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[Aggramar/Fizzcrank][A] <Lion's Renegades> Casual Raiding Guild

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Lion's Renegades

Alliance - US - Aggramar/Fizzcrank - These are linked servers

About Us

The Lion’s Renegades is a Social Casual Raiding guild in World of Warcraft. We have set our sights on all Heroic and Normal End Game content and having fun while defeating bosses. We understand people have lives, jobs and things going on outside the game and will be flexible while maintaining a fun, low stress environment. 

So what are we looking for?

We are looking for mature working adults who enjoy playing video games and want a social group to be apart of and complete content in WoW and play other games on the side. We are open to people who have never raided before or are new to the game. We do not mind teaching and helping people out.

What Roles are you looking for?

We have filled all of our core roles for our raid team, however we still have room for DPS or DPS with Tanks/Heals as off specs that can be flexible to fill as needed. 

We are always open to those that are just looking for a home to do dungeons, level, island expeditions, warfronts or pvp with.

What are the plans for raiding?

Two Night Schedule with a Focus on Normal and then Heroic Raid Content.
Thursday and Friday Evening 8 to 10 PM Eastern Time.
This will leave other nights open for other content such as PvP, Mythic +, Warfronts, or other games.

Have Questions or Ready to Sign Up?

So if all that sounds good then take a look at our website www.lionsrenegades.com and put in an application.

You can also reach us via:
Ziri - Guild Master

  • Battle.net - Ziriuso#1680
  • Discord - Ziri#0004

Faiery - Recruitment Officer

  • Battle.net - Faiery#1306
  • Discord - Faiery#8731
Edited by Zirleficent
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We have had several join us as rerolls on Fizz/Agg.  Always looking for more to continue growing.  

Several have asked me if we are planning on Raiding during the remainder of Legion.  If we end up with enough people then sure but it won't be a focus to get there.  Our focus is on the Expansion.

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We are still active recruiting, please reach out to Faiery or myself if you have any questions

Ziri - Guild Master
Battle.net - Ziriuso#1680
Discord - Ziri#0004

Faiery - Recruitment Officer
Battle.net - Faiery#1306
Discord - Faiery#8731

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