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We need your help voicing all wow quests!

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Hey guys! I have always wanted to have voice acted quests, but I figured it would be very money/time consuming for blizzard to to something like this, so instead I decided to take matters into my own hands and see if I could do something about it.

 I ended up enjoying the process so much that I somehow managed to voice all 1-30 zones by myself, so i could gladly show the players what I had done and that voice acted quests were possible.

 The feedback I received was more than what i could expect, and i knew i had to seize this oppurtunity and do something about it. And so this project was created! 

I have no desire of hiring 10 or 20 professional voice actors, I want this to be a project in which all WoW players can participate, in order to give back to blizzard for being amazing to us all these years, and demonstrate that the wow community can be one of the best!

It has also been a way of uniting the players and for them to try voice acting, which in many cases is something that they dreamed of doing but never tried/don't know where to start/shyness etc.

I hope you have great fun with the addon, and if possible come and help us make wow a more immersive experience, we need you!

You can try our addon here https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/voice-acted-quest and you can help us send your voice in https://www.reddit.com/r/wowvaq/

Edited by TioMiklas

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