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Reputation Rewards in Battle for Azeroth

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An overview of all reputation rewards in Battle for Azeroth.

Welcome to our overview of all reputation rewards from the Battle for Azeroth factions. Here you will find a comprehensive list of all items available from the new Quartermasters.

Our coverage of Beta Build 26624 includes new Azerite traitsClass ChangesKul Tiran Druid Aquatic FormsFlying in Battle for Azeroththe Brutosaur MountGlory of the Uldir RaiderGlory of the Wartorn HeroEnvironmental Changes & New Earth Elemental Models.

Table of Contents 

Introduction [Return to Top]

  • Battle for Azeroth has two neutral factions (Champions of Azeroth and Tortollan Seekers).
  • There's a total of eight faction-specific reputations (four per faction // Alliance & Horde).
  • Reputation Paragon mounts do not exist in Battle for Azeroth. All mounts are gated behind Exalted reputation standing with the new factions. You can find an overview of all reputation mounts including screenshots here.
  • The initial gearing via factions is very similar to Legion, but in Battle for Azeroth, you will get Azerite gear (Helm, Shoulder, Chest pieces) with special Azerite traits.
    • Items at Honored are of item level 325 (mostly cloaks).
    • Items at Revered are of item level 340.
    • Gear at Exalted is of item level 355.
  • Special contracts allow you to gain reputation with a faction every time you complete a world quest on Kul Tiras and Zandalar (Contract: Tortollan SeekersContract: Tortollan Seekers).

Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder [Return to Top]

In order to complete Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part OneBattle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One, the Alliance must earn Revered with all Kul Tiran factions (Kul Tiras DiplomatKul Tiras Diplomat), whereas the Horde must earn Revered with the four factions of Zandalar (Zandalar DiplomatZandalar Diplomat). More details about how to unlock flying in Battle for Azeroth can be found here.

We highlighted all items that are available from the new Quartermasters and sorted them by faction and/or required reputation standing.

Neutral Factions [Return to Top]

Champions of Azeroth

Name Type Required Standing
Contract: Champions of AzerothContract: Champions of Azeroth Other Friendly
Tortollan Seekers Cloak - PHDrape of the Azerothian Champion Back Honored
Scroll of Combustible CrittersSaurok Hatchling Companion Pets Revered
Queen CobraQueen Cobra Companion Pets Revered
Queen CobraGigan Tarantula Companion Pets Revered
Mechanized GulperMechanized Gulper Companion Pets Revered
Drop of AzeriteDrop of Azerite Companion Pets Revered
Finicky GauntletFinicky Gauntlet Companion Pets Revered
Digitized AssistantDigitized Assistant Companion Pets Revered
Scroll of Combustible CrittersShard of Azerite Companion Pets Revered
Copy Loa-Ruiner's CasqueHelm of the Azerothian Champion Head (Plate) Exalted
Copy Pauldrons of Alchemical TransfusionAzerothian Champion's Spaulders Shoulders (Mail) Exalted
Copy Wrap of Gleaming DeterminationVest of the Azerothian Champion Chest (Leather) Exalted
Copy Secret Spinner's MiterAzerothian Champion's Crown Head (Cloth) Exalted
Mechanized GulperChampions of Azeroth Tabard Tabard Exalted

Tortollan Seekers [Return to Top]

