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The WoW Music

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How do you feel about the music in this game (if you do pay attention to it)? Do you think it adds to the game or does it not really matter to you? If you do like, where in the game is your favorite music? Thanks for the feedback!

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If you are really talking about WoW music you might be in the wrong forum ... otherwise:

I'm not sure which of the songs are from WoW I'm gladly out of that since years :D

But I like the music when searching for an opponent, reminds me of Warcraft 2.

The music during the matches is boring for me, I don't pay attention or mute it and listing to other music.

Also I never really listened to music in WoW. I talked to ppl or I was listening to my own music.

Edited by Caldyrvan

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I listen to the in-game music whenever I can while I'm playing, but I'll turn it off if house is asleep or using voice chat.

The music adds a ton to the game for me, personally. A lot of the themes are majestic, give a sense of adventure, excitement, dread, etc. Very atmospheric.

Some of my favorite music is

Shado-Pan: https://youtu.be/ioI87nA4hTU?t=2m21s


WoD Auchindoun: https://youtu.be/B0IcI0OeW0U?t=1m25s


Frostfire Ridge: https://youtu.be/LUwoNUN2yFo?t=2m55s

And others. 

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I generally play with all sounds and music turned off (except for system sounds ofc). But if it's new content, I do want to get the full experience, especially now that we get a ton of voice acting.

Favorite themes are probably Mulgore, Barrens and Durotar. Just for nostalgia. Karazhan used to be my favorite, but I feel like I've heard it too many times now thanks to the 5-mans.

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Some of the legion music is amazing.

As their team grows and they have more funding to dump into music over the years, it's really improved.

I like most of it. :)

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