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Most versatile class ever?

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Which class would you say has proven to be the most versatile since Hearthstone launch? Not the best, just one that no matter what expansion, patch etc. has always had at least somewhat viable decks and was never a one trick pony. You know, decks that don't require perfect draws, have tools to react to different situations.

Edited by rostek

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I will answer not thinking about all HS history, but the state of the game now in wild (with every card ever printed), and I vote Paladin.

Paladin has both aggro midrange and control, both normal and murloc based; plus some special archetype like Exodia and secret.

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I can't think of any season where tempo mage or freeze mage were particularly bad, also quest exodia mage was viable for quite some time, even if not that popular.
There is always a viable warlock (handlock/aggro)dech for each expansion. There were times where handlock had a thin arsenal or had to go with huge cheesy 'can't attack' minions, but thanks to his powerful base cards you can build a viable handlock deck in any season.

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I'll go ahead and say shaman.

I remember aggro and midrange shaman both being tier 1. Shaman has good weapons, good early game minions, overstatted overload minions and powerful mid-game options to close out the games (Thunder Bluff Valiant, anyone?)

Most broken opening in the history of this game (Tunnel Trogg into Totem Golem)

Shaman can easily burn his opponent down (Lava BurstLightning BoltCrackle)

Shaman can easily go overboard with minion presence and punish his opponent for not being able to react (Bloodlust, Evolve, Thrall, Deathseer)

It can heal himself for large amounts (Healing Wave, Healing Rain, Jinyu Waterspeaker, Hallazeal the Ascended combos), can clear the board like crazy (Lightning Storm, Maelstrom Portal, Elemental Destruction, Volcano), can easily get rid of sticky minions or board states (Devolve, Hex). Control shaman was a force to reckon with in wild for quite some time.

So, yeah, Shaman.



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On 3/28/2018 at 5:49 AM, FanOfValeera said:

I'll go ahead and say shaman.

I remember aggro and midrange shaman both being tier 1. Shaman has good weapons, good early game minions, overstatted overload minions and powerful mid-game options to close out the games (Thunder Bluff Valiant, anyone?)

Most broken opening in the history of this game (Tunnel Trogg into Totem Golem)

Shaman can easily burn his opponent down (Lava BurstLightning BoltCrackle)

Shaman can easily go overboard with minion presence and punish his opponent for not being able to react (Bloodlust, Evolve, Thrall, Deathseer)

It can heal himself for large amounts (Healing Wave, Healing Rain, Jinyu Waterspeaker, Hallazeal the Ascended combos), can clear the board like crazy (Lightning Storm, Maelstrom Portal, Elemental Destruction, Volcano), can easily get rid of sticky minions or board states (Devolve, Hex). Control shaman was a force to reckon with in wild for quite some time.

So, yeah, Shaman.



Except before that, tier 5 was shaman tier, because shaman was the only class in it, and it had no decka outside of tier 5, until aggro shaman took the ladder by storm.


To answer the OP, I would say druid.  Right now druid is the worst it's ever been at tier 3.


Mage and paladin have always been pretty reliable (mage more so), and rogue has always kept a decent amount of dedicated players (however rogue generally be isn't considered the greatest, tier 3 at best for miracle their most resilient archtype in most metas).

In general, every class has had times when they were really bad.  Before the war axe Nerf, warrior would be the easy answer, there wasn't a meta before that were a warrior deck wasn't atleast tier 2.



Edited by VaraTreledees
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