Name Type Required Standing
Contract: Tortollan SeekersContract: Tortollan Seekers Other Friendly
Recipe: Bountiful Captain's FeastRecipe: Bountiful Captain's Feast Cooking Recipe Honored
Scroll of Combustible CrittersScroll of Combustible Critters Other Honored
Tortollan Seekers Cloak - PHCape of the Scroll Keepers Back Honored
Recipe: Contract: Champions of AzerothRecipe: Contract: Champions of Azeroth Inscription Technique Honored
Recipe: Contract: Tortollan SeekersRecipe: Contract: Tortollan Seekers Inscription Technique Honored
Recipe: Codex of the Quiet MindRecipe: Codex of the Quiet Mind Inscription Technique Revered
Recipe: Inked Vessel of Robust RegenerationRecipe: Inked Vessel of Robust Regeneration Inscription Technique Revered
Recipe: Inscribed Vessel of MysticismRecipe: Inscribed Vessel of Mysticism Inscription Technique Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Seal of VersatilityFormula: Enchant Ring - Seal of Versatility Enchanting Formula Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Seal of Critical StrikeFormula: Enchant Ring - Seal of Critical Strike Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Seasoned LoinsRecipe: Seasoned Loins Cooking Recipe Revered
Recipe: Grilled CatfishRecipe: Grilled Catfish Cooking Recipe Revered
Recipe: Bountiful Captain's FeastRecipe: Bountiful Captain's Feast Cooking Recipe Revered
Sea-Treated FootwrapsSea-Treated Footwraps Feet (Cloth) Revered
Antiquity Handler's GlovesAntiquity Handler's Gloves Hands (Leather) Revered
Girdle of the Scroll-SagesGirdle of the Scroll-Sages Waist (Mail) Revered
Pattern: Embroidered Deep Sea BagPattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Bag Tailoring Pattern Revered
Recipe: Darkmoon Card of WarRecipe: Darkmoon Card of War Inscription Technique Revered
Recipe: Tome of the Quiet MindRecipe: Tome of the Quiet Mind Inscription Technique Revered
Recipe: Galley BanquetRecipe: Galley Banquet Cooking Recipe Revered
Recipe: Siren's Alchemist StoneRecipe: Siren's Alchemist Stone Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Endless Tincture of Renewed CombatRecipe: Endless Tincture of Renewed Combat Alchemy Recipe Revered
Technique: Glyph of the DolphinTechnique: Glyph of the Dolphin Inscription Technique Revered
Cou'paCou'pa Companion Pets Revered
Copy Concealed Fencing PlatesVambraces of a Thousand Year Toil Wrists (Plate) Revered
Copy Blacktooth Chainmail BritchesLegguards of Ai'twen's Resurgence Legs (Mail) Exalted
Copy Irontide Captain's BeltShellbuckle Girdle Waist (Plate) Exalted
Supple Moccasins of PilgrimageSupple Moccasins of Pilgrimage Feet (Leather) Exalted
Copy Silk Cuffs of the Skycap'nWristwraps of Scrollbinding Wrists (Cloth) Exalted
Tabard of the Tortollan SeekersTabard of the Tortollan Seekers Tabard Exalted

Alliance Factions [Return to Top]

7th Legion (Alliance) 

An elite special force delegation of the Alliance army, currently focused on disrupting Horde operations in Zandalar.

