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Disc Priest soo Malkorok

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I have Problem with encounter Malorok i read tactics watched movies about this encounter, but still on the last Flex Raid leader that he need to kick me because i did 53K healing witch is true, i was smithing i was putting a shields on the group almost everything what i could do. Day before i was on Flex 1 and i was on the top of the healing, i have Ilv 525.


Dont know what to do :( 

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well, it depends.  if you've got a crit heavy build, PWS isn't going to be as effective as if you'd done a straight mastery build.   are you using penance on the target or on the tanks? my first thought is that you were probably healing the off tank on the add and attacking the shreader (which has a 90% damage reduction from everyone but the debuffed tank) doing 90% less damage is going to mean you do 90% less atonement healing.  Also this is a great encounter for halo imo as most pugs can't manage to stack around all the crap.

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well, it depends.  if you've got a crit heavy build, PWS isn't going to be as effective as if you'd done a straight mastery build.   are you using penance on the target or on the tanks? my first thought is that you were probably healing the off tank on the add and attacking the shreader (which has a 90% damage reduction from everyone but the debuffed tank) doing 90% less damage is going to mean you do 90% less atonement healing.  Also this is a great encounter for halo imo as most pugs can't manage to stack around all the crap.


^ wrong fight.



With out logs its hard to say what your exact problem is. My guess would be either not using cd's right or bad use of your 90 talent. But if the groups not wiping due to a healing issue, the RL shouldn't kick you because of one fight. Plus if the other healers are better gear'd your numbers will show up lower too, specially since its unlikely to have a lot over-healing on that fight.

Edited by Omnae

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Thx for the replays


So y sugest me not to use atonement just heal direst the players in the raid right ?


And yes i have strong crit bulid.http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/burning-legion/Megamind/simple

Well no, it depends on the situation,

If there's light damage going out then you're fine with just atonement healing.

During heavy damage, you should be doing anything from blanketing the raid with PW:S or SS before they are hit with a lot of damage, to using PoM,PoH, and a 90 talent when there is constant raid damage. 


To play disc effectively you got to be able to use the entire healing kit that disc has, granted you can be an 'ok' healer just by using atonement but that is only going to take you so far. Same with if you used every heal but atonement.


Knowing the fights helps quite a bit also, because knowing when the tanks are going to get hit hard and/or when the raid is, allows for you be able to pre-shield people. It also will with cool down management.


But again with out logs to see what exactly you are or are not doing makes it hard for "us" to know where it is you are having issues in your healing.

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The trick to Malkorok is Prayer of Healing spammage. 


  • Cast Holy Fire/Smite just to build Evangelism so you can use Archangel on cool-down.
  • Use Penance to maintain Grace on the Tanks
  • PW:S the active Tank and people that mess up and get low on health. 
  • Cast Halo from the center of the room.


Otherwise, just alternate PoH on each group, ideally on Tanks/Melee so groups are in range. People take constant damage, so PoH will maintain their Barriers. 


During Blood Rage, just use PW:Barrier and Spirit Shell/PoH spam. Bonus points for keeping your Prayer of Mending bouncing around smile.png 

Edited by Stasis
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^ what stasis said.  You really shouldn't be relying on attonement healing here, just like on heroic Tortos the attonement heals go from smart heals to super-stupid heals.  Use PoH and Greater Heal a lot.  Make sure your raid frame addon can display the green/yellow/red shield debuff; if it CAN'T, get rid of it for that fight and use bliz default UI, which does show it. 


Also, I think Omnae doesn't realize this is a thread about Malkorok, not a general discussion about disc priest healing >_>


EDIT: If you have holy offspec, consider using it for this fight.  Malkorok is the only fight I consider holy to be better than disc. 

Edited by Brutalpriest

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Also, I think Omnae doesn't realize this is a thread about Malkorok, not a general discussion about disc priest healing >_>

Read first post before making stupid assumptions, I know this is for Malk, but it seems english isnt OPs first language, so I explained a little more on disc in general on top of the other stuff. 


AND Malk is a constant raid dmg fight therefor, the part were i said to use PoH/90talent is 100% relevant, Along with SS, since all absorbs are used first before the ancient barrier shield.


Depending on group set up, Halo isn't that great for Malk.

  • Melee Heavy = Divine Star
  • Range Heavy = Halo 
  • Full 25m = Cascade (hits everyone)

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Disc is not a terrific spec for Malkorok, spec into holy if you can.


