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So, my Tier 1 deck is also a tier 2 & tier 3 deck?

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Because Blizzard is not willing to make their statistics public for some reasons there can't be totally accurate data as well as different sources showing meta tier list varying but how it comes that they are showing so damn different lists? Just curious ^^

The following lists are all updated June 2018:




Disguised Toast:







Edited by Caldyrvan

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I suggest to use Vicious Syndicate as tier list, because they use a better list with both power and frequency, while other site can use one or the other or both for a single list. A deck should be high tier because is powerfull (aka: has good winrate) or because is popular (is widely played)? VS has both in a clear way.


However, I don't use a lot this list. I prefer a site like icy-veins where they, you know, explain you how to play the deck you like, instead of telling you what to play....

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I just occasionally look at such list out of curiosity  and since I am barely playing ranked but more off meta decks I appreciate Icy Veins style much more ?

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I never use decks directly from the meta lists. I usually change at least 2 or 3 things, maybe more when I start playing it.

Yeah, it may reduce the winrate in some specific situations, but it gives you a competitive edge, because people don't expect these changest at all.

As long as you don't break the core synergy of the deck (like removing giants from a giant deck), to me it's always better to make your own changes.

I started making my own changes when I was new, because I didn't have all the cards I need, but now it's just a normal thing to do for me.

Edited by ionix
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I always like tempo storm.  Win rates are inherently unreliable for a lot of reasons.  One is how the data is collected, no api, two some decks don't have statistically significant sample sizes, three how strong a deck is depends a lot on the pilot, decks with lower win rates aren't necessarily bad, just difficult, so win rate driven analysis can be misleading.  On the other hand you could make a similar argument that what pro players think about decks matters less to us plebs who are no where near as good.

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On 6/7/2018 at 4:30 PM, VaraTreledees said:

 On the other hand you could make a similar argument that what pro players think about decks matters less to us plebs who are no where near as good.

I actually think it's better to play a deck that you can play well, rather than a deck that a top 100 player can play well.

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On 6/13/2018 at 3:02 PM, ionix said:

I actually think it's better to play a deck that you can play well, rather than a deck that a top 100 player can play well.

Or even it's better to play a deck you enjoy as its one and only criteria.  I play some decks with that are not powerhouses, almost none of them meta, but they entertain me and that's all that matters.  And by playing oddball decks your opponent is never prepared for what cards you're going to play.  Pretty sure my Jaraxxus Warlock deck throws everyone for a loop and it's just so satisfying beating a super powered deck with it.

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