Name Type Required Standing
Alliance War Effort - PH7th Legionnaire's Cloak Back Honored
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Synthetic SpecsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Synthetic Specs Engineering Schematic Honored
Schematic: Finely-Tuned Stormsteel DestroyerSchematic: Finely-Tuned Stormsteel Destroyer Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Stormsteel DaggerRecipe: Stormsteel Dagger Blacksmithing Plan Revered
Recipe: Flask of the CurrentsRecipe: Flask of the Currents Alchemy Recipe Revered
Design: Amberblaze LoopDesign: Amberblaze Loop Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Synthetic SpecsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Synthetic Specs Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Stormsteel SpearRecipe: Stormsteel Spear Blacksmithing Plan Revered
Recipe: Endless Tincture of Fractional PowerRecipe: Endless Tincture of Fractional Power Alchemy Recipe Revered
Copy Embellished Ritual SabatonsRoyal Knight's Sabaton Feet (Plate) Revered
Recipe: Battle Potion of StrengthRecipe: Battle Potion of Strength Alchemy Recipe Revered
Schematic: Precision Attitude AdjusterSchematic: Precision Attitude Adjuster Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Drustvari Sorcerous ScepterRecipe: Enchanter's Sorcerous Scepter Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Neptulon's BarrierRecipe: Stormsteel Shield Blacksmithing Plan Revered
Recipe: Steelskin ElixirRecipe: Steelskin Potion Alchemy Recipe Revered
Legguards of the Storm BattalionLegguards of the Storm Battalion Legs (Mail) Revered
Warmage's Flame-Brimming WristcordsWarmage's Flame-Brimming Wristcords Wrists (Cloth) Revered
Recipe: Stormsteel SaberRecipe: Stormsteel Saber Blacksmithing Plan Revered
Schematic: Monelite Scope of AlacritySchematic: Monelite Scope of Alacrity Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Critical StrikeFormula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Critical Strike Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Surging Alchemist StoneRecipe: Surging Alchemist Stone Alchemy Recipe Revered
Copy Spymaster's WaistcordBelt of the Grove Auxiliary Waist (Leather) Revered
Tabard of the 7th LegionTabard of the 7th Legion Tabard Exalted
Copy Sharkwater WadersElite Footman's Legplates Legs (Plate) Exalted
Copy Sharkhide GripsGloves of the Forward Skirmisher Hands (Leather) Exalted
Copy Shimmy-Dampening BracersBracers of the Allied Earthbinders Wrists (Mail) Exalted
Medical Corps SlippersMedical Corps Slippers Feet (Cloth) Exalted

Order of Embers (Alliance) [Return to Top]

An ancient Kul Tiran order resurrected to battle the threat of witchcraft, the Order of Embers fights with knowledge guiding their blades.

Name Type Required Standing
Contract: Order of EmbersContract: Order of Embers Other Friendly
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Orthogonal OpticsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Orthogonal Optics Engineering Schematic Honored
Order of Embers Cloak - PHWitch Hunter's Cape Back Honored
Ghostly Pet BiscuitGhostly Pet Biscuit Other Honored
Recipe: Contract: Order of EmbersRecipe: Contract: Order of Embers Inscription Technique Honored
Schematic: Frost-Laced AmmunitionSchematic: Frost-Laced Ammunition Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Coastal Rejuvenation PotionRecipe: Coastal Rejuvenation Potion Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Battle Potion of AgilityRecipe: Battle Potion of Agility Alchemy Recipe Revered
Pattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of DiscretionPattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of Discretion Tailoring Pattern Revered
Copy Goldknuckle GauntletsGrips of the Oathsworn Hands (Mail) Revered
Weary Spirit BindingWeary Spirit Binding Other Revered
Pattern: Deep Sea BagPattern: Deep Sea Bag Tailoring Pattern Revered
Schematic: Catchroot Seed SpreaderSchematic: Catchroot Seed Spreader Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Versatile NavigationFormula: Enchant Weapon - Versatile Navigation Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Flask of the UndertowRecipe: Flask of the Undertow Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Recurve Bow of the StrandsRecipe: Recurve Bow of the Strands Leatherworking Pattern Revered
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Orthogonal OpticsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Orthogonal Optics Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Gale-Force StrikingFormula: Enchant Weapon - Gale-Force Striking Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Elixir of Rising WavesRecipe: Potion of Rising Death Alchemy Recipe Revered
Copy Power-Assisted VicegripsGauntlets of Renewed Resolution Hands (Plate) Revered
Copy Loyal Vassal's FootpadsFootpads of the Deft Exorcist Feet (Leather) Revered
Pristine Falcon FeatherPristine Falcon Feather Companion Pets Revered
Tome of Hex: Wicker MongrelTome of Hex: Wicker Mongrel Book Revered
Design: Royal Quartz LoopDesign: Royal Quartz Loop Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Copy Brocade Silk DrawersLeggings of Devout Opposition Legs (Cloth) Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Pact of VersatilityFormula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Versatility Enchanting Formula Revered
Reins of the Waycrest Smoky Black ChargerReins of the Waycrest Smoky Black Charger Mount Exalted
Copy Ornate Filigree ChainCoven Buster's Waistguard Waist (Mail) Exalted
Copy Silverleaf SabatonsHexxed-Land Treads Feet (Plate) Exalted
Copy Silver-Trimmed BreechesWoven Thornspeaker's Leggings Legs (Leather) Exalted
Tabard of the Order of EmbersOrder of Embers Tabard Tabard Exalted
Copy Greasy Bacon-GrabbersEternal Flamekeeper's Handwraps Hands (Cloth) Exalted
Reins of the Dusky Waycrest GryphonReins of the Dusky Waycrest Gryphon Mount Exalted

