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The state of World PVP.

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So I and a friend did an experiment on World PvP. We levelled two toons each on Alliance and two toons each on Horde.

The amount of actual "ganking" has to be almost 30/1, easily. 

Levelling horde I was more likely to have a relatively close level alliance attack me but while levelling Alliance I was more likely to have max or close too level horde attacking low-level characters.

On Alliance, while levelling, if I was in the same zone as a level 75 horde. The two of us would fight but only ran into each other while questing as we have different quest givers. But a random high level Horde would be in the zone killing everyone they see.

On Horde, while levelling, if I was in the same zone as a level 75 Alliance, if we ran into each other the chances of PvP were quite high. Almost always. But there were rarely groups of Alliance camped out around our quest givers. 

My question is: Why are Horde so obsessed with killing low level characters rather than PvP'ing in their same level zones. Why are max level Horde in Duskwood with no intention of entering Stormwind? I personally don't care, I play Horde and have the toons I want maxed. I just feel embarassed by the comparison after seeing it firsthand. Alliance seems to like World PvP when the other person can atleast see your level and Horde seems to like just killing people regardless of anything.

Not a complaint. I don't care if it changes, I don't care about it much aside from the no longer enjoying our Stormwind/Ironforge attacks. Simply curious why it's fun to kill people you severely out level or out gear. It's kind of like playing football against a kindergarten class while you're in college. I don't understand the fun of it.

Edited by Sincevanilla

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Edgy (thus Horde) 12yr olds who want to feel like ballers but lack the skill to fight anything at their own level. also griefing. it's like internet trolls, getting enjoyment out of slightly annoying random strangers. 

I don't get it either.

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In Battle for Azeroth, you can turn PvP on/off, meaning if you decide not to be flagged for PvP, other players will not be able to attack you, even if you're playing on a PvP server. Sharding will also work differently. If you decide to opt in for PvP, you will be sharded with other players that have PvP turned on. Sharding works differently on RP realms.

Now to answer your first question. I play Horde and slaughter any Alliance player that crosses my path (regardless of their current level). And yes... I am a bloodthirsty savage Orc warmonger that does no care about anything :D  I never quite understood the fun of ganking though. If someone's ganking me (happened in Hellfire Penninsula quite frequently), I just park one of my mains in the leveling zone and seek revenge (preferably, a Rogue for more fun).

World PvP was probably the most fun during the Burning Crusade. When one of our guild players was ganked, 10 guildies would come to that spot to help him in no time. We did this almost all the time up to the point, where nobody on the server dared attack us :D.

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As long as they are my level, they are fair game for me as an Alliance player. I don't care where they are or how geared they are. I'm happy to fight at world bosses, etc.

If they are on a PvP realm and are my level, I'll attack. I don't go out of my way to gank low levels, though.

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I (Alliance player) do have a sort of decency, I don't gank / kill lower level players on purpose as long as

  • they don't touch me or try to "steal" resources (not possible anymore) or kills.
  • they don't gank/kill my lower lvl toon

But i think there is no difference between horde or alliance. At the end i play on a PVP-Server, so i have to expect other players gonna hunt and kill me.

But honestly, it has nothing to do with fun or challenge by just killing lower lvl players. In some places (as you mentioned Duskwood) you can barely lvl a toon. And people who hide behind empty phrases like "it's due to my race/class/whatever"...come on boys, really? If you would have just a bit of honor you wouldn't care about an lower level player...cause you already know how it ends. It's just a delectation of your "power" and others "pain"...think about it.

Edited by Allseye
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I like world pvp. I try to make it as fair as possible - no attacking lower levels, no ganking people low on health or in unfair situations, etc.

But we are at a state in the game when people expect the open world to be completely safe, even if they rolled on a PvP server.  They are extremely surprised when I attack them while they do world quests semi-AFK. I don't like that, although I understand them as they probably rolled on the PvP server like 10 years ago and a lot of things changed since then.

I think that the new system in BfA may improve the situation, because everyone flagged for PvP will be flagged by their own recent choice.

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7 hours ago, ionix said:

I like world pvp. I try to make it as fair as possible - no attacking lower levels, no ganking people low on health or in unfair situations, etc.

But we are at a state in the game when people expect the open world to be completely safe, even if they rolled on a PvP server.  They are extremely surprised when I attack them while they do world quests semi-AFK. I don't like that, although I understand them as they probably rolled on the PvP server like 10 years ago and a lot of things changed since then.

I think that the new system in BfA may improve the situation, because everyone flagged for PvP will be flagged by their own recent choice.

Let's see how it will work in BfA. But to be honest, i haven't read how "flagging" will work. I think there will be more groups around, and thats fine. There won't be many situations where you're fighting alone against 4-5 enemies. Otherwise yeah, it's what you can expect if you go flagged alone.

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On 6/7/2018 at 5:58 PM, Allseye said:

Let's see how it will work in BfA. But to be honest, i haven't read how "flagging" will work. I think there will be more groups around, and thats fine. There won't be many situations where you're fighting alone against 4-5 enemies. Otherwise yeah, it's what you can expect if you go flagged alone.

To my understanding, the entire world will be split in 2 shards, and if you are flagged, you will only see flagged people.

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On 6/10/2018 at 11:42 AM, ionix said:

To my understanding, the entire world will be split in 2 shards, and if you are flagged, you will only see flagged people.

Exactly this. Realm will not matter when war mode is enabled.

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6 hours ago, Blainie said:

Exactly this. Realm will not matter when war mode is enabled.

I was doubtful if there will be enough rewards to enable it, but it seems like it, at least for now. Just having the PvP talents enabled at all time is extremely powerful. 

At first I thought "well, if they make all PvP entirely optional, then nobody will participate". But then I realized that the reason it's NOT optional is the exact same reason that they can't actually do anything fun with it.

Imagine a scenario where the Horde invades Elwynn Forest, burns everything and lays a siege on Stormwind.

Can't happen, it will disrupt the gameplay of the PvE players. Except now it can happen. Don't like it ? Disable War Mode and you won't see it. Or don't enable it in the first place.

They have full control now. They can either make World PvP extremely fun, or they can kill it completely but not doing anything fun with it.

Edited by ionix
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is nobody on the eu servers doing epic battlegrounds anymore? i've queued my 110 demon hunter on kilrog for over 2 hours and never got into an epic battleground

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fantastic. i guess for now the only thing i can do is do is normal battlegrounds on other characters as i develop them. to get the 45 marks i need for the mounts i want.

and here was me with a whole shopping list of transmog sets i wante for my 6 classes. ran the math and for the transmog sets i want i'll need 276 marks for all the transmogs. and thats assumming that at some point a few expansions down the line i'm not strong enough to go into the raids on my own for the transmogs (not much of a social player)


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