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World of logs marking a fight as an "invalid" kill?

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So i ran a MSV 10H run and made it all the way through, i didn't realize it until a little while ago but my kills on the stone guard (links for both kills marked invalid and the entirety of the log will be below) but my question is why was it marked that way? Was it the speed in which we killed them?, or what? Thank you in advanced for the replies links will be below




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Yesh. If you bypass a mechanic (or along those lines) it marks it invalid. I think its the same if you nuke Horridon before the 4th gate for example.

Edited by Ceraius

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Thank you Cer, I didn't know that would affect it. To the best of my knowledge we didn't bypass a mechanic, we just killed them very fast. 

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I don't know how minor things it takes into account. If you were superfast on Stone Guard you might've missed an overload or smth and that might count. (Just spitballing here. Don't have time atm to look through the logs.) Same thing on Spirit Kings. If it went rly fast there might've been an aability a boss would use after XX seconds and it dies in less than that, it might count as "invalid" kill.

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