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knight85, in General Discussion
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By PixieKnight
I've been trying my hardest to climb in Ranked. I started the season at Gold 2, and have now fallen to Gold 4 from losing streaks. How half my games go these days. 1. I call Support 2. I play nearly perfectly 3. We lose, with me having DOUBLE the healing of the enemy healer, sometimes doubling an enemy double support as a solo support (not an exaggeration), and no deaths, with healing percent around 50%. And yet my teammates are comical. Once we lose a fight, they do things like hang around alone against the entire enemy team, push alone, blame teammates, and generally be useless. Nor do I cause the frustration, I'm nearly always polite and helpful (encouraging teammates, making strats, etc.). Yet I keep losing. Do I need to do TRIPLE the enemy healer to win, or am I just cursed? Perhaps someone from IcyVeins could spectate a match of mine and tell me what, if anything, is wrong with my play. I know that's a big favour, but I'd appreciate it. I can upload replays if someone tells me how.
By positiv2
I bought WoW recently, and I have fallen in love with collecting pets and battling with them. However, I feel like my set up is fairly weak, as I have no idea which pets to use (currently using Graves, Adder and Darkmoon Glowfly). As a new WoW player, I do not know how outdated Zagam's thread is - it could be perfectly fine, but also could be virtually useless.
Sadly, as a new player, I do not have much gold nor levels to be able to buy expensive pets from AH or to try to get one from a high-levelled dungeon or raid. I can grind it over time, but I would like to have a temporary team that would be acceptable.
So, which pets should I get now, having level 42, and which pets should I aim for?
Also, is the aforementioned thread still relevant?
By Valkyr
Hi guys. I got this idea from a thread on reddit talking about how players "share" the challenge a friend quest to double the gold earning by finding players on discord who have the same quest and playing against them so both players get 160g. My innitial thought was how to filter out people who may pretend to have the same quest to get the 80g, without the actual quest owner getting an extra 80g in return. I don't know if there are people like that out there, but I feel icy-veins being a more closely knit community, would inherently keep such people at bay. We can have a thread for each region and people can edit their posts once they have found someone and completed the quest.
I thought this would be a nice way for people who don't have rl friends playing the game to find new friends to share gold with. Plus it doubles the gold you earn from that particular quest. I think many people would be interested in getting max gold before Un'goro hits. I don't know if icy-veins policy allows for this or not so I thought I'd ask what you guys thought about this?
By Archimage
This Guide is no longer valid
(Only valid during Warlords of Dreanor. Before Patch 7.0.3)
So I've been watching some Youtube videos (MetaGoblin) and found several videos regarding how to make gold using your garrison in WoD and Legion, spending about 5 minutes each day per character for about 1000g per day per char.
Section 1: Garrison Setup:
Large Plot:
Barracks Level 3 (Simply for the +5 Follower Perk)
Medium Plot:
Trading Post Level 1
Lunarfall Inn / Frostwolf Tavern Level 3
Small Plots:
Gem Boutique Level 2 (Assign Follower)
Scribe's Quarters Level 2 (Assign Follower)
Salvage Yard Level 3 (Pre-Legion)
Alchemy Lab Level 2 (Can replace the Salvage Yard)
Pet Menagerie Level 3 (Pet Battle Dailies)
Shipyard Level 3
Section 2: Followers and Missions
Using the above setup, you should have about 23 followers able to do Follower Missions. Ideally you should have followers with the Treasure Hunter trait, which can be recruited weekly from your Inn/Tavern.
The Level 3 Inn/Tavern Perk allows you to do Follower Missions that rewards gold, and with each follower doing the mission with the perk increases these rewards.
There are also some follower missions that reward a Medallion of the Legion, Champion's Honor and Ogre Cache (Resources) that can be sold on Auction House
I suggest you get the addon called Master Plan. This allows you to optimally send followers out on missions.
You can get about 200g per character per day simply doing these follower missions.
Section 3: Shipyard
The shipyard occasionally has missions missions rewarding gold. Simply see the Icy Veins' Garrison Shipyard guide.
Section 4: Trading Post
This will allow you to trade those Garrison Resources (GR) that are automatically generated for materials. The only 2 traders you need to be using are:
Pyxni Pennypocket - Sells Herbs at a 1:4 ratio.
Trader Yula / Elder Surehide - Sells Ores and Furs at a 1:4 ratio.
Section 5: Menagerie
Simply see Peelyon's guide:
These reward 8-10 Pet Charms per character per day. Also in Legion, you will need about 2000 Charms to buy the new pets and toys.
Section 6: Small Buildings
Gem Boutique:
When you assign a follower, you can do a daily quest. These quests can be completed without having the Jewelcrafting profession by using the NPC inside the building.
Rewards a bag containing 180-250g.
Scribe's Quarters:
The follower can craft partial orders every day per character. Once you combine 2 partial orders of the same name it can be vendored for about 75-250g.
Alchemy Lab:
You can craft the Draenic Philosopher's Stone simply to vendor it for 25g
Salvage Yard:
Follower missions reward a chest that contains items which can be vendored or sold on auction house for gold. I suggest you keep all your boxes until the Transmorg/Wardrobe system is available before opening the chests so you have all the transmorgs that they will provide.
By Peelyon
First and foremost a massive thank you to all that watched and also those that engaged in the stream last night. I have received a lot of positive feedback and I hope that you enjoyed the show!
I have created this thread to link the VoDs from the stream and also to allow you guys to post any feedback you may have (good or bad!).
Hopefully as the channel grows so will the number of viewers and the overall content of the stream itself!
The VoD is currently available here for a limited time and I will link the Youtube video of the stream when it has been processed!
Here's to more gold for all of us!