Proudmoore Admiralty (Alliance) [Return to Top]

Masters of the sea and commanders of Azeroth's finest navy, the distinguished Proudmoore family has led Kul Tiras for decades from their seat of power in Boralus.

Name Type Required Standing
Contract: Proudmoore AdmiraltyContract: Proudmoore Admiralty Other Friendly
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic BifocalsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic Bifocals Engineering Schematic Honored
Gnoll Targetting BarrelGnoll Targetting Barrel Explosives and Devices Honored
Recipe: Contract: Proudmoore AdmiraltyRecipe: Contract: Proudmoore Admiralty Inscription Technique Honored
Proudmoore Admiralty Cloak - PHNavy Blue Boat Cloak Back Honored
Pattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of the FeatherPattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of the Feather Tailoring Pattern Revered
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic BifocalsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic Bifocals Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Pact of MasteryFormula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Mastery Enchanting Formula Revered
Admiralty Marine's DuffelAdmiralty Marine's Duffel Bag Revered
Copy Legplates of Beaten GoldProudmoore Marine's Legplates Legs (Plate) Revered
Master-At-Arms WristguardsMaster-At-Arms Wristguards Wrists (Leather) Revered
Cursed SpyglassCursed Spyglass Other Revered
Design: Tidal Amethyst LoopDesign: Tidal Amethyst Loop Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: Charged Refrigeration ProjectileSchematic: Charged Refrigeration Projectile Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - SiphoningFormula: Enchant Weapon - Siphoning Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Elixir of Noxious TouchRecipe: Potion of Bursting Blood Alchemy Recipe Revered
Sailing Master's SashSailing Master's Sash Waist (Cloth) Revered
Recipe: Mistscale KnucklesRecipe: Mistscale Knuckles Leatherworking Pattern Revered
Schematic: Fro-Grow GrenadeSchematic: Fro-Grow Grenade Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Masterful NavigationFormula: Enchant Weapon - Masterful Navigation Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Flask of the Vast HorizonRecipe: Flask of the Vast Horizon Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Battle Potion of IntellectRecipe: Battle Potion of Intellect Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Hardened Tempest KnucklesRecipe: Hardened Tempest Knuckles Leatherworking Pattern Revered
Schematic: Neurological Immobilization BombSchematic: Neurological Immobilization Bomb Engineering Schematic Revered
Copy Souldrifting SabatonsYardarm Sharpshooter's Boots Feet (Mail) Revered
Recipe: Coastal Mana PotionRecipe: Coastal Mana Potion Alchemy Recipe Revered
Reins of the Pearl Admiralty StallionReins of the Pearl Admiralty Stallion Mount Exalted
Copy Rowdy Reveler's LegwrapsMaritime Spellweaver's Leggings Legs (Cloth) Exalted
Reins of the Proodmoore Sea ScoutReins of the Proodmoore Sea Scout Mount Exalted
Cordage Sliding GripsCordage Sliding Grips Hands (Mail) Exalted
Boarding Action VambracesBoarding Action Vambraces Wrists (Plate) Exalted
First Lieutenant's Ceremonial BeltFirst Lieutenant's Ceremonial Belt Waist (Leather) Exalted
Proudmoore Admiralty TabardProudmoore Admiralty Tabard Tabard Exalted

Storm's Wake (Alliance) [Return to Top]

Home to farmers, craftsmen, soldiers, and the mysterious tidesages, the Storm's Wake seeks to reclaim Stormsong Valley and affirm their place in Kul Tiras.

