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disappointed wl needs some help

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I am quite disappointed with my Performance the last few ids.

Need some help:



Especially with:




There must be sth wrong?

You can also take a look on the other bosses.

@those logs i had the horridon hc staff full upgraded.

Thanks for support


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Yes...of course.

It seems, that i have a mistake in Singletarget. Malkorok for example.

I played with destro ans av and had the feeling that my performance sucked pretty much compared with the others... the same problem with thok where i used affli and kjc... i can't find the mistake.

It would be nice if you can take a look on those logs

Edited by Junal

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Iron Juggernaut - 230k.  This is decent DPS.  Might see an increase with Grimoire of Sacrifice.


Immolate uptime = 83.9%.  Likely fizzled out during downtime with kiting phase.  Everything else looks good.


Malkorok - 243k.  This is decent DPS.  Might see an increase with Grimoire of Sacrifice.


Everything looks good.  Really no reason for me to be analyzing your logs...everything is in order.  High Chaos Bolt average, good Immolate uptime, etc.  You're doing exceptional for normal modes and have enough DPS to tackle Heroic modes.  In fact, your entire guild has the DPS for Heroic modes...why are you farming normals?  Thok performance was good, too.  You're a very good Warlock...your DPS will go up with gear. 

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1. Immerseus: = 1st on DPS

2. Fallen Protectors = 1st. 

3. Norushen you were 3rd (this is also dependent upon if you were the 1st or 2nd toon that went into the "Trial Phase" which would really increase your dps). But you already know that. 

4. Sha of Pride = 1st. That fight is awesome sauce, eh? McDonalds. I'm lovin' it! 

5. Galakras = 2nd. Beaten only by an Frost Mage. No shame in that. They do well on that fight in 10 man. 

6. Iron Jug = 4th

7. Dark Shaman = 3rd

8. General = 1st

9. Malkorok = 4th

10. Spoils = 4th. But hey. That depends on which group you're with. How much synergy you have with others. How many debuffs you have to take and run away from the group. How many and often your tank is pulling. 

11. Thok = 4th. 


Ya know. Other classes are allowed to sometimes do more dps than you. :) 

But you wanted to know about Jug, Mal and Thok. Hmmm. I don't know that anyone can really help you beyond what you already know. Clearly you know how to dps with your team. You racked up some good numbers. If you sucked or were sitting at the #6 position in your raid for DPS I'd bother to look, but hey, your coworkers are pulling some good dps and you are doing pretty well yourself. That just leaves me to believe that you need to scour the internet for how to do those particular bosses better. And if you were with a raid team that was less proficient, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Am I right or am I right? Huh? If your raid team didn't have competent DPS, you'd be #1 on all those fights. 


Was this more about ranking on World of Logs? 

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It is more about optimizing my gameplay...

Especially for juggernaut, malkorok Andi thok

Juggernaut i died in that log

Malkorok ist quiet disappointing when i take a look at raidbot parses 10N and my Collegues. Wie have the same Gear round abputzen. Same with thok.

Why are they performing that much better? There must be a reason. Compared with wol parses @raidbots, it's Not the class. So...what can i improve to perform better?

Dont misunderstand me. My mates are awsome, and i am trying to improve my gameplay focussing upcoming hcs the next id

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You can improve that Wush and get a KTT, you'll notice a HUGE difference.


NM Malkorok and Juggernaut are "terrible"(Terrible as in there are other classes which will perform better than you) for destro, both of them are single target only with no adds, and on top of that, Jugg requires a lot of micro-movement which can really fuck your CB casts very bad.


So don't worry, you're doing pretty nice, there is a huge gap between KTT and wush, and you'll really notice it when you change trinkets.

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Ya know. Other classes are allowed to sometimes do more dps than you.

Ha! In LFRs, I know that, but I always hate it. I especially hate it if some warlock does better, but it's LFR so mostly they don't.

Malkorok is a lot of movement; it always happens that a cone of junk or a purple swirl come up when you want to Chaos Bolt. 4th is pretty good there, dude.

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Ha! In LFRs, I know that, but I always hate it. I especially hate it if some warlock does better, but it's LFR so mostly they don't.Malkorok is a lot of movement; it always happens that a cone of junk or a purple swirl come up when you want to Chaos Bolt. 4th is pretty good there, dude.

I dont think so. I am very critical with me.

When you compare my performance with raidbot top 100 parses on those encounters you can see a significant difference. When i do the same with my mates,the difference is clearly smaller. So they are performing better...

The question is,what can i do to improve myself?

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Honestly the only thing I would remember is to prepot/repot but that's not going to suddenly push you to where I think you want to be (unless the autotranslate hid the potion buff when I looked at logs).


Don't stare too much at high end logs because people are loading those to push them higher (e.g., getting wars for Skull Banners, rogues Tricksing off CD, etc.).

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It is more about optimizing my gameplay...

Especially for juggernaut, malkorok Andi thok

Juggernaut i died in that log

Malkorok ist quiet disappointing when i take a look at raidbot parses 10N and my Collegues. Wie have the same Gear round abputzen. Same with thok.

Why are they performing that much better? There must be a reason. Compared with wol parses @raidbots, it's Not the class. So...what can i improve to perform better?

Dont misunderstand me. My mates are awsome, and i am trying to improve my gameplay focussing upcoming hcs the next id

Never compare yourself to Raidbots or your non-Warlock teammates.  Raidbots is collected data over THOUSANDS of iterations that tend to average out RNG.  You could hyperanalyze your logs and find things you're not doing that you could, but they'd largely be irrelevant (you're already killing the bosses) or find that someone else in your group is doing it.


For example, my Immerseus parses are HUGE when our Spriest isn't in there.  If she isn't using Mind Sear on the little blobs, I break 1.5M DPS with Fire and Brimstone.  If she's there, we both peak around 600k.  That doesn't mean I need to get better...it just means the opportunity to look good on the meters was diminished.  The real purpose for me to do this is because spells that hit Immerseus this way don't count for stacks.  As soon as my stacks wear off, I fire two Chaos Bolts onto the boss and go back to FnB'ing the adds.  This is because I know the rest of my team is attacking the boss and dropping stacks while me and the Spriest are killing the adds then we all switch.


Want to know how I did 100k extra DPS this week on Heroic Sha of Pride?  I made it a habit to Rain of Fire the small adds against my tank's wishes.  I used them as Ember batteries and managed to snag 6 Shadowburns via Havoc from the adds onto Sha.  One small change is all it took. 


My point is that there are small things you can do within a fight to 'post higher numbers' but it may be largely residual damage that is meaningless.  When I'm on the ground during Galakras and I'm spamming Shadowburn like it's going out of fashion, we end up with idle time where we are waiting for the next set of adds to spawn.  Most of that "Shadowburn" damage is overkill damage, too.  If you got beat on Spoils, you may have a similar issue that I have...you play with good players who burn adds down quickly giving you a smaller window of opportunity for Shadowburn.  This is why my parses were never stellar on Horridon...my teammates kicked some serious ass and left me with very small opportunities to 'pad' where it wasn't needed.  Some guilds alter strats to accomodate the Warlock, but I find that just ridiculous.  If you're in a team with awesome players, then the only thing you need to do is keep playing the way you are, work on improving small things every week, and get more gear.

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