If you can not, the key is to optimise your burst. Atonement is rarely an ideal strategy on this encounter, if at all. The nature of its smart heals make it hit pets a lot of the time, if you don't have an issue keeping people on green shields.


As a disc priest this encounter is usually reduced to spamming penance(for single target weak barriers), Binding Heal(if I soaked), halo(after a blood rage or after a puddle went unsoaked) and otherwise PoH spam.


In blood rage, SS+PoH and barrier helps, but coordinate with your other healers.

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I remember 525, my heals sucked. Now at 543 on malkorok I can do a little over 100k hps sustained which is ok I guess. Bout on par with other disc of same ilevel ive seen do.


Run in mid, halo, back to your spot. Use your wings always.

Make sure you are not running too much spirit. Seem everyone recommends 10.5k mp/5 in combat regen. Im comfortable at 12k. reforging from 15k gave me like 7% more crit and 11% more mastery. (trying for crit heavy but all the gear at that ilevel seems to be mastery)

Your bubbles get hit BEFORE the shields. use on tanks and whatnot.

levitate negates fall damge, use half way down

I smite/pennance heal alot. When I pop wings I have 42% crit and 43%mast, lots of bubbles everywhere

save spirit shell for stack phases. when they come pop wings, shell, Prayer of healing your ass off. Keep PoM on cd during that time.


Really though about 535-538 youre going to see a huge boost to what youre doing now. Right now you job on malkorok is to bubble people so try throughput heals can build shield. Your 2 piece bonus is awesome for that. 10% crit with wings, more uptime then downtime.

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I smite/pennance heal alot. When I pop wings I have 42% crit and 43%mast, lots of bubbles everywhere

save spirit shell for stack phases. when they come pop wings, shell, Prayer of healing your ass off. Keep PoM on cd during that time.

PoM is useless on malk, and a waste of a gcd/mana for rage phase.

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PoM is useless on malk, and a waste of a gcd/mana for rage phase.


1 cast, instant, 10 sec cd. 55-70 k heal each jump and usually 2-3 60-70k bubbles. so 275-350k heals plus lets just say for convience 100k bubble. All that for 10,500 mana cast on self while running in. Sounds pretty good to me. And lets see. Your little sig thing says Disc, 551 but wtf with your crit/mastery? 551 and only 24/26%???




544 28% crit, 33% mastery, 1300 mp5 in combat regen. Unbuffed. Raid buffed it is what I stated above.


But then again you are not disc are you. You are holy/shadow and you have glyphs of smite and holy fire on your holy spec, yet you do have the holy only glyph renew. Ok maybe thats a mistake lets look some more...



HOLY WTF.. YOU HAVE EXPERTISE GEMS, 2 OF EM... AS A CASTER... ARE YOU F'N KIDDING ME! And the gloves you have them in you have had for 16 days so no way is it "threw gems in to get bonus while in run"...




No chant on your bracer, your dps legendary cloak  is reforged spirit... You have had your bracers over  two weeks now... No excuse.


Honestly now, do you have ANY idea what you are doing? You should never, ever, ever be giving advice to anyone ever.

How is it having your guild carry you?

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And no, my shadow spec has NEVER been used. Thats why my glyphs and whatnot are jacked. Only ever been disc, tried holy one time didnt care for it, thought about shadow, blah I dont like straight dps. So yeah, its not an actual shadow build, its just something sitting there.

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1 cast, instant, 10 sec cd. 55-70 k heal each jump and usually 2-3 60-70k bubbles. so 275-350k heals plus lets just say for convience 100k bubble. All that for 10,500 mana cast on self while running in. Sounds pretty good to me. And lets see. Your little sig thing says Disc, 551 but wtf with your crit/mastery? 551 and only 24/26%???

You do realize that because of the ancient barrier shield players hardly EVER get "hit", therefor PoM is utterly useless.

AND I run a int heavy build sacrificing 2-4% crit depending on how you choose to reforge/gem for 3k+ more int than most.



HOLY WTF.. YOU HAVE EXPERTISE GEMS, 2 OF EM... AS A CASTER... ARE YOU F'N KIDDING ME! And the gloves you have them in you have had for 16 days so no way is it "threw gems in to get bonus while in run"...