Name Type Required Standing
Contract: Storm's WakeContract: Storm's Wake Other Friendly
Recipe: Contract: Storm's WakeRecipe: Contract: Storm's Wake Inscription Technique Honored
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun GogglesSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun Goggles Engineering Schematic Honored
Copy Greasy Bacon-GrabbersCape of the Divine Depths Back Honored
Copy Handwraps of Jagged IncisionsHandwraps of Deep Faith Hands (Cloth) Revered
Copy Shambling Berserker's LeggingsSeabinder's Leggings Legs (Leather) Revered
Bindings of the SeacallersBindings of the Seacallers Wrists (Mail) Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Deadly NavigationFormula: Enchant Weapon - Deadly Navigation Enchanting Formula Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Stalwart NavigationFormula: Enchant Weapon - Stalwart Navigation Enchanting Formula Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Pact of HasteFormula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Haste Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Coastal Healing PotionRecipe: Coastal Healing Potion Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Flask of Endless FathomsRecipe: Flask of Endless Fathoms Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Elixir of ReplenishmentRecipe: Potion of Replenishment Alchemy Recipe Revered
Pair of Bee WingsPair of Bee Wings Companion Pets Revered
Recipe: Battle Potion of StaminaRecipe: Battle Potion of Stamina Alchemy Recipe Revered
Tome of Polymorph: BumblebeeTome of Polymorph: Bumblebee Book Revered
Pattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of ResiliencePattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of Resilience Tailoring Pattern Revered
Design: Scarlet Diamond Staff of IntuitionDesign: Scarlet Diamond Staff of Intuition Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Design: Laribole Staff of AlacrityDesign: Laribole Staff of Alacrity Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Design: Owlseye LoopDesign: Owlseye Loop Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: Deployable Attire RearrangerSchematic: Deployable Attire Rearranger Engineering Schematic Revered
Schematic: Interdemensional Companion RepositorySchematic: Interdemensional Companion Repository Engineering Schematic Revered
Schematic: Organic Discombobulation GrenadeSchematic: Organic Discombobulation Grenade Engineering Schematic Revered
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun GogglesSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun Goggles Engineering Schematic Revered
Keelbreak GirdleKeelbreak Girdle Waist (Plate) Revered
Copy Sharktooth-Knuckled GripsTidecrest Gauntlets Hands (Plate) Exalted
Stormbreaker GaloshesStormbreaker Galoshes Feet (Mail) Exalted
Reins of the Storm's Wake Dapple GrayReins of the Storm's Wake Dapple Gray Mount Exalted
Reins of the Stormsong CoastwatcherReins of the Stormsong Coastwatcher Mount Exalted
Kelp-Encrusted BindingsKelp-Encrusted Bindings Wrists (Leather) Exalted
Sea Priest's WaistcordSea Priest's Waistcord Waist (Cloth) Exalted
Copy Greasy Bacon-GrabbersStorm's Wake Tabard Tabard Exalted

Horde Factions [Return to Top]

Talanji's Expedition 

Princess Talanji and her allies fight to protect Zandalar from the onslaught of the Blood Trolls.

