inflicting 5,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. After 10 sec, players within 8 yards of the target have their applications of Crimson Blight reset to 1 and a Gibbering Horror is spawned.
    • Gibbering Horror
      • Blood MightBlood Might - Each application of Crimson Blight that is consumed by Blood Feast increases the Gibbering Horror's maximum health and damage done by 5%.
      • Mind-Numbing ChatterMind-Numbing Chatter - The caster babbles incoherently, inflicting Shadow damage to all players and interrupting casting for 3 sec.
  • Gaze of G'huunGaze of G'huun - G'huun unleashes a wave of terror, causing all players to flee in fear for 3 sec.
    • Spawn of G'huun
      • Dark PurposeDark Purpose - The Spawn of G'huun fixates upon a random player and moves towards them, increasing in speed over time. Upon reaching the target the Spawn of G'huun burrows into the target, making it a Blood Host.
      • Blood HostBlood Host - The Spawn of G'huun burrows into it's target, inflicting 1,000 Plague damage every 2 sec for 20 sec. Upon removal, 2 Spawn of G'huun erupt from the afflicted player.

Upper Platforms

  • Defensive Countermeasure - Upon dying a Defensive Countermeasure explodes, dropping a Titan Core.
    • Titan CoreTitan Core - A mote of titanic power, depositing this core in a Power Conduit generates 20 energy. While holding the Titan Core, the target's movement speed is reduced by 20% every 2 sec until they become immobile.
      • Throw Titan CoreThrow Titan Core - Throws the titan core up to 20 yards. If the core is not caught by another player it is destroyed.
      • Imperfect PhysiologyImperfect Physiology - The lingering effects of the curse of flesh interfere with the titan's power, preventing interaction with the Titan Cores for 2 min.
    • Amorphus Cyst
      • Undulating MassUndulating Mass - Creates an area of mossy growth that, inflicts 250 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces movement speed by 75% while standing within the area.
      • Tendrils of CorruptionTendrils of Corruption - Nightmarish tendrils grasp and squeeze any player who touches them, immobilizing the target and inflicting 0 Plague damage every 5 sec for 12 sec.
    • Unclean ContagionUnclean Contagion - Spores clouds choke the upper platforms surrounding G'huun, inflicting 1,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 2 min and growing in intensity every 2 sec while remaining in the area.

Stage Three: Reorigination

  • ReoriginationReorigination - Unleashes a blast of titanic power, inflicting 11,000 Arcane damage to all players every 5 sec for 25 sec. This blast incapacitates G'huun, and increases his damage taken by 500% for 25 sec.
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39 minutes ago, Hypersonic said:

Jesus it looks so boring with this classic-look screenshots and bosses. Already don't like it.

I have to agree with this. I'll wait for a video to judge mechanics and fights, but by the models, it is just another boring first raid lol 

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If G’huun is in fact an old god, I must say I’m unimpressed with his model. And also, it would make no sense to discover an old god and kill it in the first raid. I really hope something happens story wise instead of a “he’s dead and that’s it” type of scenario. But honestly anyways, I’m still hoping strongly for N’zoth to be the main focus in BfA.

Edited by Maxkitty

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2 hours ago, Maxkitty said:

If G’huun is in fact an old god, I must say I’m unimpressed with his model. And also, it would make no sense to discover an old god and kill it in the first raid. I really hope something happens story wise instead of a “he’s dead and that’s it” type of scenario. But honestly anyways, I’m still hoping strongly for N’zoth to be the main focus in BfA.

Bear in mind, his model is supposed to be like 4000x bigger than a player. The comparison shot was shown at BlizzCon.

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3 hours ago, Maxkitty said:

If G’huun is in fact an old god, I must say I’m unimpressed with his model. And also, it would make no sense to discover an old god and kill it in the first raid. I really hope something happens story wise instead of a “he’s dead and that’s it” type of scenario. But honestly anyways, I’m still hoping strongly for N’zoth to be the main focus in BfA.

He is a "blood god" wherever that means

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      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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