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Are monk rares difficult for any one else?

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The rares across pandaria are fun for some people, and just something unexplored to others. A family member of mine said he didn't like pandaria's rares because he fought one and got demolished(we are both hunters.) I knew these rares pretty well, so I asked which one. Unsurprisingly, it was a monk. I have fought most of the rares in pandaria and won almost effortlessly every time, except the monks. When you get to close, they use the spinning crane kick and kill my pet and I back up to continue dps. I get too far and get attacked with their powerful chi burst. Deal too much damage and they use healing mists, I interrupt, they spinning crane kick, I revive my pet as they start to use healing mists,I interrupt, they spinning crane kick just as my pet is revived, and then they heal them selves as I watch because my interrupts are on cooldown. They are immune to my freezing trap and wyvern sting, it's no use trying to dps him down because I'm reviving/ interrupting the entire encounter. Then another hunter problem: no reliable source of healing for this type of fight. Do I need a group just to fight monks? Should it be this difficult or is it something in my rotation/tactics? Feign death will reset the encounter, monks are immune to most of my cc, no healing, no tank that doesn't die as soon as the monk uses his abilities... Are there any hunters having it worse or easier? Please reply when you can.

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First off, double post. Second, while leveling my hunter, yeah, the pandarean rares gave me a bit of trouble. Never stand too close to an enemy, as you might be in range for an AoE ability (usually denoted by a graphic on the ground ie. frontal cone or circle). It'd be nice to know what talents you have, as some of them are really useful in getting a bit damage output, as well as what spec you are. MM hunters have chimera shot that heals 3% (5% if glyphed) of your health. BM have beastial wrath that prevents your pet from dying if glyphed. Survival doesn't have something that heals them, other than spirit bond or exhilaration talents. Talent wise, spirit bond or iron hawk should be your level 45 talent, depending on if you want passive healing or damage reduction, do note however, that the damage reduction of iron hawk only applies to you, while the healing of spirit bond is both you and your pet. For the level 60 talents, dire beast is a great dps bonus, and also gives back a bit of focus, though not as much as fervor. IMO, Thrill of the hunt is good for multi target fights, but a bit lack luster of single target fights, and shouldn't be taken unless you fighting someone like the dark shamans, where the -20 focus to multi shot allows Sv to get a massive amount of damage for little focus. Hmm, back to the rare spawns, hmm......... Stay away from the pandas? I couldn't beat any of them until I was a level of two above them.

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Gets easier with gear and if you have spec with 15 seconds of massive burst it's easy enough to only need maybe one interrupt.

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I also had trouble with them while lvling, haven't tryed them on my hunter but I remember having a lot of trouble with my lock, I had to actually take grimoire of sacrifice (since my pet was going to die anyway) and used it on a felhunter to get the interrupt.


The strategy was to simply stand in melee while dpsing and watch for spinnig crane kick, when that comes you need to run away, I had my gateway and portal to get out quickly, remember that while the monk is channeling spinning crane kick he/she can't cast chi burst so its safe to be far away, just remember you have to get close again after that.


As for the self heal, simply interrupt it, watch out because what I found is that I had to actually interrupt and not stun or other kind of CC or he/she will just use the healing thing again right after the stun.


Before deciding to sacrifice my demon I found that if you make macros to move your pet you can just stand away and move your pet when spinning crane kick is going on to avoid losing it, I think this can work for a hunter since the interrupt is not tied to your pet as for the warlock (this strat works well to keep the voidwalker alife and tanking the monk but wouldnt have the interrupt given by the felhunter).

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Thanks for all the answers guys, I'm sure other people found it just as helpful as I did. As for me, I am a ilvl 509 BM/SV hunter. My talents are:

Narrow escape

Wyvern sting

Spirit bond

Thrill of the hunt(SV) dire beast(BM)

Blink strikes

Power shot/glaives(I switch between all three)

I'm not sure that there is much more for me to say,other than I need to flip some if the things I do, like scatter shot SC kick/counter shot healing mists.

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if your dps is low and you can only get one interrupt, auto attack when combat starts and after the first time they try to spin, they will try to heal. let them get that first heal off then give them all you have. use all your burst and tricks and interrupt the next heal. this way you will have the largest window to kill them. if they get to another heal after that, you just dont have the dps to solo them.

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Well, I would also point out that for me in lower level gear on my Hunter, making use of the pet controls is the key to getting them killed. The second you see them casting Spinning Crane Kick, recall your pet and hit them with a Concussive Shot (and do what all good Hunters do - Disenage and Kite wink.png ). After that, let your pet loose and cast a Mend Pet on him and then Interupt the Monk's heal. Then go wild on him and pop every damage CD you have (basically what Kitsu recommended above).


BM Talents I recommend for the Monks:


Spirit Bond

Dire Beast

A Murder of Crows

Glave Toss


BM Glyphs I recommend:


Endless Wrath (this one, if timed right, will let you cheese the Spinning Crane Kick AoE and allow you to heal your pet up after it completes)

Animal Bond



Consumables to use:


Flask: Flask of Spring Blossoms

Potion: Virmen's Bite (pop this right after you Interupt his first heal - maybe even "/use" macro it into a hard hitting shot temporarily)

Food: Sea Mist Rice Noodles or Seasoned Pomfruit Slices (+300 Agility)


Also, make sure you have the best Enchant to your weapon too: Lord Blastington's Scope of Doom. All of this should allow you to kill him. If it's still an issue and you've done everything correctly but he's still not dying, then it really is a gearing issue.


Edit: One other thing I'd recommend. Have your Core Hound out and cast "Ancient Hysteria" - immediately dismiss him and pull out your tanking pet and start the fight. biggrin.png

Edited by f0nZi3

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