Name Type Required Standing
Contract: Talanji's ExpeditionContract: Talanji's Expedition Other Friendly
Talanji's Expedition Cloak - PHDrape of the Blood Purge Back Honored
Recipe: Contract: Talanji's ExpeditionRecipe: Contract: Talanji's Expedition Inscription Technique Honored
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic BifocalsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic Bifocals Engineering Schematic Honored
Recipe: Hardened Tempest KnucklesRecipe: Hardened Tempest Knuckles Leatherworking Pattern Revered
Schematic: Neurological Immobilization BombSchematic: Neurological Immobilization Bomb Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Coastal Mana PotionRecipe: Coastal Mana Potion Alchemy Recipe Revered
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic BifocalsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Bionic Bifocals Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Pact of MasteryFormula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Mastery Enchanting Formula Revered
Pattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of the FeatherPattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of the Feather Tailoring Pattern Revered
Sea Priest's WaistcordGrips of the Swamp Hunter Hands (Mail) Revered
Tragg the CuriousTragg the Curious Companion Pets Revered
Recipe: Mistscale KnucklesRecipe: Mistscale Knuckles Leatherworking Pattern Revered
Schematic: Fro-Grow GrenadeSchematic: Fro-Grow Grenade Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Masterful NavigationFormula: Enchant Weapon - Masterful Navigation Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Flask of the Vast HorizonRecipe: Flask of the Vast Horizon Alchemy Recipe Revered
Gloomplate GauntletsGloomplate Gauntlets Hands (Plate) Revered
Swampstalker FootpadsSwampstalker Footpads Feet (Leather) Revered
Copy Brocade Silk DrawersSwamp Medic's Leggings Legs (Cloth) Revered
Recipe: Battle Potion of IntellectRecipe: Battle Potion of Intellect Alchemy Recipe Revered
Design: Tidal Amethyst LoopDesign: Tidal Amethyst Loop Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: Charged Refrigeration ProjectileSchematic: Charged Refrigeration Projectile Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - SiphoningFormula: Enchant Weapon - Siphoning Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Potion of Bursting BloodRecipe: Potion of Bursting Blood Alchemy Recipe Revered
Copy Brocade Silk DrawersTorga Scale Girdle Waist (Mail) Exalted
Copy Greasy Bacon-GrabbersZo'bal Spirit Gloves Hands (Cloth) Exalted
Reins of the Expedition BloodswarmerReins of the Expedition Bloodswarmer Mount Exalted
Zul'jan Camp StalkersZul'jan Camp Stalkers Feet (Plate) Exalted
Hir'eek Hide LeggingsHir'eek Hide Leggings Legs (Leather) Exalted
Talanji's Expedition Cloak - PHTalanji's Expedition Tabard Tabard Exalted

The Honorbound [Return to Top]

A special delegation of the Horde army, focused on disrupting Alliance operations in Kul Tiras.

Name Type Required Standing
Horde War Effort - PHDrape of the Horde's Fury Back Honored
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Synthetic SpecsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Synthetic Specs Engineering Schematic Honored
Schematic: Finely-Tuned Stormsteel DestroyerSchematic: Finely-Tuned Stormsteel Destroyer Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Stormsteel DaggerRecipe: Stormsteel Dagger Blacksmithing Plan Revered
Recipe: Flask of the CurrentsRecipe: Flask of the Currents Alchemy Recipe Revered
Design: Amberblaze LoopDesign: Amberblaze Loop Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Synthetic SpecsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Synthetic Specs Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Stormsteel SpearRecipe: Stormsteel Spear Blacksmithing Plan Revered
Recipe: Endless Tincture of Fractional PowerRecipe: Endless Tincture of Fractional Power Alchemy Recipe Revered
Copy Embellished Ritual SabatonsSabatons of the Renewed Warpath Feet (Plate) Revered
Recipe: Battle Potion of StrengthRecipe: Battle Potion of Strength Alchemy Recipe Revered
Schematic: Precision Attitude AdjusterSchematic: Precision Attitude Adjuster Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Enchanter's Sorcerous ScepterRecipe: Enchanter's Sorcerous Scepter Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Stormsteel ShieldRecipe: Stormsteel Shield Blacksmithing Plan Revered
Recipe: Steelskin PotionRecipe: Steelskin Potion Alchemy Recipe Revered
Copy Embellished Ritual SabatonsGoblin Sapper's Legguards Legs (Mail) Revered
Wristwraps of the Dutiful ApothecaryWristwraps of the Dutiful Apothecary Wrists (Cloth) Revered
Recipe: Stormsteel SaberRecipe: Stormsteel Saber Blacksmithing Plan Revered
Schematic: Monelite Scope of AlacritySchematic: Monelite Scope of Alacrity Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Critical StrikeFormula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Critical Strike Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Surging Alchemist StoneRecipe: Surging Alchemist Stone Alchemy Recipe Revered
Silent Stalker BeltSilent Stalker Belt Waist (Leather) Revered
Copy Greasy Bacon-GrabbersTabard of the Honorbound Tabard Exalted
Copy Sharkwater WadersLustful Warbringer's Legplates Legs (Plate) Exalted
Copy Sharkhide GripsTranquil Health Weavers Hands (Leather) Exalted
Copy Sharkhide GripsBindings of the Elemental Allies Wrists (Mail) Exalted
Witch Doctor's SlippersWitch Doctor's Slippers Feet (Cloth) Exalted