No chant on your bracer, your dps legendary cloak  is reforged spirit... You have had your bracers over  two weeks now... No excuse.


Honestly now, do you have ANY idea what you are doing? You should never, ever, ever be giving advice to anyone ever.

How is it having your guild carry you?

Why the fuck are you commenting on my shadow gear towards holy shit? are you that much of a retard?


and you due realize some of use choose to play all the specs of our class not just 1 or two, I swap between Disc and Holy for content. Stupid noob, how about thinking some before speaking blatant retardedness.


And it seems you don't understand how to optimize secondary stats as a dps class or you would understand the reasoning people use exp hybrid gems.

Edited by Omnae

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disc on malk is a fail all, if your a true healer go holy and spam. atonement on this fight is trash, if you read the mechanics its all about over healing to get everyone topped off on shields. holy is only good for a few fights in SOO i use if for malk and spoils, its much better in some events. but if you were in my raid and you atonement on this fight i would kick you, then tell you to read up on the mechanics of the fight. POH whole time and dont stop.

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disc on malk is a fail all, if your a true healer go holy and spam. atonement on this fight is trash, if you read the mechanics its all about over healing to get everyone topped off on shields. holy is only good for a few fights in SOO i use if for malk and spoils, its much better in some events. but if you were in my raid and you atonement on this fight i would kick you, then tell you to read up on the mechanics of the fight. POH whole time and dont stop.

Never go full retard. There is nothing wrong with disc on this fight at all, and No if you are a true healer you should understand the fight and know how to still top the charts with your class.

Edited by Omnae

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disc on malk is a fail all, if your a true healer go holy and spam. atonement on this fight is trash, if you read the mechanics its all about over healing to get everyone topped off on shields. holy is only good for a few fights in SOO i use if for malk and spoils, its much better in some events. but if you were in my raid and you atonement on this fight i would kick you, then tell you to read up on the mechanics of the fight. POH whole time and dont stop.


Ok i HAD to do this. I had to register to comment here. Sry, can't be helped.


First of all. Yes, Holy is good. Holy has more Healoutput in some situations. Right.

But well, this fight has one little aspect you should consider.


First of all: If a Holy-Priest crits, his heal will be 200% healingoutput.

If a Disc-Priest crits, he heals for 100% AND creates a shield with about 100% of the amount you healed.


The ancient barrier shields in this fight will cap at your max life points. So basically if you have 650k health, your ancient barrier shield will only have 650k power.

If you crit as holy, your heal will be great to keep those ancient barries up, but nothing more if you reach this cap, while a disc-priest will create an additional shield to the mechanic barrier.

So basically you will have double-shield.


In this small aspect a disc-priest is extremely powerful, because he can create shields where other healers power will only hold the ancient barrier up, but nothing more.

THERE you come in as a disc. Not only you help keeping up those shields you get from the boss-mechanic, you also put additional shields on top, bringing the top amount of possible absorb damage to more than 1.5m at normal players and nearly 2m on tanks (without any cds).


So, back to topic.

I would recommend:  if you are in tank range, use penance on maintank to keep grace up and use PW:S on him and the offtank. try to use smite every now and then to get your archangelbuff.

PoH on CD. Yes you will create massive overheal, but also if you crit you will create those additional shields i mentioned earlier.

PoM only in Blood rage-phase, because as someone already mentioned, if the player doesn't get "hit", your PoM won't jump. If you keep those shields up, the chance to get "hit" is nearly 0.

In Blood Rage also use PW:B, and keep spamming PoH. But spam wise.

Try to talk to the other healers, maybe you can find a good way to group heal (especially recommended in 25-player).

Use SS with pot BEFORE the fight.

Whoever starts pulltimer should give you 8-10 seconds so you can build up SS shields, to have a buffer where you can put up those ancient barrier shields.


If you can afford it to run into the middle, use halo and go back to your position, do it, but remember, halo is nearly useless in Bloodrage.

I would recommend Cascade(you reach in normal phase and bloodrage everyone).

Holy star is like halo, just the other way around. Nearly useless in the normal phase, where you are scattered, but powerful in bloodrage when your raid should stack.


Try to make good use of PW:Solace/Mindbender, so you can keep up your manareg. Also make good use of PW:S and rapture.


Well, in the end i couldn't prevent telling this much.


Good luck in your next fight

Edited by UrielOWA
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