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BFA Sub Rogue

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Hi all!

Wondering if anyone has some suggestions on a competitive dps build as sub rogue? Given the recent nerf to outlaw on the beta realm, I'm looking into alternative specs and builds to crank out that big rogue damage we all know and love! I've been enjoying outlaw, but I'm also just ready for a change - at least for a bit! Let me know if you have suggestions! The new sub tree seems convoluted to me and my limited testing hasn't really showed any drastic increases with any of the combinations I've tried thus far. Thanks!

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  On 6/28/2018 at 4:45 AM, Thebonetrain said:

Hi all!

Wondering if anyone has some suggestions on a competitive dps build as sub rogue? Given the recent nerf to outlaw on the beta realm, I'm looking into alternative specs and builds to crank out that big rogue damage we all know and love! I've been enjoying outlaw, but I'm also just ready for a change - at least for a bit! Let me know if you have suggestions! The new sub tree seems convoluted to me and my limited testing hasn't really showed any drastic increases with any of the combinations I've tried thus far. Thanks!


We're still very far from release, so I wouldn't want to give you any information about numbers or anything like that which could easily end up being wrong after a numbers pass.

Personally I've really enjoyed playing 2120131, I've found I'm able to keep 80% uptime or more on Find Weakness and my damage seems good in the random groups I've played around with. The extra charge on Dance is nice, and especially in dungeons where I'm able to use Shuriken Storm to build it allows me to stay in Dance pretty permanently

Sub as a whole spec feels pretty good though, and I'm confident in playing it regardless of which talents end up being better. Secret Technique sounds awesome, hopefully it actually starts working soon

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