Voldunai [Return to Top]

Comprised of exiles and scavengers, the Voldunai use their knowledge of the sands to thrive where others would wither and die.

Name Type Required Standing
Contract: VoldunaiContract: Voldunai Other Friendly
Vulpera Battle BannerVulpera Battle Banner Other Honored
Recipe: Contract: VoldunaiRecipe: Contract: Voldunai Inscription Technique Honored
Akunda's FiresticksAkunda's Firesticks Other Honored
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Orthogonal OpticsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Orthogonal Optics Engineering Schematic Honored
Akunda's FiresticksDune Shield Back Honored
Desert FluteDesert Flute Other Honored
Copy Handwraps of Jagged IncisionsAlpaca Wool Gloves Hands (Cloth) Revered
Copy Shambling Berserker's LeggingsSilent Scavenger Leggnings Legs (Leather) Revered
Copy Shambling Berserker's LeggingsBracers of Zem'lan Wrists (Mail) Revered
Schematic: Frost-Laced AmmunitionSchematic: Frost-Laced Ammunition Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Versatile NavigationFormula: Enchant Weapon - Versatile Navigation Enchanting Formula Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Gale-Force StrikingFormula: Enchant Weapon - Gale-Force Striking Enchanting Formula Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Pact of VersatilityFormula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Versatility Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Coastal Rejuvenation PotionRecipe: Coastal Rejuvenation Potion Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Flask of the UndertowRecipe: Flask of the Undertow Alchemy Recipe Revered
Recipe: Potion of Rising DeathRecipe: Potion of Rising Death Alchemy Recipe Revered
Pack of Many PocketsPack of Many Pockets Bag Revered
Pattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of DiscretionPattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of Discretion Tailoring Pattern Revered
Pattern: Deep Sea BagPattern: Deep Sea Bag Tailoring Pattern Revered
Recipe: Recurve Bow of the StrandsRecipe: Recurve Bow of the Strands Leatherworking Pattern Revered
Design: Royal Quartz LoopDesign: Royal Quartz Loop Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: Catchroot Seed SpreaderSchematic: Catchroot Seed Spreader Engineering Schematic Revered
Schematic: Thermo-Accelerated Plague SpreaderSchematic: Thermo-Accelerated Plague Spreader Engineering Schematic Revered
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Orthogonal OpticsSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Orthogonal Optics Engineering Schematic Revered
Vulpera Scrapper's ArmorVulpera Scrapper's Armor Other Revered
Recipe: Battle Potion of AgilityRecipe: Battle Potion of Agility Alchemy Recipe Revered
Ghostly Explorer's SkullGhostly Explorer's Skull Other Revered
Copy Girdle of the Everlasting GuardianGirdle of Scavenged Plates Waist (Plate) Revered
Copy Sharktooth-Knuckled GripsGauntlets of the Scorched Sands Hands (Plate) Exalted
Copy Sharktooth-Knuckled GripsAkunda's Grounding Boots Feet (Mail) Exalted
Reins of the Alabaster HyenaReins of the Alabaster Hyena Mount Exalted
Kimbul's Cuffs of RedemptionKimbul's Cuffs of Redemption Wrists (Leather) Exalted
Copy Excavator's Safety BeltSash of the Scaled Devoted Waist (Cloth) Exalted
Vulpera Scrapper's ArmorTabard of the Voldunai Tabard Exalted

Zandalari Empire [Return to Top]

The oldest empire of Azeroth, the Zandalari are powerful trolls who bargain with fearsome loa and whose navy is unmatched on the Great Sea.

