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(H) <Helix> - Chamber of Aspects

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We are Helix and we want you!

We are a guild of players with experience from all the previous expansions. Our sole intention is to create an environment suited for your personal life as well as your gaming life. 

You may ask how? Well we want to preserve your personal life while still maintaining a relaxed yet focused raiding enviorment where everyone holds their own against everyone else in the team. What does this mean? If you cant't attend due to a personal matter then that's how it has to be, but please keep us notified. We all know that life has it's twists and turns which we need to attend too first before enjoy our relaxing gaming sessions.

Our goals? Is to push as far as we can, but at the sametime keeping a strong bond with players who are there to play the game in all the different ways it has to offer like, M+, raids, achievements and so forth. We would want to see you apply as a focused and committed individual who does not mind to learn through progression, wiping, discussing and laughing which will in the end get us close to achieving our goal as a guild!

Don't be afraid, come and say hi!
If you are unsure about anything, feel free to ask any of our officers or GM and we will reply as soon as we are avalible.

Cxod#21422 - Ingame name (Meeqxe)
Wraaith#2912 Ingame name (Zynthrex)
Yaghal#2501 - Ingame name (Yaghäl)

Battle of Azeroth is just the beginning and we want you! 
Raid Times:
Thursday (19:30 to 22:30 Server Time - GMT+1)
Monday (19:30 to 22:30 Server Time - GMT+1)
Sunday Casual Normal/Heroic Clear (19:30 Server Time - GMT+1)(Non Mandatory)
Think you have what it takes?
Apply Here

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