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Hearthstone Rogue Decks

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Guest mal1kkk

Hi there Vlad. Those decks that you made for rogue are really useful, thank you. Now, I play way better than i was. smile.png 
Wanted to ask you about the card called Edwin Van Cleef. Is it a strong card? With which cards Van Cleef will be very powerful, and your personal opinion do I need to use that card, or there are other cards that are better?

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  On 3/15/2014 at 12:32 PM, mal1kkk said:

Hi there Vlad. Those decks that you made for rogue are really useful, thank you. Now, I play way better than i was. smile.png 

Wanted to ask you about the card called Edwin Van Cleef. Is it a strong card? With which cards Van Cleef will be very powerful, and your personal opinion do I need to use that card, or there are other cards that are better?

Van Cleef is a good card. If you have it, it's almost always going to be a good idea to put it in your Rogue deck (only exception might be if you've really got every single card to work with, but that's not often the case).


Van Cleef is "worth" playing any time it's a 4/4 or better, so you really don't need to try to set up some crazy combo to buff it too high. For instance, one play that I like to do is a turn 2 Coin + Van Cleef. It's a turn 2 4/4 minion that is very hard to deal with (I wouldn't really save the coin for this though - but if I have it unused, this can be a good play). If you can pair it with something like a Backstab to make it a 6/6 (and take out their 2-drop!), then it's even better.


I personally find that you want to play Van Cleef more as a surprise, and early on when it's difficult to deal with, because if you play him in mid-late game he's often going to just get instantly silenced or removed.

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Guest Julie

i finally almost completed the old legendary rogue only needed 2 cards and then its updated haha xD but im happy you update it i will just have to work hard again wink.png i still like the old one thou won alot with it even when it wasnt near completed keep up the good work (thumbs up) 

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  On 3/28/2014 at 8:52 PM, Julie said:

i finally almost completed the old legendary rogue only needed 2 cards and then its updated haha xD but im happy you update it i will just have to work hard again wink.png i still like the old one thou won alot with it even when it wasnt near completed keep up the good work (thumbs up) 


Thank you very much! A lot of cards are re-usable anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much! Good luck!

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Guest Julie
  On 3/29/2014 at 1:52 PM, Vlad said:

Thank you very much! A lot of cards are re-usable anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much! Good luck!

np wink.png i like to keep big game hunter thou cuz he has saved my ass many times xD

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Guest togueyea

ii won 2 games with basic one.....cards flow well...i want substitues variety

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Guest addiysin

All these decks are Terrible!!!!!!!!!! Why are you suggesting these things EVERY class deck you have i tried they ALL suck!!!

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  On 4/23/2014 at 7:26 AM, addiysin said:

All these decks are Terrible!!!!!!!!!! Why are you suggesting these things EVERY class deck you have i tried they ALL suck!!!

Based on your comment, I would say that the problem doesn't lie in the decks. I could understand if you had some issues with a particular deck, but if you are having issues with all of them, it means the problem is with you, not the decks.

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In most of cases the problem sits between the chair and monitor ;)


BTW. Like Your decks - not only this one :) I'm a beginner but I'm able to do daily quests and win some games wit this. And I'm trying to tune it up myself to better know the cards (it will be usefull in arena)

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Guest milk

In the Rogue Miracle deck, is there anything I can use in place of Edwin VanCleef for now?

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  On 6/1/2014 at 5:01 PM, milk said:

In the Rogue Miracle deck, is there anything I can use in place of Edwin VanCleef for now?

Hey, Milk

I suggest you post in the specific Miracle Rogue deck you are interested in, but since we are already here, I might as well answer :)

Edwin VanCleef is a good card... it can easily be taken care of by a silence and many other cards, which can sometimes be bad as you might commit a spell or two in order to get a bigger Edwin on board, however, Edwin will often bring insane value in early game and if you can Conceal it, it can be deadly. I personally like having Edwin and I suggest you get it as well.

Back on topic, you can ofc replace Edwin and since I don't know which cards you have I would suggest include something that can offer more card cycling:

Bloodmage Thalnos > Azure Drake > Loot Hoarder > Gnomish Inventor

You can also consider including an additional Earthen Ring Farseer if the environment is rather aggressive, Assassin's Blade.

If you are running a version with 1 Conceal / Cold Blood, you can get 1 more of those. 

Be a bit more specific which Miracle deck you are referring to and I will try to give you a bit more specific response :) 

Good luck


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Guest furrykef

In the Rogue crafting guide, Azure Drake is listed as a class-specific card instead of a neutral card.

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  On 9/11/2014 at 8:29 PM, furrykef said:

In the Rogue crafting guide, Azure Drake is listed as a class-specific card instead of a neutral card.

Thank you. We're fixing this now!

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Guest Szadok


In the Rogue crafting guide, you list Perdition Blade as a solid card to craft for a mid budget deck. However, none of the currently proposed decks makes use of that card. Is it still worth it with Naxx meta?

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  On 9/14/2014 at 9:48 PM, Szadok said:


In the Rogue crafting guide, you list Perdition Blade as a solid card to craft for a mid budget deck. However, none of the currently proposed decks makes use of that card. Is it still worth it with Naxx meta?

Thanks, it's been fixed smile.png

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Guest David

Just wondering, why doesn't  Southsea Deckhand Miracle Rogue run Shadowstep?

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  On 11/20/2014 at 5:20 PM, David said:

Just wondering, why doesn't  Southsea Deckhand Miracle Rogue run Shadowstep?


Because Shadowstep would only represent 2 damage. The idea of Deckhand is to gather all the relevant pieces and unleash them in one go. Say you were to play the Deckhand and stick a Cold Blood on it, once you Shadowstep, the Cold Blood buff is gone, so all you're getting for your card is 2 more damage. It just doesn't represent enough threat to be worth it.

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Guest batanete

do you think the new fatigue rogue decks that have been popping up can actually be viable?

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  On 4/12/2015 at 7:14 PM, batanete said:

do you think the new fatigue rogue decks that have been popping up can actually be viable?

Yes! Give a look to the News section for the latest deck spotlights ;)

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Guest Jaycore

What about questing adventurer? I feel he is quite strong as there are a lot of cheap cards to support his passive. (Noob here, explain it like i am five wink.png )

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Guest David

Just wondering what prompted you to take out Violet Teacher when it is usually such an important part of Oil Rogue?

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Guest sashadkiselev

Are you gonna make the Unerthed Raptor Rogue Deck

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  On 12/8/2015 at 10:11 AM, Cytrynowy said:

Will we get a word on Anub'arak?

It's bad. Simple as that.

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Guest Joseph

There's been many new cards added from the new expansion.  Would you mind trying them out and posting potential new decks?  Miracle Rogue seems to be back, deathrattle raptor is a semi-popular deck as well.

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