Name Type Required Standing
Contract: Zandalari EmpireContract: Zandalari Empire Other Friendly
Recipe: Contract: Zandalari EmpireRecipe: Contract: Zandalari Empire Inscription Technique Honored
Vulpera Scrapper's ArmorDinomancer's Cloak Back Honored
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun GogglesSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun Goggles Engineering Schematic Honored
Copy Sailcloth WaistbandCord of the Loa Worshippers Waist (Cloth) Revered
Design: Scarlet Diamond Staff of IntuitionDesign: Scarlet Diamond Staff of Intuition Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: Deployable Attire RearrangerSchematic: Deployable Attire Rearranger Engineering Schematic Revered
Recipe: Coastal Healing PotionRecipe: Coastal Healing Potion Alchemy Recipe Revered
Tome of Hex: Zandalari TendonripperTome of Hex: Zandalari Tendonripper Book Revered
Recipe: Battle Potion of StaminaRecipe: Battle Potion of Stamina Alchemy Recipe Revered
Design: Laribole Staff of AlacrityDesign: Laribole Staff of Alacrity Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: Interdimensional Companion RepositorySchematic: Interdimensional Companion Repository Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Deadly NavigationFormula: Enchant Weapon - Deadly Navigation Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Flask of Endless FathomsRecipe: Flask of Endless Fathoms Alchemy Recipe Revered
Grand Fleet LegplatesGrand Fleet Legplates Legs (Plate) Revered
Bindings of the Disparate TribesBindings of the Disparate Tribes Wrists (Leather) Revered
Party TotemParty Totem Other Revered
Design: Owlseye LoopDesign: Owlseye Loop Jewelcrafting Design Revered
Schematic: Organic Discombobulation GrenadeSchematic: Organic Discombobulation Grenade Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Stalwart NavigationFormula: Enchant Weapon - Stalwart Navigation Enchanting Formula Revered
Recipe: Potion of ReplenishmentRecipe: Potion of Replenishment Alchemy Recipe Revered
Schematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun GogglesSchematic: AZ3-R1-T3 Gearspun Goggles Engineering Schematic Revered
Formula: Enchant Ring - Pact of HasteFormula: Enchant Ring - Pact of Haste Enchanting Formula Revered
Tome of Polymorph: DirehornTome of Polymorph: Direhorn Book Revered
Pattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of ResiliencePattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Cloak of Resilience Tailoring Pattern Revered
Bindings of the Disparate TribesGral Worshipper's Waders Feet (Mail) Revered
Shadraspun LegwrapsShadraspun Legwraps Legs (Cloth) Exalted
Reins of the Armored Cobalt PterrordaxReins of the Armored Cobalt Pterrordax Mount Exalted
Reins of the Armored Orange PterrordaxReins of the Armored Orange Pterrordax Mount Exalted
Reins of the Armored Albino PterrordaxReins of the Armored Albino Pterrordax Mount Exalted
Gonk Adherents VambracesGonk Adherents Vambraces Wrists (Plate) Exalted
Waistcord of Pa'ku's FlightWaistcord of Pa'ku's Flight Waist (Leather) Exalted
Tabard of the Zandalari EmpireTabard of the Zandalari Empire Tabard Exalted
Reins of the Armored Ebony PterrordaxReins of the Armored Ebony Pterrordax Mount Exalted
Waistcord of Pa'ku's FlightTorcali's Grips of the Bounty Hands (Mail) Exalted
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Some of those engineering patterns seem pretty cool, portable transmog machine is hella nice. Sheep grenade also very cool.

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    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
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