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Balance using Soul of the Forest in Single Target Fights??

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While perusing Warcraftlogs mythic fights, I noticed that the meta for balance druids has shifted from Incarn with IFE and OI to SotF with Radiant Moonlight and OI. Is the switch gear/stat dependent? Does it change playstyle at all? I also noticed that the this single target meta hasn't transferred to heroic fights yet. Why is that? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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Mythic has very few single target fights. In recent years Blizzard has moved to Mythic versions of the fights having adds and add mechanics that the other difficulties don't have. So it makes sense that they will be using SOTF almost all the time. Also, Oneth's Intuition is likely a factor as practically all Balance Druids that are raiding have this by now.

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